The World Is In Chaos And Evil Is Winning! We Must Unite!

“God Will Not Hold Us Guiltless! Not to Speak is to Speak! Not to Act is to Act!”

Seems most of our visitors here chose to ignore this article.

I moved an article to trash yesterday because the comment section turned into a dumpster fire, yet again. What is wrong with us? We are all on the same team here!

You know, it will be real important while we’re in the gulags that we’re observing the proper Sabbath day! The good news is we’ve got a one in seven day chance of getting it right!

Come on!

The world is in chaos and Evil is Winning! Yet the only thing we are willing to get passionate about is what day we should worship God? You have got to be kidding me! Oh how I wish I could just withdraw from society. Or better yet, be one of the sheeple who could care less about what is happening in our country! But that’s not me. I actually care about the future we are leaving our children!

We are at WAR!!! Our government is assaulting us and we are doing nothing but bickering with ourselves. They have injected a poison into millions of citizens, I think they expected it to kill more people quicker than it is. Our ability to process food has been under attack. Our environment is under attack. They are robbing us blind. They are trying to start a nuclear war! They are still holding political prisoners for over two years now! Should I go on?

Yet we continue to argue among ourselves!

What will it take for people to unite against this great evil we are faced with? If we would just stand together we would be victorious!

I have held public meetings with like minded “Patriots”. I have spoken in public just how I write. Were the “feds” present? Who knows? I don’t care. Everyone seems scared to come together and discuss “plans”. I’ve met with so many people face to face. I’ve called people and spoken over the phone. You know what most people want? They want to know they are not alone in their anger with what we are faced with. However, when you offer “solutions” you get reactions like, “we can’t do that” “it’s not time yet” “have you lost your mind?” “I have bills to pay” and I could go on and on. “What can five dedicated guys do?” We’ll never know because nobody is willing to risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to fight this great evil we are faced with! We’d rather debate what day we should worship the Almighty! For that is more important than actually fighting evil!

You know what happens if we continue to use Religion as a Crutch? Evil wins! Just as it is now!

It seems people will only come together when they realize there is a greater good to rally around. I wish I knew what that was. Until I can figure it out, I guess most everyone will continue to pass the beer and turn on the sportsball!

We have no peaceful means left to us to set things right in this country. The future my children face is a dark one, unless we act! Violence founded this country, not pacifism! Best wrap your mind around that and harden your heart!



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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
1 year ago

We will never know.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago

Wes, uor grandparents and great grandparents lost the war for us. We have only lived under occupation. If we are to ever be liberated we must change out hearts! I’ll answer your question as to what can unify us, it must be the word of God it must be his true and eternal commandments, and yes his true Shabbat his true holy days. There cannot and will not be unity among demon worshippers nor can God live in the hearts ov men alongside idols. I thought most of the commentary on my video was very positive, we are making alot of progress spiritually within the patriot community so don’t be discouraged go back and look at those comments again only a very few of satans children wanted to have a tantrum about the Shabbat. P.s. If we turn to God and start obeying his commands that gulag will never happen, I believe He will fight for us and literate us from this tyranny.

1 year ago

While I agree with Wes’s assessment of the quality of comments on both Rabbi Will’s video and my Presidents’ Day post, they served as an example of how people are easily misdirected and ego driven. It does not matter who is correct if both sides are dead.
Wes told me about removing the post after he had did it. I was not part of that decision but his reasoning was and is sound. I did not downvote your above comment but it appears that people did not agree with it.
I doubt that the Lord will “liberate” us from tyranny.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You guys can do as you please regarding posts of course, I claim no right of offense nor do you owe me any explanation. As to whether or not YHVH will liberate us. I’m with you I doubt it too. After all why would he. Not that I doubt his promises I doubt FUSA is anywhere near truly turning to him and accepting the freedom he gives. As far as the down votes, I’m comfortable with that.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Dear Wes:
Scripture tells us to be slow to anger. I can’t help but be angry over the way our administration is treating the American citizenry, the graft, the involvement in Ukraine, the wasted dollars, useless rules, taxation, environmental disasters, all are adding to the smoldering heap of what was once America. Don’t let the inaction of America cause you weep or beat the drum for war. It will come, once the population has had enough.

