The Shift

I confess that I do not like the Book of Job. I understand the point that the Book is making. I also understand that each soul is special in the eyes of the Lord. Each soul has the free will to make choices that impact their eternal judgment and salvation. Except the children of Job were sacrificed to test Job: they never had the opportunities to make their choices or attain salvation. And yes, I know that this was prior to the birth of Jesus Christ.

This movie gave me peace on the Book of Job. The parallels between the dark Earth portrayed in most of this movie and our world will be obvious. I would recommend this movie and if you have any thoughts after seeing it, please add them in the comments below.

David DeGerolamo

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Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
11 months ago

Be of good cheer, David. The Book of Job is almost certainly fiction. Parts of the Old Testament are likely to be midrash: stories that are morally instructive and uplifting but not necessarily about actual events.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

Hahahaha, why just the one chapter?
48% of the world thinks the whole canon is one big fairy tale. But go ahead and nuke the globe, no worries.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
11 months ago

2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable….
It’s up to us to use our brain and ask what the benefit is for each section of scripture. God doesn’t waste words.

11 months ago

The Book of Job has 42 chapters, 1070 verses, and 18, 098 words reading from a KJV 1611. Job is one of the greatest books in the Bible on the sufferings of Israel during the Great Tribulation. There are 42 chapters in the book of Job, one chapter for each month of the Great Tribulation(3 1/2 year). Job is on “the ground seven days and seven nights” (Job 2:13) one for each year (7 years) of “Daniels Seventieth Week.” The book falls into 144 logical divisions (see the 7 “tribes” in Rev. 7), and these make up the 6 larger divisions: Chapters 1-2; 3-14; 15-21; 22-31; 32-37, and 38-42.By sheer good fortune (!) there turns out to be 144,000 “servants of God” sealed in the Tribulation (Rev. 7), and the number “6” is prominent with the connection of the Antichrist. The 144,000 virgin Jew, all male, are from the 12 tribes of Israel -- commonly mistaken for “spiritual Israel” of “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” -- show up twice in the Great Tribulation (Rev 7, 14).
The word Job means “one persecuted,” as Israel will be persecuted during the Tribulation (Jacob’s Trouble). Job is in “Edom” (Lam.4:21), where Israel will be in the Tribulation (Isa.63:1). The one who persecutes Job (Job 1:6-9) will persecute Israel (Rev.12:13). Job’s “captivity” is restored at the end of the book (Job 42:10), like Israel’s captivity will be restored at the end of the Tribulation. ALL the new corrupted modern day translation “bibles” removed “turned the captivity” from Job 42:10 because the Holy Spirit made it a reference to the return of the Jews (Deut. 30:3; PSA 14:7, 85:1, 126:4; Jer. 32:44, 33:7,11, 48:47; Hos.6:11; Joel 3:1; Amos 9:14; Zeph.3-20). Good “godly” scholars decided to mess with that book when God told you twice DO NOT ADD TO nor SUBTRACT from his word. It is the corruption of the word that has led men to claim this book is fiction. Either you believe the Bible to be the ONLY TRUTH or have you purposed yourself a “god” to pick and choose?

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Carpenter

The only truth Carpenter, thank you.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

Looks good, Neal McDonough always seems to play the bad guy.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

Except the children of Job were sacrificed to test Job: they never had the opportunities to make their choices or attain salvation. 
Why would you assume they did not reach or find salvation? i believe they were saved.

11 months ago

I believe many are completely missing the point on the book of Job, it has nothing to do with his children and his wife, it has all to do with Job who was a righteous man in Gods eyes but with one flaw of which God had to have him see by allowing Satan to chastise him anyway he seemed fit. Satan still had entry to come before the throne of God to accuse whomever he wanted to, so God Let Satan inflict whatever pain on Job he wanted to, but with one caveat, he was not allowed to take his life. Jobs self-righteousness was his sin which was troubling even though God loved him. He had to show Job that no one was more righteous than Himself, His Son and the Holy spirit. being man, all of our deeds are as filthy rags before God and no one on this earth is more self-righteous than Christ, His father and the Spirit. Job Learned a hard lesson and everything and everything he loved was taken away from him. In the end of Jobs chastisement everything was returned to him seven-fold. Satan was the loser in this battle and God showed the angelic realm that he is a just and righteous God by allowing this fallen being Satan to crush Jobs spirit. Christ suffered for us on the Cross and his suffering was terrible, but being God, he had to follow his Fathers plan if we were ever to have grace and salvation for our own sinful deeds.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Iam just responding to a commentator on the life of job and what he had to endure, not on the movie. As for the Movie the main actor in the movie was banned from Hollywierd for two years for his somewhat conservative catholic beliefs, Iam even surprised he was staring in the movie. I will watch it concerning Parrell universes as well as dimensional shifts which they pass thru of which I have come to familiarize myself with, but in the end it’s all wickedness.
Maybe you should watch the tv series Utopia concerning the vaccine kill shots, the show has cursing in it, so you would need to mute those parts of the foul language.

Last edited 11 months ago by Phil
11 months ago

Many in the Christian Church today reject or diminish the book of Job. Ezekiel and James testify of Job. Why? If you read carefully, you will discover that there are many false teachings that will be brought into the light. Read with care, when Elihu starts speaking in Job 32 and on. Read about Job’s redeemer in chapter 19. These precepts destroy dispensational theology. Guess what, Jesus is the same always. Christ is concealed in the OT and revealed in the NT. He has always been at work in those who live according to the law of faith.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“There are things in the old Book which I may not be able to explain, but I fully accept it as the infallible word of God, and receive its teachings as inspired by the Holy Spirit.”
Robert E. Lee

11 months ago

Food for thought; Satan was told he could take everything from Job (“all that he hath”) but was not to touch “himself”. Satan did exactly that and took everything from him except for his wife… Why you might ask? Genesis 2:24 “one flesh”.

11 months ago

What makes you think Job’s children were not saved?
Why would the fact that Jesus had not yet been born matter?

11 months ago
Reply to  Blackdog

The questions stand.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
11 months ago

One of the great lessons of Job is the law of believing is revealed
Job3:25 “For that which I greatly feared has come upon me, and that which I was afraid has befallen me.”
Job was most likely the first book written. There’s no mention of Abraham, Israel, the Ten Commandments etc. Genesis reveals creation but was penned later on. This is how important it was to reveal that fearful thoughts by Job opened the door to Satan’s havoc. God allowed it because he gave man free will.
Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoso trust the Lord is safe.”
Job was afraid his sons were sinning. The scriptures never say that they were. Fear opened the door for Satan to wreak havoc. God didn’t sacrifice the children. Satan had the power of death, [Hebrews 2:14.]
1 John 4:18 “There is no fear in love, [agape, the love of God], but perfect love casteth out fear….
Loving God by loving His word gets rid of the fear. There was no written Word back in Job’s days. We have the benefit of the scriptures to fill our minds with to keep the fear out.
The other great lesson of Job is the miserable comforters, [Job 16:2.] These three men were hopefully well meaning but brutal. One tried to out do the other with their wisdom. Job would have been better off without them. The lesson is that when someone is down, that is not the time to evaluate why they’re in the predicament they’re in. What they need it support, not an analysis of their weakness. Job is a great book.

11 months ago

The book of or the story Job is a hard read.Doubt many of us would be up to the task. FAITH probably the hardest thing for most people to understand. But Job got it and I suspect was richly rewarded.