The Simple Truth

I will not forget how little it cost to sell our freedom. Especially after so much blood and treasure.

David DeGerolamo

h/t WRSA

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strider 777
3 years ago

If it wasn’t so damned pathetically true, I might be able to laugh.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Our greatest enemy is our own government and institutions, we have no recourse but to throw off this tyrannical evil government. For most it is hard to grasp that your government wants you dead and is already bringing in foreign immigrant replacements. Death to the tyrants and all who stand with them.

strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, click on the site address below, I’m sure that you and other patriots will not be surprised where it takes you.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Yes thank you strider 777 it goes to white house.

3 years ago

I think this is going to be a very long struggle but we have had it good here in the USA for a long time. Most of America will be asleep when it happens but in my opinion the good times are coming to an end and survival is going to be the word of the day soon. Many will be dead from this government genocide as the weeks and months ahead become years. We might never know who and what happened behind the scenes in Washington and the world to bring this about. The players are huge in number and vast in demographics this is in everything .They literally do control everything and they will use it against us all. without compassion they are not hiding anymore they are positioning themselves for the takedown. China and the Bolsheviks here think we are going to be easy to kill I’m betting that they are wrong. My dad used to say, now he lived to be 97 and was a wise old guy Son he would say you watch liberals …”they will fuk up everything they touch eventually” . I have seen a lot of truth in this and I believe they have already f’ed this NWO up. I do not believe they vaccine is nearly as popular as they are trying to make out. As the months ahead we learn of their deceit and murderous senseless genocide goes mainstream and we see the death from this vaccine. It is all going to come down on their and our heads. They needed this to be much more popular than it is for it to work.