Yesterday a news headline came to my attention that will affect mine and my families lives.
Charlotte hospitals announce mandatory COVID vaccine requirement for all employees
Charlotte hospital systems Atrium Health and Novant Health will begin requiring all workers get the COVID-19 vaccinations, hospital officials confirmed Thursday.
Atirum Health will require all workers — including remote workers, physicians, medical residents, faculty, fellows, trainees, contractors, medical staff, students, temporary workers and volunteer staff — to get vaccinated or have an approved medical or religious exemption by Oct. 31.
And Novant Health will require the same for all of its employees, contractors, vendors and students by Sept. 15.
You can Read The Whole Article Here…
My wife is a NICU Nurse and a damn good one. She loves saving babies. She doesn’t want to take the jab and refuses to take this experimental poison.
The fight it seems has now landed at my door. Will anyone help me? Or is it just my problem since your lives aren’t affected by this decision. I’ve got many friends whose wives are nurses and I heard from many of them yesterday. “What do we do?” was the question I was asked. The first option is to try for the religious exemption. Not sure how that is going to go over though with over half of their staff trying to claim it. Hospitals already don’t have enough staff for their patients, what happens when they lose even more staff due to the refusal to take their mandated poison? The second option? Well let’s just say they hope we don’t have to go there. Honestly though, the second option for me is the first, if you know what I mean.
The time to throw down draws near. Sooner or later it’s going to affect us all. All major employers will end up mandating the poison as a condition of employment, due to pressure from TPTB. Or how about if you have to have it to collect Social Security, unemployment, or just being a government employee. I’m tired of waiting for trouble to come to my door. Sadly they are slowly but surely backing good people into a corner. Trouble is here America, and 99% of the people have no clue how bad things can and will get.
It’s up to us to secure freedom for the future generations. There is nowhere to run to. It’s time to stand against tyranny.
It’s time to stand against evil.
Business is about to pick up. Things are about to get real sporty. It’s what we’ve been preparing for. The time draws nigh.
First I would play dumb and stupid.
Am you vaccinated?
Sure. (They didnt ask what vaccine..)
And if they ask specifically about the COVID19 vaccine:.
Use their leftwing playbook against them?
Declare yourself a Trans-vaxxite.
And if they ask what that is: (WARNING leftwing loony language!)
To explain it in your patriarchal cis-hetero transphobic racist language
There are men who identify as women even though they arent. They are called Trans-women.
And if you are against them, you are a patriarchalic homophobic transphobic racist.
I identify as vaccinated even though I am not vaccinated. So I am a Trans-vaxxinated.
And if you have something against it you are a patriarchalic homophobic transphobic racist.
You are a smartass and a puke. This is a SERIOUS ISSUE you asshole
Lighten up, Francis…
Take the vax Jake.
I was always taught that the Devil HATES it when people make fun of him. These people are every bit as evil as ol’ nick hisself, and DESERVE every bit of derision and laughter we can muster.
Just before we pull the trigger. And that’s how ‘serious’ this whole thing ought to be.
you point the finger at those responsible, you then pull the trigger to correct it, and give Jake the finger…
Except this strikes at their family income. Not funny.
awww snowflake… you melting down?
Yes, those NICU nurses are REAL heroes. My son was a premie, and born at 26 1/2 weeks. He will soon turn 20. REAL medicine is amazing, and those premie’s caregivers are angels. I think people are waking up, but way too slow. Even in that situation, I would never take that shot. If we call ourselves true patriots, we do need to STAND UP to all this tyranny… and I mean now! Ready to stand with you and yours. Prayers to your family, too.
I am a retired RN. At one point in my career the management tried to mandate flu vaccines. We nurses said we would ALL QUIT and we meant it. They could not find replacements in any timely manner, and they knew it. They dropped the mandate.
My wife is an RN and works for a large vendor. The hospitals now require credentials through an outside agency to get into the hospitals. Yet visitors can come and go with who knows what. It’s a money making scam like the COVID crap. You can’t sue them because the courts are corrupt. Comes back to the same old cliche “I have too much to lose” therefore nothing gets done.
