The Road To Liberty Is Not One Paved By Passivity. We Will Have To Fight For It!

These lunatics that have stolen our country from us and are running our government still have another 2 years to go. How much worse can things get? I’m afraid we’re going to find out. The “wealthiest and greatest nation” on this planet just had to have baby formula flown in due to incompetence. Perhaps we’ve reached 3rd world status already and just don’t realize it. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling the pain. The pain at the pump. The pain at the grocery store. The pain that my paycheck no longer can do what it used to do. Things are getting tight. People are actually having to make some really tough decisions. It’s getting to the point people can’t even afford to go to work because they can’t afford the fuel to get there. We are not going to survive this by hoping we can vote our way out of this mess. We are not going to survive this by prepping and just waiting for trouble to show up on our doorstep.

Maybe there is no stopping these communist. They are determined to reach their utopia of hell. Us freedom lovers apparently are too busy providing for our families to stand together and do what needs doing. A coup took place in our nation. These communist stole our country from us and now they are bringing the pain. The hate us. They aim to eradicate us. If you think you can just be silent and obedient and they will leave you alone, you best think again. These people hate you and they are out to replace you. They want everything that we stand for GONE!

My heart breaks watching what is happening in the world on a daily basis. I weep for my children. They are oblivious to the dark future ahead for them. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can secure Liberty for the future generations. Sadly it’s going to take more than what many are willing to offer.

Our side lacks organization, always has, and it seems we always will. Everyone on our side seems to always be the smartest person in the room and it’s always their way or no way. I don’t know how we get around that. We are lacking leadership. People are looking for a big name to lead them, sadly those willing do not have name recognition. We have to do this ourselves. Nobody is going to fight for Liberty for us.

I understand everyone wants peace, but we are not going to take our Republic back by remaining pacifist. There can be no peace as long as our country remains in control of those who falsely gained control. The road to Liberty is not one paved by passivity. We will have to fight for it, whether you like it or not. If we do not fight we die as slaves and our children live in darkness.

I’ve discussed previously the criteria I believe that need to be met before people will rise up and fight to secure Liberty. They are:

1) Possessing the capability (check, we do).

2) Perceiving justification (check, we’ve been morally justified for a long time)

3) Perceiving a lack of suitable alternatives (check – we’ve all but run out of other options, the vote is worthless, and the courts are a joke).

4) The benefits outweigh the costs.

That last one should now be a check. Pain is increasing every day. The suffering is in the early stages, but it is here. Most are now working just to barely keep their heads above water. One unexpected bill will spell catastrophe for many people. So what do we do? How do we begin? I would much rather go down fighting than to continue to fund these evil people who have labeled me a domestic terrorist. We cannot continue to grumble to ourselves. We cannot continue to remain silent. We cannot continue to do nothing.

Our founders were willing to die for the rights espoused in the Declaration they crafted and signed at their own peril. It’s time for us to do the same.


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2 years ago

I pray for guidance to fight this evil that has stolen our government, Liberty and attacked our faith. Prayer does work and it is time to turn our hearts back to God. This fight was not one of our choosing but our apathy was a factor in their coup. Look in the mirror and decide what you will do to save our children.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

This gets really old. I’m so tired of trying to address the issue. Everyone screaming for someone to do something; and the ones screaming are not doing anything. This is a no win situation. Sure, I would like to see the ball in play. Sure, there is no way to make things better for anyone including your children. You claim to have the moral imperative – from God no less – from the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Well, I’ve got news for you. Unless you can cut the head of the snake all you will be doing is fighting the millions of folks in your back yard. The NWO wants to eliminate 90% of the population. How many do you think we need to eliminate? How about 90%. Nah, that can’t be right. Oh yes it can. Forget the elites for now because you will have a hard time even locating them. Let’s just concentrate on the immediate problem. Who is on the list. 

News outlets, Corporate business, Legal entities, Entertainment idiots, School boards, Local politicians, Sports figures, Teachers, Alphabet civilians, Illegals, Cartel, Islamists, Some clergy, Some medical, Deranged gang bangers, Convicts, Marauders, and I haven’t even scratched the surface. Then you have law enforcement and military who will be coming after you and foreign forces assisting them. This means you will be doing the NWOs job for them while leaving them intact to pick up the pieces and start fresh. They won’t thank us because those who eventually assume power always eliminate the dogs that made it possible for them to be in power.