Louis Jenkins

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Our contempt and frustration cannot be solved in a peaceful manner, what will it take to unite people? We are bombarded 24/7 with propaganda, while they kill and maim people with the kill shot and turn the country into a cesspool. There are no more lines in the sand for them to cross, it has been very apparent to me what they intend to do. How can we set aside our petty differences and come together? Cowardice, fear, apathy and why me I think this is our problem. Our children are being abused and tormented and still all we can do is sit and complain, I said we I include myself. They have the gun to our head already, do we think it is an empty chamber?

1 year ago

Very Interesting…and not for the obvious title headline.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Tuesday Edition – Western Rifle Shooters Association What choice is left? We need to HTFU and take our freedom and liberty back.

1 year ago

Faith with out works is dead the bible says
The founding fathers could of just set around and talked about starting a new country and nothing would of happen, but they had to act and it was not easy
Germany , early 1930s reminds me alot of America today, is history repeating its self, looks like it could be
But a frog in a pot and slowly turn up the heat , he will stay there until he is boiled to death
America your about to be boiled to death

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

step by step, the past is presenting itself for our unheeding disapproval. As a degreed student of history, the parallels a so close it’s as those they are working off a worksheet. At this moment in time, we are right about 1936-37 and looking as though we’re gonna skip 1938 completely.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

“War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide for yourself.” Benjamin Franklin
Genuine revolution starts in someone’s mind. Once awake, by helping someone else to wake up, you are involved in the fight.
As far as any violent solution, it’s the military that swore to uphold the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Instead, they are compromised. I can’t do their job. I can’t do the arrests that are necessary to stop the global terrorists. I can however make every effort to wake people up.
Ezekiel 6:8a
“Yet will I leave a remnant, in that ye shall have some that escape the sword among the nations…”
Religion is not a crutch for me. There have been and now are times where without God bearing His arm to protect a remnant, game over. I believe that is today’s reality.

1 year ago

I decided not to post in comments anymore yesterday. I’ll quit on this pack.
Before you revolt you better know who you are revolting against and where they are. These people you watch in congress and the senate, for the most part, can only guess. They can not even get clearance to some Walmarts. Politicians is just one level of puppeteers with the next level above, like the financiers, taking partial blame before you find the source. Those puppet masters don’t even have to exist in this country and want you to do something. Asking this question daily only serves to get some poor dumba$$ to shoot a wall somewhere. Before Jan 6 happened their was a lot of talk that Oath Keepers were going to Washington and were going to be armed blah blah blah.
It was all bait to get the exact result they got. Supposedly, it didn’t go far as they wanted, as their was reports of Chinese troops staged in Canada to come in. When this question gets asked over and over of when we are going to unify, you better determine what/who you are unifying against. You think you are going to stop world wide geoengineering by starting something. It would amount to a spectacle like the Egyptian spring with men on horse back riding in for a photo opt. I think what may be happening with these questions is akin to going outside and shaking our fist in the air. We don’t want to be in the circumstances. Creating a revolution at this point only serves to kill ourselves. We don’t want to be here in these conditions we have been led to, so, a revolution would be the quick and easy way out for some of us. That leaves the same circumstances for the survivors wondering what the hell just happened and how is this better. Its not better. Its collective suicide just to be doing something. I just watched my dad die about a year ago. Even as bad off as he was he wanted to live. I thought it was better to bring him home to die rather than the small chance of living in the hospital. I asked him if he wanted to live. He said, yes, everybody wants to live. I said nothing. He asked, do you want to live? I said I’ve never wanted to be here. That said. As much as I don’t want to be here, other people do. And we don’t have the right to take away their time to grow and see how things are. No matter how much we are ready to check out.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  2cents

Brilliant logic. Thank you for posting. Reality is not always pleasant.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  2cents

Sorry to hear about your father, but with that said, your giving up more than you know, we all want to live our lives as we see fit, but as you stated we have no right to call for an armed conflict, just move along and keep your head down and be quiet. How long do you think that will happen, one more day? You have no idea what is coming do you, they tell you in their words and mostly in their actions. I will not live under the communist boot on my neck, you go your way and I will go mine, your no brother of mine, just saying.

