Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School is reeling from a violent encounter that took place on its campus Monday, resulting in one student’s death and another hospitalized with injuries.
While this deadly fight occurred in Raleigh, North Carolina, this behaviour is endemic in throughout our city’s schools. Watching this fight, reminded me of one of the main reasons why I left Raleigh. Until a discussion is started concerning race in this country that is based on truth, nothing will change. I know how this sounds but the evidence in this video speaks for itself.
This is supposed a “magnet” school. The young woman speaking in the video has poor vocabulary skills. Here is one selected statement from a student who attended the school:
March 06, 2013
Southeast Raleigh is probably the worst school to go to for high school. We have no structure, it’s total chaos and it’s a disgrace to even claim that I go here. I’m a sophomore. And freshman year I wanted to transfer immediately but I wanted to give it a chance. I did not learn anything as I never do because the teachers can’t even control us. They are weak and can’t teach, it’s amazing how they got hired. I am definitely transferring now.
I know that our children are not being educated; they are being indoctrinated. The reason is to destroy our nation and its workforce. There are simple solutions but this is another problem that has been created by politicians and they want the issue to continue.
As our schools turn into battlegrounds, I look back to when I went to school. There were no police or resource officers. Teachers were never to be questioned and I actually had homework every night. We could ask how we have gotten to this point but we all know. We do not fight for our country, our children or our freedom. Which is right where our “leaders” want us.
David DeGerolamo
One answer would be to have complete school choice for EVERYONE. not just for lower income. But once again the GOP legislators in NC gave your tax dollars to fund so called low income students with school choice.
How many illegals will get taxpayer funded private schools and the middle income taxpayers will get nothing. We will never know since my legislators never respond, either before or after the vote. Get rid of them. We need full school choice for all.
The above rioters exist for “the Gibs.” So do your legislators.
School choice for EVERYONE
Note the common denominator here.
I’ve spent most of my 70+ years trying not to be bias against Things. But these last years have trashed that ideal.
A decade of living in Africa has left me with a perspective on race that I believe is also applicable here.
In general: The negroes (several tribes I interacted with) view the “now” with much more immediacy than than whites do. (e.g.: Why collect firewood, I’m warm now)
Specifically: You are a fool if you do not recognize that there are common racial traits. You are a bigger fool if you try to superimpose racial commonalities on an individual of that race.
That is the best perspective I can come up with…
The same common CANCER as always and as always we just sit back and do NOTHING. I don’t know WTF it takes to get us to truly say enough. What is wrong with us?
All they needed was Tarzan swinging through the gymnasium to complete that scene.
Throw a stack of job applications at the savages and watch them scatter!
WRAL promotes “ equity and inclusion.” How’s that working out for North Carolinian children? Ask Cooper. He promoted lockdowns, sex change indoctrination, abortion, and moral decadence. Parents are do nothings. They both work “to make ends meet.” No time for their children. Black daddy’s are missing in action (many of them shacking up all over with other babes). Majority of women dress like pigs and cannot properly care for their family. Been around 75 years. None of this happened way back when. The Federal government has debased the citizenry into animals.
God is mocked. Oh well. The End.
“WRAL promotes “ equity and inclusion.”” Jessie Helms is rolling over in his grave.
How’s that DEI, “and I ain’t talking about Dale Earnhardt INC,” working out for ya NC?
Thought I was watching a Tarzan movie.
The video shown above is indicative of the lawlessness that now prevails in our public school systems all across America.
This kind of barbarian behavior is what happens when any nation, any society, or any ethnic group turns its back on God and his eternal and righteous laws found in the Holy Bible.
Is there a way to stop these horribly violent and abominable events from happening? There sure is: start teaching the word of God again in the public schools. “To the law and to the testimony!”
Low IQs. Zero impulse control. Inability to process actions:consequences. No empathy. No respect. Prone to extreme violence with minimal provocation.
And that’s the females! The males are incrementally worse. We do not have a race problem; we have a problem race.
Low-tech farm equipment should never have been imported.
You can’t do a single thing with them. . .
We can thank the communist run democratic party for this mess in our public school system as well as the Rinos who aided this Marxist party every chance they could. There is no fixing this any longer, it must all be burned down to the ground and restructured prior to the 1920 Bolshevik John Dewey and him bringing in Marxist teaching into the schools which spread thru out the nation like a plague in the early 1960’s.
This is a normal day in Chicago, LA, Detroit, Toledo, Cleveland, Bronx etc. wherever the city is ruled by The New Democrats.
Jesse Helms, how I long for the day.
Negroes must negro. Saw this for years as a Peace Officer in SoCal, a MP in the Army, and even my last year of college, when they lodged a tribe of these mud people in my dorm at SFVSC. They are a violent, physical, stupid people who, when there are no Whites or Asians around, turn on one another. See the Monday morning stats from Chicongo.
If you think incidents like this are appalling, wait until “The Reset” happens and the EBT and SNAP cards don’t work. It will be sporty enough in my A/O (North ID), with all of the tweakers and white trash. I cannot imagine what my old neighborhoods of Riverside and Anaheim, CA will look like. Stay prepped. Stay vigilant. Avoid ALL crowds. Bleib ubrig.
Doesn’t China want these hooligans? Why keep “this” behavior and attitude here in the U.S.A.?
Bing Videos even if you do not like R&B give it a listen, the contrast is amazing to the trash being peddled today.