The Strong Man

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I just read The Coming American Dictatorship. There was a passage that caused me to reflect on how we might resist, survive, and even thrive in this ‘new world order’. The passage is describing how the dictator or strong man controls the population. It struck me that we men of Heritage America might be able to accomplish similar goals in our local communities with a little forethought, preparation, and courage. From the article:

Well, the Strong Man can control other things that allow him to control his people:

Family Structure

Most preppers have already covered these items individually and/or on the family level. I would suggest it’s past time to promote these on the community level, as well. The way to stifle tyranny is to be able to step outside ‘the system’. One must be independent. Freedom means not having to rely on the government. So I open this subject up for your reflection. From the items listed above, what is it not possible for us to handle in our own communities outside of their system? Will it be easy? No. Will life return to the comfortable and convenient style in which we’ve become accustomed? Certainly not. But … a strong man can accomplish great things. The greatest thing I can imagine is to live free. So let’s become strong men and with God’s help we will prosper. God already gave us freedom. It is up to us to preserve it.

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2 years ago

I have been talking about the power of communities since the mid-80 when my eyes were opened to what was going on and what the end game was. I formed one. Now, I want to talk about a carefully screened and linked group of communities across the U.S.

What if you found yourself in Tucson, AZ for a trip, business, or other reason and it all collapsed quickly and went terribly wrong. You need to make it back to NC. That is a very long trip. If you knew about my community, you could stop by, be generously feed, sheltered, and supplied for the next leg of your trip.

These linked communities also become powerhouses on so many levels once they work together. I hope people start thinking about this because you can’t go it alone. This is the next step in taking back the U.S.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zhenna
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
2 years ago
Reply to  Zhenna

This sounds very reasonable. 704 202 6922.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

“what is it not possible for us to handle in our own communities outside of their system?”
If the system becomes fully cashless? Property. Real property.
Once you become embedded/enmeshed in the system of digital currency, you cannot own real estate outside of the system. Prepare accordingly.

2 years ago

The strong man can also control people with water.