My stepdaughter is an NICU nurse just like you describe. Not only does she provide for patient physical needs, but also, their spiritual needs. Indeed, a true angel. My daughter is a CRNA. She puts people to sleep and then wakes them up after the surgeon has worked his/her magic. Both these ladies will be out of the workforce if made to take the jab and then patients will be worse off. We must not grow weary of waking people up!
I expect the commies in power to issue an edict that ANY company or organization receiving Fed dollars MUST mandate all employees be vaxxed. Healthcare gets Medicare/ Medicaid dollars therefore anyone getting those dollars must force the vaccine on all employees or lose access to that money. Any other company getting money from ANY Federal source will be given the same ultimatum. After that they target people on Social Security…get the jab or no more monthly check. Any method of coercion you can imagine will be brought into play. Unless the criminals in power start dying violent deaths….and soon, they WILL have their way.
You first….
The problem is without a prior organized response….as in a UNION….they will fire ANYONE who openly opposes them thus scaring everyone else into submission. I’m mid 60’s…I have a LOT of $$$ in retirement savings. I can go on Social Security rather than work so I can tell them to get fucked if they mandate I get the jab. MOST EMPLOYEES live paycheck to paycheck…. thus they live in fear. Fear of not having a paycheck. So the vast majority will submit. Those in power KNOW THIS….they are counting on it.
a paycheck won’t help them when they’re dying of blood clot related issues, or worse still like Ms Jummai Nache in Minnesota have all your limbs amputated because of clots. Time to bring the oppression to an end by any and all means available and that means a complete shutdown of the economy. The tyrants love lockdowns so much- everybody go on strike for a week.
My employer announced Wednesday that all employees are to be jabbed. Looks like I will be unemployed in a few weeks. Tick tock.
Sounds like it’s time for strikes and picket lines again!
Aye. The harder they squeeze, the more systems will slip through their fingers.
If you have half the staff fighting this, then stage a walk out. Force their hand. It is the last step you can civilly take, before more extreme measures become necessary.
I live in Kansas, where I am seeing the signs of fear re-emerge about “delta” and wanting people to mask up again. I never did the first round, and I won’t for this one either, but it may cost my job. I’ve done the best I can to mitigate this by getting my preps as buffed as I can. It won’t be enough, but I’m not a gazillionare with a nuclear missile silo bunker either.
We will stand alone, the nation is too vast and too fractured to make a unified stand anymore. May God have mercy on all of us.
Won’t happen. Americans are cucked sheep and will follow the herd to avoid confrontation no matter their beliefs.
Americans are cucked sheep. The rest of the world is protesting.
My step-daughter is all set to attend college in another state. I searched last night for colleges that require the vax and her school was on it. She requested a religious exemption. Don’t know how that will turn out
Tell her to put off college for a year, to see what happens. If she dies from the jab, that degree isn’t going to do much for her.
college is a just a debt trap these days anyway, she’d be better off without it.
Don’t expect people to ‘drop dead’ from the jab (even though a small number do). Its too obvious. Do expect, odd ailments and immune system failures in the future, Do expect trouble conceiving or if conception occurs, heath problems or sterility in the child. Not my ideas/thoughts -- this is what the bad people with lots of money and power have been writing about for years.
The dictate by that hospital and any other health institution requiring the vaccine is criminal. Ignorance of the evidence of deaths and injuries caused by the injection is no longer an excuse. Video after video, journal papers and other means of warning about the effects of this experimental treatment for Covid (it is NOT a vaccine) is everywhere now (except in the MSM). This is a conspiracy unlike any before it as it is worldwide.
I’m sorry this has come to your door Wes, although you are correct, it is coming to all of our doors one way or another. God Bless you and your wife with what is to come. I believe you are a believer so, if you are, pray that Jesus with give you Wisdom and Discernment on this matter, and all matters. I’ll pray for you and your wife too. Ultimately, and these are not just words, it will be ok. We are going to traverse through some real muck and mire, but God has a good plan in the end. And, I do believe we are close to fruition of the plan.
There are times and targets that are still subject to the humiliation and bad press that well-organized, persistent protests can produce.
The top pic in your post is the start.
Here’s where your organizational and battle planning skills come in.
