‘The Tide Has Turned’: NSA Protesters Back to the Streets for #1984Day

Restore the Fourth protesters, July 4, 2013 (Restore the Fourth via Facebook)

Thousands of people are expected to rally in cities across the U.S. on Sunday in protest of the National Security Agency’s recently exposed dragnet surveillance programs, in what organizers from the group Restore the Fourth are calling 1984 Day.

Protesters in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, St. Louis, Raleigh, Austin, and other cities have scheduled marches, rallies, and other events to “draw attention to the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance programs,” in the name of protecting the principles of the U.S. constitution’s fourth amendment.

“The tide has turned against the National Security Agency’s unconstitutional phone and Internet monitoring,” said Ben Doernberg from Restore the Fourth NYC. “The front page of Monday’s New York Times stated that opposition to the NSA’s activities has ‘momentum that even critics say may be unstoppable,’ and on Sunday, We the People will build on that momentum.”


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