They Do Not Want to Cure People

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Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 months ago

Research shows that it was discovered in the 19 century and was promoted more so in 1962. But we know Big Pharm couldn’t have that to happen. Just like so many natural plant base products that could help cure minor and major illnesses. When I was growing up in the hills of Virginia, my mama used plants and tree bark from the forest. Remember in the 60’s when pot was coming on the scene in our area that my mama laughed how we were making a scene about the pot head in the county. She said it was an Indian herb used for small cuts/scratches and low fevers. God gave us natural plants/herbs to combat illnesses. But man rather use chemicals from the wrong plants and man made chemicals. Bottom line all about the greed of men $$$$

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago

Indeed, they DO want us sick.
People look at you cross-eyed if you try to talk about it b/c they’re incapable of looking at a different paradigm. They can’t fathom it. Even after the KungFlu, they still can’t wrap their head around it.

2 months ago

Ibogane has psychedelic properties, so expect all the usual hand wringing and whining.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 months ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Of course.
The fact that LSD has been used by psycologists to cure alcoholics is also research that will never see the light of day.

2 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Psilocybin too. It ALL remains illegal because bigPharma knows that these are REAL CURES and not just life-long drug revenue sources.

Roth Harbard
2 months ago

The problem? The medical community traded altruism for profit, got in bed with insurance companies and big pharma. Once profit was king (more important than actual health care) they determined that there’s no money in the cure, only in the treatment. I’ve had doctors tell me exactly that. When I asked my urologist how many hours of nutritional study he received in med school, he replied one hour, one day. He continued by saying there’s no money in nutrition, only in pharmaceuticals.

Here’s a suggestion. One that certainly won’t be heeded, but would work for the betterment of our people. Rather than waste money on foreign wars, studying the sex life of a dung beetle in Mongolia, etc., provide government grants for extensive nutritional study, study of healing plants, and study of folk medicine and treatments (do they actually work?).

We could fix America, but it would take a strongman. The actions required could only be accomplished by a benevolent king or dictator. I’d like to think there’s another way, but I just can’t imagine one.

2 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

There are numerous nuggets of natural pharmaceuticals in the “Foxfire” books.
They’re like reading a prepper book crossed with a farmer’s almanac.

We may be consulting these pages should Pfizer and other BigPharma companies be consigned to Hell--where they belong.

2 months ago

I scan a lot of sites. I’ve noticed that there isn’t much significant new info out there. It’s as if the news has hit a ceiling. Two terror events recently. That’s it. Too quiet. Way too quiet. Something big is coming. When it gets this quiet, it’s an ambush!

2 months ago

The LSD experiments with alcoholics showed great promise, but .gov did psychedelics because Timothy Leary pushed the recreational side too hard, too fast. What we need are OPTIONS, people are individuals and what helps one person may not help someone else. Individualizing treatment, engaging the patient in decision making, and careful monitoring are crucial.
There is more research now on psilocybin & depression, but they are seeking patent protection. Clearly a company does need to be able to earn a return on investment in research, but it has been ridiculous.

Also: dont look for any “one cure” of “one size fits all”. There is no ” cancer cure” as cancers are many different diseases. Even patients w/ PTSD have differing problems & needs in treatment, it is not a unitary condition. But there is NO DOUBT we need to do better at developing modes of treatment, and making them available.

2 months ago
Reply to  ApoloDoc

I would add that psychedelics are inherently nonaddictive. If you take LSD today, you need 2x as much tomorrow for the effect, 4x as much the next day. The day after it basically won’t do ANYTHING -- it seems your brain needs to reset.