How many are willing to fight their employers?
How many med staff and supporters would it take to picket each entrance to the hospital?
How quickly can the leadership of the facility be doxed, both for adjunct picketing and for public shaming?
How good a one-pager (both sides) media release/explainer can you write, focusing on Antibody-Dependent Enhanced issues, “my body, my choice”, and other hot-button issues?
As the commenters point out here, the med execs are not holding a strong hand, even if/when the FDA goes full genocide and gives full approval for the death jab in September as is rumored:
Well said! I wish your site had the ability to subscribe to it. I forget to check it and quite honestly, I can no longer keep up with all the videos, blogs, and other sources that come into my inbox daily.
I live in near Greenville.
My wife has a co-worker whose early 60s cousin, fully vaccinated, died at Vidant this past week. Another co-worker of her’s, (healthy 50s) took the J&J, felt miserable for two weeks, then spent a couple nights in Vidant’s ICU with heart problems.
If these hospital managers are seeing the rumored numbers of suffering vaxxed within their patient population, AND they insist on their employees getting the shots, then they are liable. The victims, having no other recourse, might choose a Ceausescu-like court of law to seek justice.
War is coming, but not in the way most folks think. If Americans don’t take a firm stand now, what’s next, Prima-Nocta by the Oligarchs running this nation?
Just another reason that they show why they want Americans weapons
They prefer chidren, always have and always will, and mark my words they will have a field day once they legalise it.
Tthe “Prima-Nocta” rapings wil be carried out by the bought and paid for “public servants” and hired thugs.
Check out the reports of the routine rapes and sexual assaults by government employees against the people of North Korea daily to see what is likely to happen when the filth in public offices and wearing uniforms are given free licence in the West (they can already beat, arrest, and even shoot with impunity, the rapings of women, men, boys and girls is a natural progreesion for these thugs).
This will be payback for what you did to Germany and Japan.
Nurses, and all other medical staff, need to WALK OUT.
Anyone relying on ANYTHING is subject to being cut off at the knees.
Anyone relying on Social Security better get ready. Anyone relying on a govt-backed pension better get ready. This is why stacking cash and PMs is critical. This is why being debt-free is vital to financial survival.
Keep stacking, and get ready emotionally. The storm has escalated.
Be pro-choice: Go down with a poison-jab or go down fighting
I live in Arkansas but will stand with you when the time comes. My wife works for DaVita, but she has not said anything about mandatory jab yet.
I work for CCCI and they say it is not mandated so I sent this article to VP of HR. Like I told her just like Dan in the comments section.
Have everyone in the medical field take this jab and it eventually collapses.
Having 1/2 or more than 1/2 refuse and walk out, and they are fired, the medical field collapses. (Bodies piled up in the hallways of hospitals like we’ve seen in communist and third world countries)
More deaths and misery from the apocalypse after the apocalypse. This is what these people do. Sow chaos.
Create misery, suffering AND demoralization as people lose their integrity and morals by submitting to the state (as god).
The agenda is the destroy western civilization. On every front;
morally, spiritually, economically, getting you to live a lie, lose your sense of probity.. embrace the 7 deadly sins. Lead you astray.. keep us from uniting ..
spot on !!
Go to Solari.com they have downloadable documents to combat schools and employers requiring vaccines, masks, and tests. It puts the onus and financial liability squarely in their laps.
Moral liablity is all that counts. The courts won’t work.
Daughter of a vet, working for VA clients here. I asked my doc for medical exemption when this all began, because I understood what was coming. Question is: which is more likely to be accepted, a medical exemption or a religious exemption? Because I will refuse these injections based upon the FACT that they are created using aborted fetal tissues/cells (and not “old lines”, either.)