But, realistically, this assumes you would even be able to accomplish the above. I seriously doubt it. But, even if you could, what would that make you in God’s eyes? Many of us claim to be biblically oriented. Some of us believe we are seeing the fulfillment of prophesy. Others believe we can forestall the inevitable and live happily ever after. Some believe we will be whisked out of the fray. I won’t define my understanding of prophesy because everyone has his own interpretation. But I will say this. We are seeing a situation unfold the likes of which has never before been seen. That we would be inclined to fight against it is natural. But I would again advise that the fight will come to us because it must. Biblically, it is permissible to resist in whatever manner you determine fits your circumstances. Once the fighting starts, you will know how to conduct yourselves. Whomever feels motivated to become a martyr to get the show on the road, I’m sure such action will be a catalyst to what you are wishing we would do. There is nothing wrong with self-defense. Just know beforehand that we cannot expect to make arrests and hold trials. We will be too busy dealing with immediate threats.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Just what is self defense? Nobody is asking you to go out and just kill indiscriminately are they? I do not want to wait until they are kicking in my door and raping and killing everyone in sight. Self defense includes stopping the threat before hand if you know it is a imminent threat. Why do we need to wait on there actions, that is all we have been doing and we grow weaker by the day. You need not apply yourself, you are in your 80s if I remember and not in to good a health. I will not stop saying what I believe we should do, sure the message gets old, so does losing everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Your only job is to survive as long as you can and have as good a life as you can for yourself. Vote government out of your life, and tune out both the right and the left, and live by this one rule…

Never believe anything anybody says if they are getting paid to say it..

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Agreed . You put it most succinctly. God is not coming to the rescue. I understand those who believe it’s the end of times, which it may be. We have been intentionally divided so if anything people will turn on each other to try and survive. The country will Balkanize. There will not be some concerted effort to overthrow this regime. As you said they are so protected, even unknown like the owners of big Pharma.
I think we can only try and defend ourselves and do that in small groups, country community, even just neighborhoods. Plan and talk to the right folks around you. That’s all we an do to try and survive. Read Failure of Civility. Read Dog Soldiers by James Tarr. Both are guides, though the latter is fiction it is a glimpse of what will possibly be in a few years, after a collapse.

2 years ago

I feel the pain deeply, each day I drive to work costs me nearly $30 in diesel.

Diesel is easier to refine than gasoline, there is no way that it should be more expensive than gasoline. The WH has basically admitted this pain is being intentionally engineered.

Real inflation will be over 100% on food alone. Every step of food production is based on diesel prices.

This will get much worse and won’t stop ‘til we stop it. The longer we wait the worse condition we’ll be in.


enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

You are both correct and incorrect in your assumption. I’ve worked around oil & refining and the people employed there for most of my 2nd career. Out of a barrel of oil, sweet crude is the easiest to refine. That oil containing large quantities of tar much more difficult and expensive. Either refines the same way, outcomes are different.
Diesel was once cheaper cause of its refining duration and complicity. In short, for every barrel of oil, you get gasoline, diesel, engine oil, kerosene, fuel oil, tylene, MEK, ethers, and all sorts of lighter ends. The more a barrel is refined, the more gasoline and lighter ends you get. Gasoline is more highly refined that diesel, diesel contains more lighter ends than gasoline, hence its more oily nature, required for oiling of the extremely close tolerances on injection pumps. Diesel will not ignite from a spark, gasoline, up the cracking column further, but still containing the volatile lighter ends will. Heavy oil containing even more on the lower end of the cracking column. Kerosene is more highly refined that diesel where fuel oil, very close to diesel, slightly more refined. The price is dictated by the quantity of other products lighter (fuels/gases) you obtain from a given barrel of oil.
Refining is achieved by heating and condensing oil into its various forms. Lots of chemistry and science, (actual science not the fauchi/gates science).
And then you get into reformulation of the molecular structure of oil and you end up with all sorts of plastics for your cell phone and all the other plastics rampant throughout your everyday world.
Make more sense now?
Now turn all that into the green new dealio, say goodbye to modern life as you know it or can ever imagine it.

