Woke is a joke when it comes to defending our country. Unfortunately, there are no do overs in real wars.
On another note, when is Gen. Milley going to be arrested and tried for treason?
David DeGerolamo
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Woke is a joke when it comes to defending our country. Unfortunately, there are no do overs in real wars.
On another note, when is Gen. Milley going to be arrested and tried for treason?
David DeGerolamo
Is there any way to read these comments you post if you don’t have nor will ever have a Twitter account?
If Elon Musk or Trump takes over Twitter.
There is no one coming to rescue us, tramp, mask no one, and not the vote, the GOP in AZ will not appoint anyone to check signatures on ballots, mass fraud once again, TINVOWOOT.
I neither have nor will ever have a twitter account, and have no difficulty seeing the post and the comments on the post. You may have an extension on your browser blocking the feed, or something in your settings. I use Brave Browser, but can see it in Firefux as well.
Unlike facebook, you can see most of twitter without an account, but you do have to allow them to execute javascript on your computer, which is actually a significant security risk. If you use a mozilla based browser and install “noscript”, you can selectively allow twitter to run javascript, while still blocking third parties like google, and it still works.
It’s a compromise, and one really shouldn’t compromise security, but security is a cat and mouse game and there is always risk. The best you can hope for is to understand the risk and manage it.
Damn! I need one of you in the tribe! What browser do you recommend? You use noscript?
I have tried to say “screw them, let em look” but it’s nice to have a peace of mind if wanted to look at something “crazc”
I run a severly hacked version of Firefox called Icecat, and a number of addons, including noscript. I’ve compiled it all (as everything else here) from source. It’s work, but it’s what I do.
Getting Icecat to work on *this* site well enogh to comment is far too much a breach of icecat, so I use a seperate very generic reader for this. It’s far less featureful, but it works, and I only use it for posting.
There’s still trust involved, as I have not personally vetted every line of code. What price education. I have backup plans.
“On another note, when is Gen. Milley going to be arrested and tried for treason?”
That’s an easy one. The same time Hillary Clinton is.
Did someone mention Milley?
what a disgrace to the military. SAD
For the longest time I thought that picture was “shopped” to put a gorilla face behind the mask, and considered it a “juvenile” work, but no. That pic is unaltered. Milley did that.
He must be hanged as well as the other 24 joint chiefs of crap, all of them must be hanged and hanged soon.
why is recruitment down, 1. young folks are not motivated to be on the losing team. 2. young people are not motivated to make less than 6 figure salaries right out the door. 3. young people are not motivated by a patriotic love for the Republic. 4. young people are not motivated.
It’s an absolute tragedy, a disgrace, an embarrassment what’s happening to our military. It’s a social experiment instead of a defense prepared to kill the enemy! I would never want my son or any son to serve under these conditions…from the top, there is NO LOVE for this country!