A religious exemption is more likely. I have read reports about medical exemptions being denied even with prior severe reactions. Depending on your state, it may be called a philosophical exemption. You do not have to defend a religious exemption, so your best bet would be to just say “religious exemption” and keep quiet after that. If you do choose to defend it….Anyone who intends to use this exemption needs to “armor up” with the Word (Eph. 6:10-18) and medical technology. They are not widely announcing yet, (maybe intend to use it against the first wave of religious exemptioners) but not all of these Injections contain aborted fetus cells. Some of them do, others only use for testing. They ALL do, however, contain chimeric rna (humanized mouse) and an additional defense may be against the mixing of “kinds” Lev. 19:19…Just don’t have a mule or triticale in your backyard or you might be called out on it. The mixing of kinds is biblically defensible and thoroughly discussed in Enoch (extrabiblical but referred to throughout the bible) and likely a factor in what disgusted God enough to flood the world, so it’s kind of a big deal….Also, it is a wise move to walk the walk not just talk the talk… What I mean is, even though our sins are covered by Jesus’ blood, that does not give sufficient reason to go on sinning. We are meant to go above what is written (Matthew 5:28-29) and set ourselves apart as holy in the sights of God, not conformed to this world (Rom. 12:2). Not for spiritual salvation, but “9…to prolong your days in the land which God swore to give your fathers,… ” (Deut. 11:9) Defending a religious exemption (instead of just pronouncing it) may cause one to be scrutinized for any aspect of their lifestyle that is not in accordance with scripture (noone is perfect). So, like I said, it may be best to keep quiet and not defend what doesn’t need defending. “23Whoever guards his mouth and tongue Guards his life from distresses.” (Prov. 21:23) “18praying at all times, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, watching in all perseverance and supplication for all the set-apart ones (Lord’s people)” (Eph. 6:18)
Hope this helps! Keep fighting the good fight!
“And I looked, and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” -- Nehemiah 4:14 KJV
What does it take to wake the fighting spirit up? “They” are NOTHING without us, “they” need us. We outnumber them by hundreds of thousands to one, yet “they ” continue to push fear and intimidation, “they” are not smart at all, fear is “their” weapon. It is time for “them” to run and fear us. The line in the sand, well it’s been drawn for us.
Will each of you continue to bow down to men and women who can’t do ANYTHING without all of us. Without us, there is no work being done, no money being made, no taxes being collected, no military, no police force, no farmers, builders, WE have all the POWER. “They are but a blood-sucking tick, time to pop the head off and burn “them.” It is time to take our lives back, free from evil, lying, thieving pieces of worthless scum. Seek God, ask for his strength, prepare for war, and do something!
You are asking all the right questions. I am 100% on the same page. WTF will wake people up to start pushing back?
People will not wake up until the gun is at their heads. Heck, history shows that even that did not wake up vast numbers -- the hundreds of thousands who walked onto box cars, or walked in line to a ditch in a field in both Western and eastern Europe during the last century.
The culling of the Human herd has begun. 90% of Humans will be gone by 2025 -- it is written -- by either starvation or the sword. It may be that the death injection is a gentle soft kill in comparission to what awaits the survivors.
The gun is at our heads. We are like the Jews before Hitler started to load them on trains. But watch Defiance -- even know they were aware of what was going on the majority still refused to fight back.
I had a conversation today with a guy who until then I always thought was fairly normal. I realized that they believe the shit they’ve been fed. They can’t see past it and they can’t defend it, but the believe it and dismiss everything contrary to it as a conspiracy theory. I was discussing this a little bit ago with the person we know in other venues as yeehaa.
First they came for…
Luckily no one is requiring me to get the killshot. Because I was already self-employed. Having rejected the evil globocorp and psychopaths helming the majority of the industry years ago I elected to make 90% less to be able to choose my clients and the conditions of my labor. Don’t ask me if I would make that choice again.
So being self employed, the forced jab is well downstream of the multitude of other swords of Damocles. The “two weeks to flatten the curve” lockdowns and subsequent economic shenanigans of 2020 cost me half of my life savings and effectively all of my income for the year which dashed my plans to finally buy a house somewhere well outside the progressive rot that now surrounds me.
Just like that I was at year zero again.
While neighbors were on their porches with cocktails in hand to howl for the hero nurses and doctors on the “front lines”, I was being liberated from my economic shackles of comfort that had taken me decades of work to accumulate so that cowards and karens could collect their stay at home pay and “feel safe”.
The problem with these ultimatums is not that the latest round of submission has “crossed the line!”, but that the submission happened long ago and we are just being shown the copy of the contract with evil.