2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

My “second career” was in the refining of the mixed xylenes that were the waste stream of oil refinement, the lights that enn ess refers to. The plant I worked at split the paraxylene out to make PTA, which was then sold to other plants to make PET. Check the bottoms of milk jugs and water bottles to discover where the PET is used. The resulting manufactured plastics are used in EVERYTHING, even your clothing. If I recall correctly, the benzene that is a waste stream of paraxylene refinement is used in the production of some phamaceuticals. So this is not just about pump prices; that’s just the immediate effect…

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Ask your boss if you can work 10 hour days 3 or 4 days a week. That’ll save you one day’s gas a week and 4 days gas, at the very least, every month. Try. I’m sure your boss isn’t exactly pleased with these gas prices either. Maybe you can do some work at home and only go into work 3 days a week. You won’t know if you don’t ask. Everyone should do this.
Even we are combining my trips to the store, etc. I no longer go out just to go to one store. Teach these azzes a lesson and make up some of the spent gas $$$ out of YOUR own pocket. Don’t go where you would normally go this time of year. Make the tourists traps suffer. They are the ones who need to complain to, and deal with govt. or they’ll go out of business.
All of us can make a huge difference. Just do it.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Heating oil in the N.E. this winter will be super high or maybe hard to get. Natural gas used for heating elsewhere super expensive also.

2 years ago

You have to log in to see the picture. Either embed the picture or delete your comment.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago

Why show a link that does not work??

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The thought that we will vote our way out of this is beyond delusional, I do not get it. I hear a lot of comments and editorials that the left side of the uniparty are panicking, I do not see that either. I prefer to vote with the bullet box, as I see it there is no other way. The who, what, why or when should we act is getting a little ridiculous at this point, as has been said I do not want to act alone and be a martyr. They have already classified us as terrorists in the country we were born in, just for speaking out against this illegal regime. I pray constantly for direction and courage to my God, I will not give up or surrender, I am 100% all into there defeat and or death.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

In the Old Testament the battle was physical. You wiped out the child sacrificing unbelievers or you got beat. Now the battle is spiritual as Ephesians 6:13 -- I8 states. We are to stand against evil, not defeat it. Only God can pull that off. I don’t know how this will turn out, I just know the one who does. Remember the old song, “this world is not my home, I’m justa passin’ through.”
At some point Jesus Christ returns, [1 Thessalonians 4: 13 -- 18.] Until then Satan’s people have an advantage because he can bribe them to lie, cheat and kill. Satan does not play fair. You do your best and God will do the rest.

no one
no one
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

God does not play fair either. It is HE who gave satan permission to do all these things, and that includes WWIII (due to the sins of all humankind and the sins of the witches/satanists/jews). God created evil when HE put satan in the Garden of Eden.
There may be witches out there who want to repent to Jesus Christ. They should do so. Jesus will listen if you are sincere and IF you give up your satanic books and rituals. The time is NOW,….or never. Nobody is going to look out for where your soul lives forever after death. Nobody cares. It’s every man/woman/child for him or herself. If you go to hell, you deserve it because you did it to YOURSELF. Only you and Jesus Christ (not the damned antichrist), can save your soul.
FYI: Jesus does not return.
It is the antichrist who is scheduled to come (when he announces himself as the messiah) after WWIII. Although he is very instrumental in what is going on as we speak and he is very instrumental in WWIII now and what is to come. However, there will be a delay in his taking power as the leader of the world. That is because immediately after WWIII and when the antichrist gets shot in the head (temporarily putting him out of business), there will be the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is not to be a long reign because people turn evil again, rather quickly. There are many people who never learn.
Meanwhile, the antichrist’s wife (when she is made his Queen) tells him (while he’s in a coma) that she will take over for him & keep things going for him until he comes out of the coma (which is a one year coma). They already have 3 children (boy, girl, boy). In the case of the antichrist and his wife, 3 is for the unholy trinity of satan, antichrist, and the false prophet.
During the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, when there is peace and harmony among those left alive in the world (only 1/3rd of the world’s population will live, and many will be converted, and many won’t be converted), antichrist is building up his empire once again, and once and for all, and rather quickly gaining followers. These are the followers of satan. Sound familiar? Sounds like what’s going on now. Repeat and repeat.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  no one

God IS fair. He gives you free will. Aren’t you glad? Satan was Lucifer, the bright and morning star until iniquity was found in him. He got booted out. He wanted to be like the Most High as it says in Isaiah.
As for the rest of what you write, the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, antichrist’s wife, Jesus Christ does not return, I think I’ll pass!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

The antichrist does not prefer women, that should tell you something about the globohomo agenda, not sure about obama being the antichrist but big mike is his sodomite you know the thing.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Will the circle be unbroken?

