They Want Us Defenseless: Inside and Out

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Energy, food, covid hoax and now monkeypox and soon to come gun confiscation all for our own good, we are just too stupid to see it. I must really be stupid because I cannot relate to this being good for me, go figure.

2 years ago

As do the churches in totality, even though some are politically involved as pertains to the historically-based body politic or as regards a more modern approach. There are more church buildings now than at any other time historically, and the people still are unable, even in thought (consideration), to organize and mobilize, work out an economic system that benefits their own and could also apply to the larger economy, they seem to comprise of mostly intellectually and academically-dulled persons (those that are uninterested in independent thought). It seems church-going is another ritual, like voting.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

You don’t give enough credit to the denominational leadership. First they brought the First Century Church doctrine down with the Council of Nicea. That’s where the trinity talk became doctrine. Once compromised doctrinally, practically compromised was the next step for Satan.
Hiding behind LBJ, Satan bribed the churches with 501c3 tax exempt status. Now they stand on the pulpits and make sure the sheeple follow the gubmint edicts. Brilliant but vicious strategy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Where do you take issue with the trinity doctrine? Regardless of bad or incorrect doctrine, people need not reinforce, in perpetuity, a method of stagnation (institutional) that permeates all within it’s sphere of influence. At some point, people have to realize they’re going through a ritual; actions without substance, rules without relationship. A cult is a cult.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

We’ve been taught the trinity from day one. Jesus Christ was born. He was not with God almighty in the beginning. Jesus Christ is called the son of God 46 times in the New Testament. He is never called God the son. The trinity takes the worship that the one true God deserves and warps it with a triune God. Son of God -- 46 times. God the son -- 0. Does anyone care how God feels about this?

2 years ago

Suppose, for political reasons, you wanted occasional mass school shootings so that you could smear your political opponents. You might pass a law legally prohibiting the adults in a school from protecting the children. You could call it the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, and you could claim that the children would then be safe. It would then just be a matter of waiting for the occasional nutcase. Be sure that the law is never brought up in any news reporting.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

The people in my family who will be the first to get indignant and outraged over an “offence” are exactly the same ones who can’t take care of themselves. I don’t mean they don’t have money to hire others to do their bidding, because they do. I mean that if a bug bites them, they are screaming about exterminators. If a drink gets spilled on their clothes, they are screaming about the cost of their name brand. Or, if they have a flat tire, someone must fix it immediately. The truth is they don’t have the foggiest idea as to how a human being would stoop so low as to do anything with their hands. So, they scream about guns, having never picked one up. They all got the jab. They think I am literally crazy for putting supplies aside, but always mention that they will come to my house if anything gets ugly. What they are oblivious to is that they are the ragdoll in the middle. I really hate it for them, but it has been their preference all along.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

You have COURAGE. Anyone can run with the crowd. I’m proud to stand with you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.