The worship of “markets” and the comforts of our progressive systems were a Faustian bargain with a system that is working to destroy us.
The first 20 payments were interest only; they were relatively easy. No “I’m not racist”, “not sexist”, “not homophobic”, “I believe in equality”. “I am fiscally conservative, but socially liberal.” “I just want us all to get along”. “I vote (R)”; “I believe in the Constitution”; “I am a patriot!”
Ok Patriots, now to continue this pleasant parade down comfort lane, you just need to take this shot. Then we will leave you alone and things can finally get back to normal.
The entire proposition is debt-fueled and i’m not talking about the mortgage on your house that has doubled in value this year.
The devil is calling in the loans. I hope people fair well through these hard choices and that their faith will guide them. But if the trade-offs were not dire, they would not be the tests of faith that are required, but merely more simple interest payments in the long slow decline of our People and our faith.
Be glad that this is coming now, on our watch, and not for our children or their children. We stand in the path; it is our time.
While we cannot know the day, by now we should know the season. It is upon us. Godspeed, doc. I am sure you will find your way. Despite what the propagandists would have us believe, there are a great many of us standing beside you. What is coming will not be easy, but alas the Truth will bear our. And we know how this ends: We win.
“Truth will bear our. And we know how this ends: We win.”
Yes ‘we’ will win, eventually, but only after a tiny remnant has survived the tribulations and genocide that will kill at least 90% of the Human race.
The mark is not even here yet, nor the son of perdition, so life on this planet is going to continue to get much, much worse for years to come.
Waiting for my hospital to mandate it. I will quit. BTW the courts said that can mandate the flu Vax so I wouldn’t expect to get any help from them.
We are being set up to be conquered. When all the vaccinated healthcare workers are dying, all the vaccinated law enforcement is dying, all the military is dying, as a nation we will cry out for help. In will come the Chinese who will enforce communism on those of us who are left.
As I have grown older I don’t have as many responsibilities to others as I did in the past. My choices will probably be different than yours, but I will never take any vaccine from Big Pharma. I say resist and refuse because you cannot compromise with Communists. I have made my peace with this world and I will stand my ground, I wish for peace but prepare for war… see you on the other side.
I bet a small group of people will make similar choices and be standing next to you when those choices are set into motion.
Leave their system. Identity each other and only work, trade, and associate with people you can respect. We own our lives and the skills we have earned. I would much rather hand over the hourly rate++ in cash or trade to that nurse that refused the jab than pay some woke asshole many times that to skim off what they and a bunch of useless paper shufflers collecting data demand. Actual skilled individuals with the sense to question “authorities” denying them services will destroy their power structure fast but they will fight it. It will not be easy they will attempt to shut down any threat starting with its methods of communication. Won’t be easy but what worthwhile is?. Network with each other now, make the connections now while we still can. And it will get ugly, get your head ready for that and help those who need and deserve it.
One act that may help is to make sure all the health care workers you know are aware that you will try to employ them for cash if they decide to quit.
They have skills and knowledge that probably extend beyond just health care.
Glad to see I didn’t get all dressed up for nothin’!
I received the same notice yesterday. It’s odd that the dates match… or close enough. (November 1 for me). I’m glad I’m not the only one in this boat.
Getting it done before the “Dark Winter”.
Think South Africa is bad? Watch what becomes of all US cities in 2022, and to 2025 when the 90% depop plan of UN agenda 2030 is played out.
I cannot imagine the stress that you are under, especially if you have a family to support. If terminated, unemployment might cover part of lost salary, so milk it for all it is worth, make it expensive for former employer and gov’t, and line up your next job. May God bless you and protect you, for all the work you have done, and all the work you have yet to do.
This is not what I expected biblically, but with all the panic and mandatory weirdness and shutdown of global economy and demand for the Covid jab in order to do just about anything, will six months from now be that you can’t buy or sell without it? And what does the bible say about that?
Tell your wife to quit. God will take care of you. Soon there will be a great need for midwives for those who are not taking the jab. Seriously. She will be as busy as a one armed paper hanger and she will get paid in chickens and bags of wheat, and the Lord will reward her as well.