2 years ago

The problem is not the politicians that can be changed out with election cycles, it’s the unelected bureaucratic side of government that is unaffected by the voters. No election will change our education system, or eliminate corrupt 3 letter agencies, or revise our monetary policy that has destroyed the value of our dollar. Our enemies want to sink this ship and that is unstoppable at this point, the United States is listing to port and dead in the water. The fight comes after the big event, prepare now…..

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLongShot

The Deep State in DC is made up of 8000 Senior Executive Service members. Half are appointed by politicians and the other half are promoted by the ones that were appointed. Sucks. That’s all I have on this.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLongShot

We sat out the primaries today, and other elections for sometime knowing this. People waste time and gas for nothing. America is in a train wreck, heading over the abyss, forever gone.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

I would like to add to the list of pains, the pain of the annual increase in property appraisals here in Texas. The county appraisal districts believe that your property belongs to them, and that they are renting it to you. Property taxes are without any moral premise. In order own something you have to pay annual tribute to the government agency gods.
Over the last 2 years my property appraisal has increased 44%. The majority of the property tax funds go to the communist woke schools. This year the school district is giving each teacher a $5,000 attendance bonus plus a large increase in salary. They are also considering a 4 day work week for teachers for stress. Do you have a 4 day work week for stress and still get paid for 5 days?
Keep in mind, teachers only work 170 days per year and they also can take 10 personal days with pay, so in reality, they really only work 160 days per year. And still teachers believe they are over worked. Also, SAT scores here have declined every year for decades. The town only has 1,300 residents, but we do have 3 really large school campuses.
Of course many people will say that if you have a over 65 and a homestead exemption your property taxes can only go up 10% per year, however, that means your property taxes double every 7.2 years. Does your salary increase 10% per year? Property taxes in Texas is an extortion racket that would make the Mafia blush.
Government agencies at all levels are stealing everything! Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

The big kahuna is retirement. In NJ, many retire in their early 50’s after 25 years. I know a history teacher turned guidance counselar whose pension was $52 thousand/yr. He retired at 57. You can also see many of them on HGTV shows like “Caribbian Life” looking for their retirement home.

2 years ago

If you house is PAID OFF, then you can write to your “assessor” and inform him that as you were looking over your deed in preparation for transferring it to a PRIVATE trust you noticed the land is “zoned” as “residential” where it should read PRIVATE. Ask him to correct the error and send you a written notification when that has been done.
Shortly after that, a month or two, write out a Notice of Transfer to an UNNAMED PRIVATE TRUST, and include therein a Notice that the land and property is no longer available for any public purpose, DO NOT record a new deed, only the Notice that you no longer own the land and have transferred it into a PRIVATE TRUST.
Once you have done those things, you will no longer receive a “tax statement”. If you do get a statement, you then act as Trustee of the trust, and inform the “assessor” of the mistake (if he did not make the changes you previously requested) of calling the trusts property residential (which is a COMMERCIAL designation) and ask again that it be corrected.
It is important that both the Trust, and the Trustee remain NAMELESS in the corporate system. Instruct them to refer to you only as Trustee, and from the very beginning inform them that all communication with the Trust are to be in writing with a wet ink signature.
Government can NOT tax private property. That is why they convert it into a “residential” property, defined in their statutes. The statutes do not define private property, because they can not and do not address it.
Once you have the property in a private UNNAMED trust, YOU WRITE THE LAW that applies on YOUR land.
All you need to do to protect your land is apply the rules of the Trust, and inform any government goon that the Trust property is private and one of your main functions as Trustee is to prevent government employees from converting it to a public use, (and prosecuting those who do, but don’t say that ;-).
I have even made papers to give to certain government goons for certain purposes. Until they give up their illusion that there is still “law” and they are part of it, they must be dealt with swiftly and decisively.
Lastly, start making a DICTIONARY for your trust. For example, you can define “person” as a man or woman with natural rights, with no corporate existence”. Then make everybody who contacts the trust speak YOUR LANUGUAGE.
You are only as free as your ability to overcome government thieves allows you to be.

2 years ago

Most white boomers are leaders (legends) in their own minds, refuse to identify the enemy for economic reasons, and suffer from type II diabetes/high blood pressure. You have received what you deserve. Unfortunately, your children are going to suffer the consequences, as well.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

There are 3 generations born since the last Boomer was born.

