I received a comment below that the above cartoon should not have included “Jesus Christ”. I took it to be asking for the Lord’s help but I may be wrong. Let me know your thoughts and I will make a decision.
Hopefully Chris Muir will add a comment.
David DeGerolamo
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You could have gotten your message across without using the Lord’s Name! As a Christian, I am appalled. Since a friend suggested I subscribe to your site for honest truthful reporting I have been reading your news with some caution, but this is unnecessary! I am unsubscribing.
I see your point. I took it to be a plea to Jesus Christ for His help to save the children. I still believe the Lord will help us if we ask.
However, if he is using Jesus Christ’s name in a derogatory manner, it has no place here. Let’s see how other people view this.
I see your plea David and what you are asking for, I did not take offense.
I do not think he used it in a derogatory way.
Jesus Christ, J Mitchell — if your reflexive reaction is to speech-police your own side, you’re part of the problem. (This is something I had to get over myself.)
I think the Lord is more appalled that the possibility His name was used improperly is of greater concern than the toleration of the abuse of children. One might wonder if the offended still subscribe to platforms that are burying this clear proof of the most vile crime.
It seems gratuitous and unnecessary. I can’t tell what the intent of the author was.
I’m not easily or often offended.
Is determining the arrangement of the deck chairs, a really a good use of our time on right now? The country has a few other issues right now, like nuclear war, famine, plague, the end of the republic and then there is a global reset comming!
Ja ja ja ¡Is it ok if Ala were written instead of Jesus!
Perhaps it was unintentional but using the Lord’s name as an exclamation of disbelief is wrong. Even so, I’ll bet the Lord is willing to let it slide given the object of your outrage. Hunter Biden has a very grim eternity in his future.
Shameless Rubber Creepy Joementia Bribn Biden is fit for America’s sheeple. May they all jump overboard into the Mariana’s Trench if they wish to self-destruct. Let the fish do the processing.
It is amazing to me that anyone would spend more time being offended by this, knowing God would not be, than to spend time being offended by the satanic crimes being perpetrated on our children and our nation. Do we really think God is so petty that he would see this as anything other than asking for His Son’s help? Is that how frivolous we have become? For goodness sake, that’s not even what the meaning of taking the Lord’s name in vain is. It is intended to admonish those who misappropriate the Lord’s name for evil, meaningless or wrong purposes.
I was not offended. It didn’t even cross my mind. I’m not even offended by the people that are offended by this. In the grand scheme, I think we have more civilizational risks to think about. So, for whatever that’s worth.
I believe the use of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in this graphic is not in a reverent sense. As someone whose life He has completely changed, I am grieved by Mr. Muir using the it as he did. (There are other exclamations that would have served the same purpose without being blasphemous).