There is Only One Way to Regain our Freedom, and that is the Way our Founding Fathers did, FIGHT FOR IT!

I don’t even know where to begin. What will it take for Americans to wake up and take back their freedom? A hoax of a virus is being used to control and divide us. People are blindly obeying the wishes, yes wishes because there is no law, that you should wear a mask and avoid contact with people. People’s lives and businesses are being ruined because people refuse to stand. Have people lost the ability to critically think for themselves? That face diaper you are proudly wearing with your cute little sayings printed on it doesn’t do a damn thing to prevent a virus. You are virtue signaling that you are a good little peasant and will follow the orders of your evil government. There is no pandemic. We were lied to. Period. If there was an actual pandemic we wouldn’t have to be told about it on television. We would know and see it with our own eyes.

This is all about our government dominating us and wanting us to submit to their every whim. This is about control. This evil government is pushing us and testing us. They want to see exactly what they can get away with and what we are willing to accept. At this point it is anything. Very few have the courage to speak out or do anything. Although speaking out against this tyranny we face will now get you labeled as a domestic terrorist. At least now I know what to refer to myself as. Ha!

A question was asked on another post here “Isn’t there anyone out there who is brave enough, patriotic enough, and who cares enough to rise up and take America back?” My answer to that question is yes, however I am but one man and I do not want to be a martyr. So how do we begin to fight? You know what happens if we continue to do nothing? It quite the conundrum we find ourselves in.

Our nation is lost and we have lost our way as a people of this once great Nation. We are so far away from the way our country was founded. How do we get that back? People need to return to God. People need to pray. Sit still and listen to God. May he guide us.

I don’t know what it will take for the people to act. I would have never guessed that people would have submitted to the insanity that they have over the last year. Our Freedom has been stolen. Our dignity has been stolen. And as John Adams said “Liberty once lost, is lost forever.” There is only one way to regain our freedom, and that is the way our founding fathers did, FIGHT FOR IT!


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3 years ago

I once had a conversation with a group of people after Obama’s first election where I stated that I was happy that he won. After their initial shock wore off, they asked me to explain myself. I told them that his election was a wake up call for patriots to stand up against tyranny.
The converse was true when Trump won the office in 2016. People became complacent again and put their faith into one man to save them. Today, the country’s government has been illegally usurped and the majority of the people are still waiting for Trump to save them.
When will we act? When we realize that only God can save us. At that point we will have to fight. I do not know when, but based on the urgency of the government to classify patriots as domestic terrorists, they must think it is coming soon.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The climax of every 4th turning crisis has kicked off with some sort of triggering event; an event that in hindsight was obvious but people at the time couldn’t see coming. I believe we are currently in the tempestuous state of affairs prior to such an event.
I read the other day that it was 80 years from the start of official hostilities between the Colonial army and Gen Cornwallis to the firing on Ft. Sumter. It was then 80 years till Pearl Harbor. If we stay on the 80 year pattern, the next crisis event should happen in 2021. So we may be close.
The event will be something that shocks people out of their stupor. They will realize that things and society can’t go forward like it has and history will go around a corner. Whether it results in victory and the side of light wins or we wind up in dark totalitarianism remains to be determined. They die is not yet cast.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

April 19, 1775: The Battle of Lexington and Concord

April 12, 1861: The firing on Fort Sumter (86 years from 1775)

December 7, 1941: The attack on Pearl Harbor

2021: 80 years after Pearl Harbor, only God knows what will happen but we all should prepare for the inevitable

Long Live the Constitutional Republic!
Sic Semper Tyrannis!

The Palmetto Cynic
The Palmetto Cynic
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Well DR, I’m glad I didn’t have to say it first, but your comment is spot on. I was just about to comment as follows:
Where were you guys the past 4 years when Trump was pretending to fulfill his campaign promises and strutting around at rallies like he did?
That aside, the very first thing that needs to happen is to de-legitimize government at all levels. No voting, no donating, no acknowledgement, no letters to CONgressmen and so on. Your vote is not a choice. Your vote is a validation of the state. Stop validating and legitimizing the illegitimate, even if a candidate you “like” is running. Hopefully living with the current consequences of your post election candidate not not living in the beltway might wise some people up.

3 years ago

I think Patriots have to come together so that we can collectively walk away from the system. We have to start our own communities that still value traditional American ideals. In those Patriotic communities, we must abandon the Federal Reserve Note; gold and silver should be our means of exchange, our money not a currency, as the Constitution clearly states. The best way to hurt TPTB is financially. I think the best way to hurt them financially is to abandon their system.

