There is Hope After All

From time to time I receive a message from a reader that he or she has been reading my analyses for years, is convinced that what we have known as Western civilization is in collapse, but wishes to see some hope.  What can we do to resurrect our civilization, integrity, moral behavior, and respect for truth?

My position has been that nothing can be done unless the people are aware of their plight.  My job is to bring awareness.  Nothing can be done until the people seek awareness and become aware.  As long as the media and official narratives keep people in The Matrix, nothing can be done.  Movies such as V for Vendetta and The Matrix have made this clear.

But today I bring you good news.  After a conversation with a friend today, I can tell you that it is in the collapse of the system where hope resides. As every aspect of the system is corrupt, collapse is the corrective.  The ruling elites have miscalculated.  By bringing about the collapse, the elites are collapsing their own power.

Collapse brings reset, not the World Economic Forum’s, but the peoples’ reset.  The people have the numbers, not the elites, who are diminished by fights among themselves.  As their power shrinks from their miscalculations, their power diminishes. The elites know this, which is why they are trying to kill us with “vaccines,” “pandemics,” and the destruction of our food supply in the name of “saving the planet from global warming.”

The only way humans can destroy planet Earth is through nuclear war, which seems to be the goal of US neoconservatives, such as Robert Kagan and Victoria Nuland.

Why is there hope in collapse of the accumulated evil?

Because it clears the agenda. 

Read the Whole Article Here…

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11 months ago

Good points when the time is right. While a black swan event will precipitate the collapse of this evil, we do not know the time frame. And until that event happens, people will continue to watch football and wait for March Madness basketball.
If you believe the above article to be true and want to do more than wait, there are options available. Reduce (or eliminate) debt, buy supplies and equipment to allow your community to rebuild: sawmills, hand tools, electrical generation and libraries. Food and good will go a long way in bad times but bad times are the result of the actions of bad people. Vigilante justice is not a valid path but swift and fair justice will be the number one prerequisite to rebuilding a moral and honorable country.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

In collapse, from where is authority derived to imbue those administering what is fair and just? Under occupation by evil, corrupt, and unjust rulers, same question.
Vigilante and valid. Patriot and terrorist. Loyalist and rebel. What is a vigilante under an evil State? Or no State?
Part of our challenge will be to grant ourselves freedom from the lingering, residual social order that already only exists insofar as it can be used against us -- or worse, that we employ upon ourselves as tribute to the grand mythology of our sacred ideals.
Part of our preparation needs to be the mental and spiritual orientation such that when the time comes that the pursuit of our freedom and our justice will stand naked in front of the tyrants we do not cover ourselves in fig leaves.
The break from anarcho-tyranny will require its own kind of swiftness. I pray for the wisdom and discretion required to stand in those moments and choose accordingly.

11 months ago

The West is dead. There is more to happen, but never the less, the West is dead. What’s coming is not going to be Sunday school. There will be atrocities on all sides. Lots of atrocities. What comes out on the other side of this will not be determined by weak minded people. Cold ruthless bastards will determine who lives and who dies. Consider prison life. You’re either the predator or the prey. Mad Max didn’t cover it all.

11 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

I concur with your view. When a collapse does occur the Mad Max scenario won’t even cover the atrocities. The amount of evil that exists can only be eliminated by ethnic cleansing to which I am not a party. But there will indeed be a bloodbath. Self-defense, community survival and defense, guerrilla war are all fine. But don’t look for a better day. Sorry for having to say this. I will fight when needed. I will die in Christ. Man cannot alter the inevitable put forth in the bible. If you trust the word of God, believe that only He can put an end to what we face. Man cannot do it.

11 months ago

I believe in Jesus. He is our hope.

11 months ago

We are past the “stop them, and fix the damage,” stage. We are at the “burn it all down, hang the commies and start over stage”. There’s nothing left worth saving when referring to the government.