The Spike Protein “Vaccine” – What It Does to Your Body

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Michael Davidson
Michael Davidson
3 years ago

Outstanding briefing. Clear, concise, factual, easy to understand.

3 years ago

Fantastic overview. Dr. Cole is brilliant.
“This is a poisonous attack on our population, and it needs to stop now.”
Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Md, FCAP, AP/CP/DP

3 years ago

We need to call this for what it is; MURDER & GENOCIDE. Now, who or what group will hold these criminals accountable?

Dov Sar
Dov Sar
3 years ago

True. This spring I went in for a mammogram, and the technician asked me if I were vaccinated, and said no and asked why. She said that everyone who had taken the jab had lymph nodes under their arms that looked cancerous. I asked if it were cancer; she did not answer. That convinced me!

3 years ago

All your email is going to my junk folder, and this video won’t play.

3 years ago

finally got the video to play.

3 years ago

Thank you for this presentation. There are quite a few professionals that are heard from frequently. And that’s good. Hearing from yet another voice is even better. Knowing this was a conference is great!
The detailed information presented should make nearly any skeptic begin to look into this much more.

3 years ago

The Pfizer mRNA vaccine: pharmacokinetics and toxicity

Michael Palmer, MD and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD July 23rd, 2021

Tess Lawrie explains why the vaccine rollout must be halted
‘I’ve looked at the data and I think there is reason to pause,’ she says. By the end of June, 300,000 people had reported adverse events through the UK regulator’s Yellow Card system after taking the vaccine, and this is not normal.
‘If you take a vaccine like tetanus, around since 1968, there are 36 deaths attributed to it on the World Health Organisation (WHO) database, whereas six to seven thousand deaths have been reported from Covid vaccine in just a few months.
‘In the UK, there are 1,440 deaths. So this is unprecedented in the history of any medicine, to have so many deaths reported in such a short time, and indeed so many reports in such a short time.’
Pressed by Nolan on whether this meant the need for a pause, even though the reports do not prove cause and effect, she says: ‘I tend to adopt the precautionary principle. I think if there’s any cause for concern, especially in view of these alarming numbers of reports, we need to get more information, and follow up each and every report to find out a bit more about its association – indeed, is it a cause for concern.
I feel there is a lack of transparency from the regulatory bodies. In their report, they highlight a very rare brain clot, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, and that there have been 30 deaths associated with this and a couple of hundred cases.
‘But when you look at the Yellow Card data, you find there have been 2,208 strokes reported – a brain bleed – and of those, 154 people died. These data are far more worrying to me than just the cerebral venous sinus thrombosis data.
‘And when you look at all sorts of bleeds, and the causes of death overall, you see that many are associated with bleeding and clotting. We’re seeing brain clots and heart clots and lung clots. The commonest causes of death are brain clots – strokes – and then pulmonary embolism, which is a lung clot, and also heart clots – heart attacks.
Audio interview with a retired Canadian pathologist who also was the CEO of a large commercial lab and is currently chairman of a large US company involved in molecular diagnostics and DNA sequencing for the early diagnosis of cancers. 
Dr Roger Hodkinson: End all mRNA-vaccinations of children immediately

3 years ago

I shared this with a number of people including some who think I’m a kook. I subject designated the email with “must watch whether you want to or not.” Meanwhile, I just finished reading one of my very knowledgeable blogsters. The article is apropos to this discussion:
A (Very) Short Fictitious Interlude – J.R. Nyquist Blog (

3 years ago

it will kill your ass

Dustin C
Dustin C
3 years ago

I really loved your information- and it painted a clear picture as to what happened to me in the spring. I had about 3 weeks of overwhelming fatigue. Negative testing for C19. Showed very aggressive lab findings of leukopenia. Finally out of desperation ran an EBV panel showing very high levels suggesting a reactivated EBV- mono. (I never remember having acute mono) . I finally understand how CD8 changes could have caused this and the 6 additional weeks I spent worthless. (Note- not vax induced) thanks so much!

Valentyna Cherniuk
Valentyna Cherniuk
3 years ago

I have a question. Are these adverse consequences from vaccine similar to the damage caused by the virus itself? The virus also has a spike which can damage our bodies. Or is it better to be sick with Covid-19 and survive rather than to take vaccine?

3 years ago

I am not a medical doctor so take my comment as one data point among the many I hope you’ll collect.
I have not had The Jab, and will not. I have HCQ/zinc at home as well as Ivermectin. I actively want to catch this thing, let it take root, and then hop on medication. Playing with fire, but if I can develop natural immunity I can point to that.
Of course, it’s revealing that the WHO has REMOVED natural immunity from their definition of herd immunity. It’s almost as though they want to get this stuff into every arm on earth. Almost. <end sarcasm>

Valentyna Cherniuk
Valentyna Cherniuk
3 years ago

Good luck))) I had it last November. There does not seem to be any information on the long-term effects of either the virus or the jab though.

3 years ago

How could there be long term data? The CCP only released it in 2019. Upgrades being released as we speak, IMHO.
For something that’s as communicable as the claims, I’m having a heck of a time. I go shopping without gloves or masks, and lick my hands when I get back to my car having had them on baskets or carts. I do the same every once in a while going through mass-used doors. (Then I’ll sanitize my hands because touching something else after licking my hands is impolite (at best).)
I’m sarcastic in saying this, but… do I have to go to the hospital and tongue-wash the floor of the Covid ward?
I understand there is a risk in this. But I’m middle aged, reasonably healthy, and as I said I have known-effective therapeutic meds at home.

Valentyna Cherniuk
Valentyna Cherniuk
3 years ago

If you really did what you’ve said, you probably have built an immunity by now. And you could have had Covid without any symptoms.

3 years ago

I was tested about a month ago. Nothing. Nary an antibody.

3 years ago

People are ELOI and don’t want to even consider that the carefully-constructed illusion that they have of a world under control is just that.