We must realize we will probably never convince enough people to physically resist as occurred in 1775. Therefore, for those that do want to resist, our best way to do that is to walk away and start our own Patriotic local economies. We need someone wealthy enough to assist in providing the initial land. Overtime the Patriotic community could grow from its own success. It will also require enough Patriots to abandon their lives based around the Federal Reserve Note. If we don’t start thinking bigger than just wanting to fight, which trust me I want to fight these SOBs, we will lose for sure because we will all continue to remain idle.

This won’t be easy but I don’t see any other options. Think of it like a New Jamestown (survival rate ~20%) or New Plymouth (survival rate ~50%). If we do not walk away we lose anyways.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

On YouTube this last Wednesday, Pleb and Laurel were discussing what needs to happen. Let’s just say they pretty much agree with what you just said. Segregation, getting away from the dollar, using an army of lawyers as a right wing ACLU to bog use their system against them and bog it down and focus on local communities being self sufficient, especially with respect to food.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Thanks for sharing. I like Pleb’s comment about making communities too large to Waco. I think that is a great concept, and his comment about if the Feds do want trouble, Bundy Ranch instead of Waco.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rifleman1775
Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Rifleman1775

Great info rifleman

3 years ago

The (((bolsheviks))) have been ‘running on inertia’ due to the Fact that most people are “Law Abiding”, which actually means they will “Go along to Get Along” with the bullshit (like the Masks), but ultimately, now that we have just about Everyone in the ‘government’ openly talking about treating their political opponents as “Domestic Terrrists” it won’t be long before an actual (((commie Pogrom))) begins.
(((they))) ardently believe that now is the Time for the opponents to the corporate police state/new world order to be Eliminated. I have always believed that Eventually, (after all coercive methods have Failed) the (((bolsheviks))) will have to initiate ‘Kinetic Action’ against their opponents (“Enemies of the State”)
Once the Military and ‘state security forces’ openly begin Imprisoning and Killing Citizens for Obviously ‘political crimes’, It’s “On like Donkey Kong”. The use of Drones or any other Heavy Weapons Systems against the People should be the signal for Patriots to “find a commie and Kill It” meaning Any and Every politician, bureaucrat, judge, po-Lice officer, and Soldier.
And their Families.
Civil War Isn’t

3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Media, msm was left off at the top of your list.

3 years ago

When this starts make no mistake that they will use the military against us. They will also cut off the power to areas that resist. They will also not let trucks in to resupply the stores. They will starve many out. And in desert areas they will die. You will need alot more than guns and bullets to survive this. How many here have enough food and water for 6 months to a year? When your babies are screaming and your wife is telling to just give up your guns so we can have food again. You will do it.

The Palmetto Cynic
The Palmetto Cynic
3 years ago
Reply to  Raymond

Until we get to that point, I’m not sure I can even venture a guess as to how I would react. But here’s my take from a well heated house after a good meal 🙂
If we are driven to that point, we have nothing left to lose either way you turn. Starvation via government cutting off resources OR living a life of the Hunger Games District 12. Men with nothing left to lose are very dangerous men indeed, but only before they are disarmed.

3 years ago

Once the Union Army went West after the CW they eliminated the Buffalo and starving Indians quit fighting, went to the reservations and starved some more. We will All be on the reservation soon, if not already…. Russell Means was one smart Indian.

3 years ago

I think the patriots should study how the progressives
won (stole) this battle for our country. This was a very
violent coup d’etat with nearly no guns used by the winners.
Over reliance on guns and gun play, left the Patriots completely
out maneuvered by antifa. The Patriot guns were rendered completely
useless. I’m not saying throw them away. In fact, just the opposite.
But study the tactics and weapons of the winners. Steal what works for you…

3 years ago


3 years ago

[…] Update! Wes is thinking along similar lines, including the Braveheart reference. […]

3 years ago

An ugly reality that most refuse to acknowledge is people only have the rights and freedoms they are willing to fight for, die for and most importantly….KILL for. Anyone not willing to shed blood to remain free will NOT BE ALLOWED TO REMAIN FREE.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

 “People need to return to God. People need to pray. Sit still and listen to God. May he guide us.”
i agree, and, Through His Son is the only path to this. Many people claim to know God and the ways of God. Do they know His Son?
How sure are you Yah, wishes to save Babylon from the coming destruction? Or the house of Israel for that matter?
Is this not a valid question?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Amen Follower.

3 years ago

Our freedom and dignity stolen? More like offered up to our new gods willingly, like sheep. That said, time will come for a remedy. Take names … and addresses. Target rich environment ahead.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

From the day of your fathers you have turned aside from My laws and did not guard them. Turn back to Me, and I shall turn back to you,” said Yahuah Tsabaoth. But you said,
In what shall we turn back?