1 year ago

All I keep hearing from patriot groups is that the only way forward now is for us to go to a Cuban missile crisis scenario. And that is what it looks like we are headed towards. It seems to be the only thing that will get people off their backsides to do something instead of whining about it and making excuses about how they can’t do anything about it. Hang in there, Wes, we are getting close to people in action. America just has to slip down a little bit more until others start seeing the evil that is running the show in America. By then it will either be too late for some of them and for the rest of us, aw heck, it will be just up our alley to finally come out swinging.

1 year ago

It seems we would rather live on our knees and die on our feet afterall!

1 year ago

When are you guys going to wake up and realize that America is Mystery Babylon and headed for destruction ordained by God Almighty the Creator of the heavens and the earth? I am 52 years old and this country was already lost before I was born. The moral rot and spiritual decay in America is staggering… this is the Kingdom of Darkness and Wes while your heart is in the right place you think at this very late hour in Bible prophecy that you are going to somehow overthrow Mystery Babylon with a few AR15s and night vision and turn things around and force morality on the land while you hold off global superpowers that despise us and rebuild America that is full of people that want things exactly like they are?? Jesus our precious Lord and Savior is coming back like a Lion to set things right and America is about to suffer God’s wrath. I don’t know the number of God’s true remnant in this country and who actually belongs to Him and yes we are to stand against evil but I see nothing in the Bible about His people taking down Mystery Babylon to set up their own kingdom. If you think we are not in the last days and America has decades or centuries of some golden age to come then I don’t know how to respond. You guys act like it is the 18th century all over again but it is not. This Empire (what’s left of it) is God’s to destroy through His perfect will. You guys just go ahead and keep squabbling about taking down the U.S. Government and DOD in it’s entirety along with the Globalists, Bankers, Corporations, Big Tech, etc etc along with every corrupt State and Local Government along with all of their corrupt Law Enforcement as well as the Guard and Reserve as well as all other entities I left out as well as the World Superpowers poised and ready to wipe us out because they hate America with good reason. Better stockpile a few extra rifles and night vision goggles for the takedown. I would like nothing better than to see these evil bastards pay for their unspeakable crimes that NOBODY has the balls to confront them with but I put my full faith and trust in the Lord and His righteous judgment on America and weep that our fathers and grandfathers gave away our country to the enemy and did nothing to stop them in the 60s when most of this really got under way. The hour is late and only Jesus can set things right again for this planet. Satan and his crowd control this Kingdom of Darkness we are living in to bring about the final days but I belong to Jesus and His Kingdom of Heaven!! Wes instead of endless worrying about a Revolution that can’t be won why not focus your energy on things like stopping sex trafficking and saving some of these tortured children out there in what has seemingly become an overpowering plague on this country? If you have the means to fight something like that on a smaller scale… maybe we can make a difference in areas like this for God’s Kingdom.

