The Vaccinated Now Account For A Majority Of COVID Deaths

There’s a remarkable concession appearing in The Washington Post today:

“a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.”

The latest data shows that 58% of COVID-19 deaths in August 2022 were from people who were vaccinated or boosted. Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated/boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise. (In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January/February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.)

This is what happens when you rush ineffective and dangerous vaccines.

The FDA’s promises of efficacy – 91% for the Pfizer vaccine and 93% for the Moderna vaccine – were always based on hope, not data. So too were the promises of safety. At the time of the official approvals, both Pfizer and Moderna hadn’t submitted any type of long-term numbers on effectiveness. Their trials were polluted with the unblinding of participants and their safety studies are “ongoing.”

Now, we’re seeing efficacy numbers plummet within months of vaccination. The pandemic is of the vaccinated. The boosters? They’re to the benefit of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies, as they mask the true problems with the two-shot vaccines.

Even with these numbers, the outgoing Anthony Fauci continues to vouch for the jab, stating the data “overwhelmingly show the effectiveness of vaccines.”

Fauci: “If you look at the striking data, overwhelmingly show the effectiveness of vaccines…”— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) November 22, 2022

This is the same man who demanded school closures, inserted himself into the 2020 election by criticizing Trump’s COVID-19 response while complimenting China, and criticized Governor Ron DeSantis for reopening Florida’s schools.


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2 years ago

And ol’ rat face conveniently doesn’t remember what kind of directions he was giving to the American public under the guise of “science” during the scamdemic, a la the bushes and the clintons, eric holder, and the rest of the criminal khabal. Let’s Go, Brandon!!!

2 years ago

I started to see the sadistic/masochistic unnatural ways
of the evil ones that once they accomplished, via threats
duress & coercion their maximum push of their vexxedcinations,
and continuing, their now “We poisoned you, and you are dead,
dying and gravely ill” fear mongoring. to further alarm the senses
and beings of the populations.

As many where advicing a few years back -- “Harden your hearts”
Stay Sharp and Tuned In, for after all, forewarned is forearmed.

We did and do what we can, and continue…
“Fear not”…
Detox from those toxic evil ones, and very important --
From Within & without -- Mind, Body & Soul

2 years ago

all the vaccinated…what a laugh, changing your DNA in not a vaccination and they will all realize as they die…2400 americans a day over the 2016 to 2019 numbers are dead…all,,,again ALLvaccinated…4 to 6 billion to go…please open your satan scared eyes

2 years ago
Reply to  pat

the most interesting fact is those that have taken the poke, likely do not realize that they are no longer a creature of God, they have become creatures of a demonic and demented “science, ” and will spend their eternity in the place of the fallen! Trans-humans.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kal
2 years ago

the idiot and the hyena standing there with their useless masks watching an unmasked Napoleonic weasel of a criminal bloviate.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

There’s something wrong when the people who are in charge of our safety refuse to show us safety data.

2 years ago

The vaccines, if you still want to call them that, are highly effective. They are meeting or exceeding their goals. Problem is no one knows exactly what the planned REAL goals were.