The True Face of Evil

The President spoke eloquently of the high costs of our current inadequate security. A flood of illegal drugs, weapons, and gang members bringing suffering and death to Americans, as well as devastating the job market for African-Americans and Hispanics, and costing taxpayers untold billions for support services for our uninvited guests.

But as frightening as the President’s statistics were, they can’t compare to the terror we experienced when our TV screen was suddenly filled with two soul-sucking faces that put the “butt” in rebuttal…

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, border, wall, shutdown, pelosi, schumer

Schumer and Pelosi glowered into the unblinking camera and lied their shriveled rear ends off about what Trump had said only moments before. They characterized his statements as lies and hate, and claimed that Democrats are actually wildly enthusiastic about funding border security as long as Trump just ends the shutdown so the matter can be (ahem) “debated” separately until a bipartisan solution can be reached. Because the last 50 years or so of debate haven’t quite been enough yet.


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