Jeff (No king but Jesus)
Jeff (No king but Jesus)
1 year ago

David and Wes: Will, in his video promotes the idea that true believers are those who obey the Torah. He uses the de Tocqueville quote “Religion is the road to knowledge, and observance of the divine laws is what leads a man to civil freedom” to promote a strange and novel religion that de Tocqueville was not promoting. Do you not know that the Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible which contain the civil laws for Israel? Will uses de Tocqueville to show the moral goodness of the people of the states. But certainly Will knows that the people of the states did not believe in keeping the Torah. The Congregationalists, the Presbyterians, the Anglicans, the Baptists, EVERYONE believed in keeping the 10 commandments, which was considered by all of these denominations to be the moral law of God. The 10 commandments are on our court houses walls and not the Torah. David and Wes, certainly you have to know that the colonies were settled by protestants and not Jews. If you are going to promote religion on your site, why not promote one of the protestant religions that helped to make this country great instead of some weird religion that teaches that the denominations during the founding of this country are all false. Yes, there IS a major problem with religion in the US toiday. I agree that all of the above denominations have gone off the rails, but there are still small gatherings of the above denominations in NC that still hold to the original beliefs held during the colonies. The solution is to go backwards to the old paths of religion, not to invent new religions. The dumpster fire did not start when I started calling out Will, It started when you decided to post a religious teaching that promoted the idea that we are supposed to obey the CIVIL laws given to Israel. ALL historic protestant religions disagree with Will. The issue is not should we have Christmas or what day we should go to church. I do not celebrate Christmas and believe strongly that the first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath, however I would never say that Christians that disagree with me are not true Christians. Will _IS_ saying that true believers are ONLY those who keep the TORAH. So he uses de Tocqueville views of the religion of the colonies, but then promotes a religion that teaches that all of the religions of the colonies are false. I know that you are going to let this get posted, so I will let you know that Will is a false religious teacher. He is promoting some sort of “pretending to be Jewish” religion. Does he not know that he is in America and not in Israel, and that he should use the English language? Why does he need to sprinkle his communication with Hebrew religious words? He thinks that by using Jewish words he sounds knowledgeable, but people who are really knowledgeable, know that they should use the common language when teaching things to people, so that they are able to understand what is being taught. So why not go back to informing us about the things that you are knowledgeable about? Or if you are going to promote a religion, promote the old fashioned protestant religion? You could pick the teaching of any of them as they were pretty unified on all important issues. (except the Roman Catholic and Quakers, which were not very influential in the colonies). I have been a student of historic Protest religion for over 30 years. A couple giveaways that a religion teacher is a fraud is when they use historic quotes dishonestly (which Will certainly is doing) and when they use overly technical religious jargon instead of the simplest words possible to explain religious truth (which Will is certainly doing). I hope you understand that I am not trying to be a troublemaker, but to be helpful. You already have my email, but it is if you have any questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, you can’t solve “this problem,” but I know someone who can. Keep praying. At some point, I believe He will bring His people together.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Revealing, Strider receives neg. votes for a quality statement!
This shows us where the problem lies.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

And you gave that a lot of thought ehh?

Jeff (No king but Jesus)
Jeff (No king but Jesus)
1 year ago

Hey thanks for approving my post! I certainly did not expect that. Will, would you kindly let us know by whom and when your statement of faith was written? Can you name anyone in the colonies that held to your statement of faith posted here:

My statement of faith is here: It was written in 1652, and is a direct result of the Protestant Reformation. It was written by 150 ministers and laymen, many of whom knew Greek and Hebrew fluently.

Rabbi Will Mccubbins
Rabbi Will Mccubbins
1 year ago

Are you comfortable with the open homosexual agenda being promoted by the Presbyterian church today? It seems you guys are not really holding to that old 1652 statement. Ill ask the one who compiled the BGMC statement for permission to give out his info. I think you misplaced the whole context of my vid. It certainly was no attempt to Judise the founders they were plenty secular. And alot of masons as well. The context was the virtue righteousness of our communities then vs now.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Thank you Rabbi Mccubbins, that was a good video I myself believe your heart and mind is in the right place, thanks.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Thanks tom.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Sorry Tom I meant to give you a longer reply. But the need to shake some dust off my shoes arose. Any way weve made tremendous progress in the last year within the patriot community . Weve deprogrammed alot of believers who were under the church doctrines and various other lies. I hate you guys here have to endure it sometimes but you know it makes Satan angry to lose even one. So he sends his children out in force! We keep on doing this for the ones who are coming to the truth to give you good news we’re growing constantly as is belief in the true sabbath . Unlike the Christian churches which are shrinking away to nothing.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Rabbi, in my short time on earth the one thing I have learned is that I know but a little, I try to keep an open mind. I stopped a long time ago in practicing the traditions of man.