“This is not what I expected biblically”
i believe this is Biblically. we have just heard from so many men and authors, pastors, etc… and their own perspectives, our view has been somewhat clouded.
If put into this position, don’t ‘quit/resign’, Force them to Fire you. Before they do, find out where ‘management’ lives, etc. If possible, steal any ‘corporate information’ from the Computer Systems. Delete/Corrupt Data Files. Sabotage anything you can.
Make the Bastards Pay in any way you can.
There are over 330 million Americans living in our country.
We outnumber these little tyrants Tens of millions to one.
If we all could just find common ground stick together we could force their hand and take our country back
The police would have to stand down first .
Unfortunately, I sense that the police have chosen to take their side, if for no other reason than the trap called debt. Kind of hard to take solace in your principles when you lose everything, your house, cars, etc, because you can’t pay the bills, you have your wife screaming at you and wanting a divorce, and your kids telling you how much they hate you for being a bad dad.
People must resist. Everyone who doesn’t want this toxic jab must quit. The people have the power. If the hospitals don’t have enough staff they will have to back off. Everyone needs to grow a backbone and stick together or else all will be lost — forever.
You don’t need to be Viking, or armed Patriot, or sword-wielding Mel Gibson.
NO, all you need to do is NFARCE THE LAW. If you did that you would realize it calls for MASS hangings up there.
Automatically. No Viking yells, no rat-tat-tat Patriot, no screaming Mel. NOPE.
Just need to NFARCE THE LAW! Don’t you call America the land of laws or the land of the lawless?
Can I give a simple answer without being attacked ? Maybe it’s time for us to form our own medical system and let the lefties vaxx each other to death. We need good people and we all know that time is short.
just saying..
I’m not taking it, period. Fascist fucks can go to hell. The idiots can’t afford to lose your wife
Don’t quit. Make them fire you. Then you will qualify for unemployment.
Before requiring the jab, they are required to inform you of the potential hazard since this is experimental. Tell your wife and friends to get an attorney.
But…to my understanding there is only one defense that has stopped emploryers cold in their tracks….its in the form of a letter based on the Constitution. It is below….
<Full legal name>
Dear <Name of Employer/Organization>,
I am writing you to make you aware that I hold a specific religious belief that prevents me from taking a COVID Vaccine.
Per United States Federal Labor and Employment Law, my religious beliefs cannot be used as grounds for any termination / retaliation / discrimination. Additionally, I am under no obligation to be specific with you of these beliefs, to enumerate them, or be asked or required to defend them.
Please be advised that vaccinations (and certain other medical procedures/applications) violate my deeply held religious convictions. Accordingly, I am exercising my federally protected rights under 42 USC § 2000e–2(a)(et seq) which read as follows:
Unlawful employment practices
(a) Employer practices
It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer—
(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or
(2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Therefore, please place this letter in my appropriate HR file as a substitute for any such “proof of vaccine” or “certificate of vaccine” that you may need.
Thank you.
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________
-- <Full Legal Name>
Should you wish to visit the site I first saw this letter, its ….
It is not just health care workers. It is all of us. Are you ready to stand? Are you ready to be dirty, too hot or cold, don’t know where food might be. maybe don’t even know where you can safely go to the bathroom? Are you mentally prepared? Is your heart ready for what ever comes when you stand? If the answer is . ‘yes’, don’t give it a second thought because that will take too much strength. Thank God and put a smile on your face because what the enemy doesn’t know is that you are more than his match. Praise God! We knew this.
There is always hope when you are hopeless. God cannot lie. In your decision to take this shot or not just to keep yourself in your job, remember God’s words:
But all the weapons that are made against thee, shall not prosper: and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shat condemn. This is the heritage of the Lord’s servants, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:17
Fast and pray for guidance in this terrible hour of being forced to make a decision you should not have to make in order to work to put food on your table. When that day comes, condemn those that rise against you in judgement, then pray the blood of Christ over that shot.
Those that will not accept this shot, fast and pray for guidance. Also know that the Lord has other plans for your lives and do not waiver in this belief. God will not forsake his Church. .