Be assured, you will not escape judgement at the throne of God by blaming Boomers, anymore than Boomers will escape judgement at the throne of God by blaming their ancestors.

You will not cop-out your actions and inaction’s before God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Be assured, God knows you are minimizing our generation’s culpability in screwing up this country and changing the subject.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

Every generation from Adam to present is responsible for where we are.

And the is nothing new under the Sun.

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago
Reply to  Oldtradesman

I’m a boomer and a patriot but have no illusions of more than defending myself and my family but I do hold out hope for the efforts of our local militia comprised of young men and women age 18-55. Klaus Schwab has been planning for the reset since 1971. Now the Davos group has the backing and money of Bill Gates and big Pharma. Their global order world government is being ushered in by Biden’s handing them the sovereignty of the US this week. He is too senile to even remotely understand what he has done. I suspect Obama, Jarrett and Collins wrote it.

John Galt
John Galt
2 years ago

I would suggest that God’s judgement is in the land:

[Act 5:39 KJV] 39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

God bless.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  John Galt

God has slammed the door and welded it shut on this country, Canada and the E.U., etc. Apostasy in the churches (all denominations) has been ongoing for decades, turning into social clubs and businesses. Civic leaders are muzzled because they worry about getting grant money.

2 years ago

Within the past 3-4 weeks it has become apparent China is moving toward a wartime economy. They have isolated nearly 300mm citizens and purging those unwilling to support the party including business owners as they nationalize all businesses. Walmart reported its closing 265-320 of its stores in anticipation of cessation of Chinese products. Reports of 800-900 Chinese cargo vessels are being prepped for a fall invasion of US/Taiwan with speculation of invasion the first 2 weeks in November, prior to mid-terms(as if they matter). Our food inventories are running out, wheat within 10-weeks, corn/pork/beef continue being exported to China leaving no US reserves. When gas hits $8 dollars retail starts to collapse with major closures upon $10-12 dollar gas and this is only 2-3 months away. Starving Masses can’t fight a million man front for any duration. Our military is forced by traitors like Milley to send weapons to Europe and now Mogadishu to be sold on the black markets giving our enemies the latest US arsenal and nothing at home. Will the military even have our back? When we put up a fight…how many of us are there? This truly is one Clusterf_ck!

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

I suspect the military will be used to quell unrest here. Some contentious soldiers may refuse the orders but many of them have already either quit or been indoctrinated with the political woke campaign of Bishop Harrison. Obama dreamed of the things Biden is doing like giving away our sovereignty to the WHO, WHA at Davos. The unrest or uprising, if you will, would be the excuse the Adm needs to declare martial law. Granted that is not supposed to be legal when civilian courts and law enforcement still exists but the counties who’s sheriffs lead militia groups fit the scenario they require to impose martial law. They’ve shown blatant disregard for the Constitution since Inauguration Day 2021. As you say it is a total Cluster. I would expand on that as a debacle. We were purposely divided so no concerted attempt could be made against them. Jan. 6 detainees are the Adm political prisoners intentionally made an example of the power of the now weaponized DOJ and FBI.
Any efforts to overcome the Adm would be small unorganized groups of partisans much like those would hide and fought a guerrilla war in their countries during WWII. They would only succeed in remaining free until hunted down. Read Dog Soldiers by James Tarr.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
2 years ago

Work on your local area first. Then state if you live in a state that leans right.
Running out now shooting people will get you killed. Wait for the time, it will come. When the economy collapses, really collapses. When people can no longer feed themselves properly or afford basic necessities. Then we can get their attention and push them in the right direction.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Don't mind me

We may have to defend ourselves from whoever wants our stuff with deadly force, and possibly be killed incl gov. goon squads doing roundups.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Gov.goons will be too busy trying to take care of themselves. The others are not a problem.
Move now to a remote area. Get out of the cities/suburbs.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Don't mind me

We can’t, husband is 80 and sees several medical specialists (heart, pulmonary, internal med.) can’t leave now, retired 2004, moved into city retirement community 3 yrs ago, we will stand and fight right here, we are not able to rough it out in the sticks and neither are others I know no one stays young forever.. We have extra food, etc. not lots of room here to store much.