1 year ago

Will, please see above where I am promoting the old protestant religions that existed in the colonies, and not the modern ones, and of course you are right that they are not holding to the Confession. They left off the original confession a long time ago. In fact, when Presbyterianism came to the USA, that was the first time that they started changing it. The congregations in the US that still hold to any of the original protestant confessions are very small. I believe there are 2 congregations in NC that hold to the original Pres. confession, and I know of other Baptist congregations that hold to their original confessions. So you are not really engaging with with me at this point because I am not “you guys”. I don’t really need the writer’s info. Just to know that he is still alive tells me what I wanted. I will change my question. Can you name a person that has been dead for more than 20 years who was a teacher in your religious organization? Your sentence here is revealing “It certainly was no attempt to Judise the founders they were plenty secular.” Are Jew and secular the only two choices here? Are you saying that the religion of the time that de Tocqueville admired for keeping the Laws of God was secular? Of course Will and I would both agree that many of the founders were not true believers, but I would say that they were not true believers when they did not really believe the true Christian system of belief held in common by all of the protestant denominations that existed in the colonies, and Will would say that they were not true beleivers because they did not hold to the statement of faith that was thought up by a guy that Will knows. And Will, I do not think that you are understanding my argument. I KNOW that you were not trying to Judise the founders. My claim against you is that you first quoted de Tocqueville, because you know patriots often are drawn to the “old paths”, the “old ways” and then you villianized the founders when you said that true believers hold to the Torah. I realize that you don’t think you did that, but you did. We had a virtuous society because all Christians held to the belief that the moral law of God was summarily comprehended in the 10 commandments. That is why our very Constitution gave the President of the United States Sunday off, and not the Jewish Saturday. Most Protestant churches today do not believe the 10 commandments are a summary of the moral law. BTW, I am not trying to promote my Pastor or Presbyterianism. I am trying to promote ALL and ANY of the Protestant denominations that existed in the colonies. Will is promoting something a guy he knows wrote. Also, I am sure that I would really like Will as a person. But the Spiritual battle that we are in is more important than the civil battle. We might (although I doubt it) escape the many things that look like they are on the horizon, but none of us will escape the Day of Judgment.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff

You linked it. I didnt link the bgmc statement of faith you did that. I promoted scripture . Since you have already decided that I am a false teacher any how. And it is obvious to me that you have much difficulty relating events and statements accurately you are a child of the father of lies. So Im done with you. You are invited of course to BGMC anytime . Perhaps we can teach you the importance truth before its too late for you. So this ends my comments to you.

1 year ago

I stand corrected. It was me that linked to the statement of faith that is on the website of your religious organization. You can only argue what you can argue, I guess. Ending the conversation at this point is fine with me. You believe that I am a child of the father of lies because I believe that the faith of the Congregationalists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Dutch Reformed, Methodists, Anglicans that joined together to take up arms against King George is the one true faith -- without the help of a single person from your religious organization.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Jeff,- “Do you not know that the Torah is the first 5 books of the Bible which contain the civil laws for Israel?”
Torah = Instruction Even instruction that is throughout the New Testament! And i agree with you some things did change throughout time. much misunderstanding also increased. Yet The First 5 books are also for us all.
Not saying that Will is perfect, none of us are. You are twisting many things in your posts also.
If we are His, we are in the House of Israel. Spiritual Israel!
i advise slow down and yes, try to keep it simple.