“Lemme get this straight. I just came through a year+ ‘two week shutdown’ with out getting sick. But now I must get vax’d? And vax’d are dying from the vax? And there is no vax for the current strain? And the original strain is no longer killing anyone (only the vax is) since the CDC stopped numbers for it? Did I get this right? Prove me wrong.”
Look at the evidence against taking the vax from VAER’s website.
COVID Vaccine Data (openvaers.com)
My brother in law is an attorney, his law firm is mandating the jab, they met with him and they told him they would be sorry to lose him because he won’t get jabbed . He told them that he was not leaving and they would have to fire him.
He is still there and it’s a month later. They decided they did not want to be sued by an employee who would eventually win.
Read your employment agreement, see if it says that you have to take any unapproved experimental treatments, you will win
Well, Sir,
I can’t tell you what you should do. I can only say what I’ve committed to. I believe the shot is deadly. I will not submit to it, and neither will my wife. If that makes our life difficult, then so be it. We’ve been expecting this for many years. Was it going to be the Russians in a Red Dawn scenario? Was it going to be a natural disaster? A manmade disaster? Famine?
No, it appears to be a Revelations Mark of the Beast scenario. The worst of any of the above in my eyes. We are prepared to lose everything rather than submit.
When one has nothing left to lose? Well…
No idea who wrote this; for all I know, you did! But it is encouraging to me.
The only meaningful resistance you can offer is to be a truly converted, blood-bought, born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. They intend to destroy God, destroy natural law and destroy history itself. They intend to recreate man in their own image, separate from God, outside of time, and ruled without an appeal to anything but fear, dominance and absolute evil. Man will be separated from family, from community, from God, from nature, FROM HIMSELF!
They dominate this material world, people. It’s airtight. The grid is worldwide and interlocked and there is NOWHERE TO HIDE but under the wings of the Almighty – and believe me, He is more than enough. – Anon.
If they force her to take the deathjab, then the spike proteins she’ll be transmitting (through breath, sweat, other modes) will be a direct threat to the infants she’s taking care of. They have essentially NO immune system developed enough to fight off the foreign molecules. Her employer will be responsible for EVERY child’s death in that unit, from that point on.
What are they so desperate to put in us? Schwab / Gates “everyone in the world ID implanted by 2024.”
Mark of the beast.
The generation that sees Israel restored in a single day will see all the prophesies fullfilled. We are at the tribulations door.
DNA-based programming of quantum dot valency, self-assembly and luminescence
tell them you identify as vaccinated. if its good enough for caitlin/bruce, its good enough for them.
Does any one see a problem? Who and what are we looking for for advise and good word?
Odin is the god of war and of the dead. He rules over Valhalla – “the hall of the slain”.
In Norse mythology, Valhalla is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin. Chosen by Odin, half of those who die in combat travel to Valhalla upon death, led by valkyries, while the other half go to the goddess Freyja’s field
Seeing quote’s from Aesop also have an adverse effect on me.
Be careful of what motivates you.
And yes i do wish to help (you and others,) if you will allow for it.
The Time to be grateful and worship our one Creator is?
The time to Stand is always, daily. The time to defend against Tyranny is always, daily.
The time to teach your children and others by example is always, daily.
The time to express your love and caring of one another is always, daily.
This is what we need to remember and hold close. Truly!
These actors who are depicted and perhaps worshiped as leaders. When did they wake up?
What happened in Braveheart that caused Him and them to finally throw down?
What happened in The Patriot, that finally caused Him to unleash his other side? A side he did not wish nor want to unleash!
What happened in the John wick movies that caused him to reach his tipping point?
Are you indeed suffering? Have you reached that point, Truly?
Have you seen suffering, Have you been in a 3rd.world shithole where people are bought and sold by their families and employers?
And the Us. military has been right there in the middle of it for years. How many of you were young and stupid, wet behind the ears and engaged? Did we learn a damn thing? Are we innocent?
Every nurse should simply walk out. They have to have nurses
It is coming to everyone’s door. I am retired,but if I have to get vaxxed to receive Social Security or enter my bank, I’m scr..ed.
DO NOT take the Mark, or their “vaccines.”