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago
Reply to  laura ann

Son or daughter nearby? Like minded neighbors? A small group in your neighborhood that has younger persons to defend all of you? You can be an asset by feeding, providing some shelter for those who could defend your neighborhood. Pulling together in time of crisis like when you’ve had extended power outages, snow storms and the like. Those persons who helped each other even in small ways are folks you might talk to.

Daniel H Benson
Daniel H Benson
2 years ago

So where is God in all of this? What is He doing?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Jeremiah 2:13
“My people have committed two evils. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters and hewed out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
He hasn’t gone anywhere. Notice it says “his people.” Today it’s the 501c3 leadership exhorting the parishioners to follow the gubmint edicts.

Elder Son
2 years ago

Waiting for you all to do your part?

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago

This may be hard to hear. BUT God promised these things would happen. Read deuteronomy 26-28. And you’ll see exactly where God is. He’s keeping his word like always.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Habakkuk’s Complaint
…3Why do You make me see iniquity? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me. Strife is ongoing, and conflict abounds. 4Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.
Read on for an answer.

2 years ago

The sad truth is that we will continue on this current trajectory until we are “uncomfortable” enough with the way our lives have been changed. As my Drill Sergeant once said “learn to embrace the suck, then lean into it”. We have to be willing to bear the discomfort now, because it’s going to be much worse later.

2 years ago

Lota folks are gonna get Gobbled Up by The Blob.
Count On IT.
Just like J6.
Then THEY become/became the Propaganda… they were fighting.
And the Low Fruit Sang Like Pavarati. They always do.
Just wanna go home and see the family.

Loose the TECH.

I think PSYOPS video is quite fitting…at this time.
To VERY Seriously THINK about.
And the Enforcers are telling us and Warning us. (Ok thats square)

BTW I Do Not Disagree with your post sir.
But who wants to be a One Pump Chump?
Not I.


2 years ago

There are only two peaceful options: 1) The people disengage from the false framework of society (collectively and at once); this entails walking away from jobs, good-paying or not, most of the churches should not be attended as they are circular in their output -- preaching, logic, and application, start establishing understanding of natural remedies, through various outlets so that people can be weaned off of synthetic, and often redundant medicines that often lead to other deteriorating conditions. The idea here is to withhold the money, labor, and consent, to effect the social and political outcomes, and demonstrate the resolve to take according actions. This would need to be in conjunction with a social support system though, which is not currently intact. One could look at how the Mormons provide for their own (socialism of sorts). Because of the lack of social cohesion, this is largely unrealizable. Option 2) The mass of the population mass exits the country, to be absorbed, allowed into various countries based on their skill-sets, religion, cultural beliefs, to marry and assimilate, for instance to help men find wives. A nation with a preponderance of single people such as is the case in the U.S., will likely increasingly be that way, due to stratification in economics, education, and lack of political power.

2 years ago

Did all the US baby formula go underground?

Redlist Renegade
Redlist Renegade
2 years ago

The Only Real “Solution” is one Big Badass Violent Very Bloody REVOLUTION !!!

Elder Son
2 years ago

You mean gang warfare.

Even among various “Patriot” groups.

comment image

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago

Not going to happen. Failure of Civility and it will be every family and small neighborhoods for themselves. The regime will unleash its gangs to keep any concerted effort from forming.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
2 years ago

Well, here we are again. I sought to write and respond no more, but your observations make such seemingly impossible.
Almost all of your points are well-taken and your concerns are valid. But, as before, you fail to mention the biggest point of all before drawing invalid conclusions.
I know, know; this is beating a dead horse. Very well, let’s do it. Let’s beat a dead horse.
Here’s a story you know well, and a metaphor.
On March 15 in 44 B.C.E., Julius Caesar died, surrounded by friends. Unfortunately, the friends had daggers.
Caesar was stabbed four times before he fell. Brutus made the fifth, delivering his blow while Caesar was on the ground. Brutus’ hand was bleeding as Cassius had missed Caesar and stabbed him instead. There were sixty conspirators total. Only five attacked Caesar. Twenty-four took turns stabbing him after he died.
After the body was examined, it was determined that only one wound was fatal; the one delivered by Titiedus, Casca’s brother, between the ribs.
The majority (thirty-one) of the conspirators did nothing.
The day before the Ides, Lepidus invited Caesar and Decimus (who would deliver the fourth blow to his thigh, causing him to fall) for dinner. Decimus had served Caesar in Gaul; Caesar saw Decimus as a son and named him as his heir in his will, alongside Octavius.
They discussed supply lines and logistics for Caesar’s upcoming Parthian campaign. Late into the night, they turned to philosophy. A question was asked, “What is the best way to die?” Caesar was unusually quiet before he replied: “subitam et celerem”. “Suddenly and unexpectedly”
They obliged him.
It’s a cautionary tale.
My point in all of this is that, then – as now, everyone is a lion until it’s time to do big things.
Even if you got what you wanted, your numbers would be not just tiny, but miniscule. And even then, 70% of those pledged to action would be nothing but talk and hot air. In the end, a few hundreds of people out of 332 million, gets you absolutely nothing, except oblivion.
Yeah, yeah, I know … “oblivion is to be preferred” …
No, it’s not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

