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When they own you, you do what you’re told. Right Chuck?
Commie traitor! The only time I’ve ever held a CCP flag is when I was lighting it on fire.
Treasonous (((Lizard Man))).
If you go to timestamp 0:13, the woman behind Schumer’s left shoulder is Susan Zhuang, City Council District 43 which is Bensonhurst, Borough Park, Dyker Heights, Gravesend, Sunset Park (Brooklyn NYC). District 43 was created as a new district, carved out of district 43, gerrymandered specifically to get a Chinese American into the City Council; the areas mentioned were historically Italian, Irish, Jewish areas. Brooklyn Chinatown is a little bit north of this area.
Susan Zhuang was previously on the staff of William Colton(Democrat) who is now the NY State Assemblyman for this area. Zhuang was living in Illinois (or was it Indiana?) prior to running for office, she officially moved back to Brooklyn a few days before the deadline for declaring candidacy ( one year prior to election).
Her website says:
Raised in Baipu, a town in Eastern China, Susan was born into a family that ran a small business and was raised by her grandparents who were school teachers. She later came to the United States in 2007 as an international student…..
my personal observations:
English is obviously her second language; she speaks slowly and carefully, as if she is thinking beforehand about what to say. That makes me nervous.. she never seemed to speak off the cuff, everything seems deliberate and thought out previously. She doesn’t use vernacular American English, slang, euphonisms or codewords; I’m not sure she knows many. I question how deep is her understanding of American Culture (and Brooklyn culture.. Fuhgetaboutit!). She seems to be controlled by Colton, whom she worked for, and of course follows the Democrat Party platform.
Good work.
Traitor Chuck gets a free trip to China on taxpayer funds; all you have to do is wave their flag!