1 year ago

Harden my heart? No thanks! I trust in my Lord & Savior… doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything. You can’t stop the ending to HIS book. God’s already turning the page. I ask: Are you afraid to die? “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus WILL BE persecuted.” -- 2Tim.3:12. This place is Not the home of believers. God is in control. Pray

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Are we men of God? And yes i mean the One True God of all and everything. Elohim of all the other gods.
Are we also His children? Or are we childish, name calling , accusers etc.?
My point is: Christians , Messianic, or (whatever box you need to put yourself in) When we speak, who do we represent?
we are supposed to represent Him and His True church.
How have we been doing?
Wes, no matter how it looks on the surface, evil is not winning!
True freedom and True Liberty is only found in one place. Both Freedom and Liberty are spoken of in His Word.
The sabbath was made for man , not man for the sabbath.
We should worship Him each and every day. we should also do our best to reflect Him well.

1 year ago

I finished my vacation yesterday and returned to my secular job today. This very well may be the last time I post.
As some of you may know, I am Canadian. In the years 2021 and 2022 there were peaceful freedom protests in Canada which led up to the Freedom Convoy of 2022. Trudeau called those of us protesting racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists and white supremacists. I went to one of the freedom protests. I walked around and spoke with people to see why they were there. Who did I speak with? White people, Black people, Chinese people, Indian people, lesbians, gay, straight, men, women, families, Protestants, Catholics, Sikhs, Hindus, Atheists, etc.
Absolutely nobody fit the picture of the people Trudeau was trying to portray us to be. We were all united in one thing: Freedom. We weren’t bickering over religious differences. All colors, races, religions and sexual orientations were united not in a religious battle but in a peaceful fight for freedom.
I’m seeing bickering over religious beliefs among the people here. This is tearing you apart and, and yes I participated when I posted my first comment ever when the conversation turned to the Trinity. I am truly sorry.
I believe the left have 3 objectives: Control, divide and destroy. What and who the left cannot control they will try to divide and if they cannot divide they will try to destroy.  Trudeau went into hiding when the Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa. He couldn’t control or divide it so the PEACEFUL Freedom Convoy was destroyed when Trudeau used The Emergencies Act, which never should’ve been used. The Freedom Convoy was truly peaceful so it was armed against unarmed 
Do you want freedom? My suggestion is simple: Stop making this a religious war amongst ourselves and unite for freedom, because right now we are being divided, not by the left, but by ourselves. The left aren’t so much as lifting a finger. Any on the left who might be visiting this site are laughing their heads off. They obviously can’t control us, and if we do not divide, if we stay united, they might have to bring the fight to us. Let them bring it.
I will end this with one Bible verse that is simply a truth that can be applied to anybody of any religion: Matthew 12:25 ….every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
I’ll keep reading articles and comments. If my thoughts or opinion is ever asked, I might supply it.

1 year ago

a simple observation on how you can’t fight this government. Did America win in Korea? No, we are still at war with the North, we merely ceased fighting. Did America win in Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam, nope, Mr. Chuck bothered the civilians back home so badly that we abandoned our ally. What about our escapade in the land when no invaders have ever won in the history of the world, seem the government lost that one as well. Just my thought. Sort of like a lesson I learned in a certain program in the army, plan, put your head down, and put one foot in front of the other, repeat. God may stand at your side, but you gotta do the fighting. Of course, I’m old now but still have a small fire going.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Important: Proverbs 28:9
Torah = Instruction, Law, His Eternal Law and guidelines. And once again it is our free choice to follow, or not.
Proverbs 28:9
He that turneth away from hearing the Torah, Even His prayer is an abomination.
why do prayers seem unanswered, why do some not have His peace?
If we agree that Virtuous men (mankind) are desired why do we not pursue Truth?
His grace (His favour) also resides here.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Violence did not found this country. Neither did the “Founders.” Nor our fore “fathers.”
Does it seem off that so many call these men “founding Fathers?”
Were we not also warned of these things?
It all had a part, yet, this country came by way of the Birthright Promise given through Abraham.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Ignore the Truth at your own peril. i gave it an honest shot, and you are anything but.