You have an alternative to oblivion?
You present a false choice. They want us dead. Failure to defend yourself will not disuade them from killing you.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  Fido

There is a huge difference in defending oneself and joining an effort that does not and will not exist for the sole purpose of committing suicide in order to make a point. No matter which way you spin it, there are no numbers here to make any of this a practical choice. Without the numbers, any actions in this direction will not put one in jail, but rather -- under the jail. Unfortunately, there is no need to argue; it’s all playing out before our eyes.
The alternative to oblivion is to stay alive. That is no false choice. When there’s no practical assistance to be had otherwise, staying alive is the only choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

I adhere to the Solzhenitsyn school of though. Perhaps getting on the boxcars instead of resisting will save your “life”, perhaps it won’t. After you get on the boxcar, you no longer have a say in the matter. The time to resist is while you still can.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

I must also add, that for men of honor, there there are things worth dying for. (I define “honor” as a sense that at least *something* is more important than breathing)

Another way to think of this is that there are things that, once done, or submitted to, will cause the loss of your self respect, terminating your interest in ife. A man without self respect is suicidal.

laura ann
laura ann
2 years ago

Moms years ago made formula from scratch with evaporated milk and cod liver oil and other ingred. Don’t these moms know anything now days? Babies up to two (when they get teeth) can also have puree’d fr and veg, meats, juices, etc. Some had goats and fed babies their milk if women couldn’t nurse or didn’t want to nurse long term.

2 years ago

Our “leaders” are not incompetent, misguided, stupid, naïve, deluded or inexperienced, and nothing that is happening is happening by accident. What is happening today in the United States (and around the world) is DELIBERATE, PLANNED, done CONSCIOUSLY and INTENTIONALLY.
We are meant to be culled, killed, and destroyed, We are the useless eaters that the so called “elites” despise. Those of us who live through the Hell they have planned for humanity will be controlled.
Our hope is in the Lord, however we must fight this great evil. DETACH from this evil system as much as is humanly possible, a system that controls us, perverts us, sickens us, dehumanizes and debases us, a system that means to exterminate us.

P. Henry
P. Henry
2 years ago

Today at Davos, An Agreement sent by Biden to the WEF ,WHO, will allow for The WHO to determine our nations response to any pandemic or an event they consider detrimental to world order. This can be a disease outbreak, social disruption or other events. They will have the power to use IFOR even to quell unrest in the US. Because this is an “Agreement “ and not a Treaty, the US Senate cannot block it. Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are scheming to create another pandemic just in time for the November elections. Biden has handed over US sovereignty to the Global Order.

2 years ago

This was done on purpose. It was not caused by incompetence.

2 years ago

LOL. You want to stop a rogue government by restoring the “republic” that became the rogue government you want to stop.
These bankers are destroying THEIR SYSTEM, Not you, and NOT your country. It was created by them from the beginning and it has ALWAYS been theirs (thetruthaboutthelawDOTcom) to keep you enslaved in their little scheme and calling it a “democracy” or “republic” so you would blame yourself for the problems they created for you while stealing your time and money. A BRILLIANT SCAM, really.
The only truth that matters is they can only affect you to the extent that you rely on their system for your happiness and survival. The idea they are targeting YOU is just a MIND*UCK. if you believe it, you are an idiot.
YOU ARE FREE. There is nothing left to do but defend it as needed. Your freedom does not depend on the US government, or any other criminal gang. It depends only on your mind and you ability to keep them out.

2 years ago

As I said before, you put them in office, YOU get them OUT!

Joe in Missouri
2 years ago

Originally born a “SC Renegade” but relocated to the Sovereign Country of Missouri in my old age.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe in Missouri