The Truth Is Still Refreshing

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 year ago

I cannot support him for POTUS because I do not believe he is Constitutionally eligible, but I DO believe he would make a great Secretary of State in a Trump administration.
(Hey MADDMAXX are you reading this? Is this one of those radical websites you referred to on a discussion on another website?)

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

He tells it like it is, all of the other candidates are to worried about how they will be perceived.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Perceived by the woke jackals.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes. It IS refreshing to hear someone running for office who has a IDGAF attitude toward blood-sucking MSM slimes.

1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

That I can agree with.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

True. It is amazing how much the beltway social status drives the candidates. You would think they would recognize the patterns by now. They will be ist/phobic/hate etc. no matter how much they tap-dance and grovel as long as they are playing for the generals and not the trotters.

That is, until you consider that the uniparty really is one social strata and striving within the public-private beltway wealth generator cocktail circuit is all that matters. Even Trump was surprised that he didn’t get the invites.

I much prefer his style and delivery to that of President Trump, but he is also afforded the berth of his birth to address those things head on. The Sowell Effect. The media tries, but the whole (non)white supremacist thing just doesn’t stick and they know it.

He’s got the green light. But he is also savvy. He likely observed up close what has happened to the other Asians who thought there was a meritocracy only to find out that white adjacent in terms of IQ and achievement can get you benched just the same.

Restoring meritocracy is the smart move as it keeps his people out of the identity trap and thus free to exert their own in-group preference and nepotism to advance their interests without being dragged down.

The last ten years have solidified the sub-continent as a permanent power structure here and now it is time to assert while Whites are in that sweet spot between fledgling identity and totem proxy fetish.

1 year ago

I don’t trust the guy. From his background to now saying all the perfect things. But doggone does he say the right things!

1 year ago
Reply to  Windshift

I get it.
I don’t trust anyone, including some family members.

1 year ago

Another “attractive snare” to deceive the Christian white, fair-skinned, ability to blush, Adamic race of (European people settled) in America and sing our tune. How soothing a lullaby of words of truth can sound and seduce. All Glory, Honor, Praise and Love be unto Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua who Reigns Supreme now, always and forever throughout eternity!!!

Roth Harbard
1 year ago

We will never have peace in an ethnically diverse society. There needs to be a significant majority of one race (90%+). Remember the 1950s? I do. Whites were the majority by a wide margin. Outside of Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona there were very few Hispanics. The blacks were a minority that, while discriminated against, attempted to behave and mirror white society. Strong families all around. Tell me how diversity is our strength. Convince me. I’ll wait.
Anyone paying attention can see globohomo being built. We will all be some shade of brown, there will be no culture, we will eat bugs, own nothing, and be happy. Anyone advocating for mixed race society is assisting that agenda.
I love diversity. Japan for the Japanese, Europe for the Europeans, etc.

1 year ago

Nice sounding audio.
Nice choice of words.
Excellent delivery.
The applause, so so.

Beyond that…eh.
The comprehension level of what is occuring is missed by double digit millions.
As is evident in LoA.

As the J6 rot and the machine consolidates.

Enjoy whats left. And by all means, continue on as we have for well 100yrs anyway.

What is it…..”Vote Harder.”

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
1 year ago

Love it. All y’all who think he can only be Trump’s ‘boy’ are missing the point.

Nobody’s perfect, but he would be a damned sight better than four years of Biden or of media derision and israel first with Trump. (not holding my breath though, nothing even remotely good is going to happen on Nov 4th, 2024)

1 year ago

If we can GET to Nov. 4, that is.

1 year ago

He wont win the Presidency(he wasn’t on the Epstein List) but would make an interesting VP. Nikki Halley has her head so far up Klaus Schwab and Larry Finks A--…nothing but a Mother-Weffer Traitor!

Last edited 1 year ago by OPM