The Supreme Court did issue an opinion, they vacated an injunction:
The 5-4 order from the Supreme Court vacated a previous injunction from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that prevented Border Patrol agents from cutting the concertina wire.
From the US Constitution, Article IV, Section 4:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
It is clearly stated the United States shall protect every state against invasion AND guarantee a Republican form of government. I understand the wiggle room that the Supreme Court is using since this is just sleight of hand legal maneuvers. If the Supreme Court does issue a final opinion allowing the border patrol to enable an invasion, this would clearly be an unConstitutional and therefore illegal ruling (if the Constitution was intact).
But we all knew the Supreme Court was compromised when they supported the illegal 2020 elections. Just as Congress supported the overthrow of the Republic and replaced it with Tyranny under the guise of “Democracy”.
David DeGerolamo
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion…”
The key word here is, “shall”. Not if they feel like it, or if it is politically expedient, but “shall”.
The Constitution guarantees it, but remember, Texas can return to an independent country if it wants to. So Texicans have two options. Go Texas, our prayers are with you.
I believe that when the Federal government refuses to abide by the Constitution, then all states have two options.
Maybe As Texas Does So Will Other States, ALL
By The Outline Of Our Constitution.
I heard this morning (though I have no details and have not verified it) that there are folks heading to Texas to help out.
Either the Texas legislature secures the border or Texas will be lost and the legislature will be replaced with a mix of low IQ 3rd world communist. Texas must use the 10th amendment.
It must be embarrassing to be a Border Patrol Agent and know that everyone in Texas and the rest of the united States sees them as shameful traitors. Who is $ John Galt?
Texas needs to secede, immediately. That would be 30 million people no longer under the control of the Imperial Federal Death Star. if 65% of Texans are working, that would be very nearly 20 million fewer Federal taxpayers. Uh oh.
Followed by North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. Georgia can go pound sand until they get rid of Kemp and Reffensberger. Don’t like it, Fedgov? With all due respect, you will have to force us to back into your illegal cartel.
An additional advantage of this would be that all of these states have water access. Put every federal agent and every illegal immigrant on cargo ships and send them to Venezuela. They can make their way to wherever they want to go after that (except here).
Like every other third-world nation, the courts are the key to maintaining their abject corruption. Our own U.S. Supreme Court just demonstrated that brilliantly.
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, the Dakota’s and south from there to Texas, cutting the beast in half!
My unfortunate reply, government and military pensions, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, EBT, etc. Moons ago on this very platform I advocated for “balkanization” seceding from the Union would be much the same in concept.
Then, would the “north” once again and much more harshly force its “War of northern Aggression?”
Inflation will soon neutralize pensions and government benefits
Truth, Sir. Along with some 90+ % of accumulated Average Americans “Wealth”.
In stocks we are told to diversify as so if one stock is falling, hopefully the rest are doing better.
In “Money” some 90%+ of us are holding ONLY American Dollars. Can you say POOOF? I know you can.
I hold a fair bit in PM’s but until a reasonable level of Rule of Law occurs PM’s are not very useful if you have a reasonable concern that the other fellow might just Kill you for that bag of junk silver, dab of gold coin etc.
Long canned goods, got garden seeds for trade? Got extra chickens to trade? And so on, ONCE Basic Trust in back in social fashion.
There are hills worth dying on. This one, in TEXAS, is definitely one that justifies somebody dying.
Abbott must bus them to Coney and Robert’s houses.
I suspect…or at least I wouldn’t be surprised if this is all a theatrical show designed to pull in J6 #2.
It’s possible.
An old saying about a tree falling in the woods and nobody’s around to notice.
What happens if the Media will not show, the cell towers suddenly fail, and Predator Drones-Gunships vaporize a lot of troublemakers?
Look up The Bonus Army to find out if even folks like Patton and McArthur will open fire on Americans.
Oh that is really scary.
Not to worry Tom,I am quite sure you will be nowhere near the troubles.
It’s about to get crazy,hope you see this
And dear Tom and his open militia is but a mere 4 hours away in Kingsman AZ.
Since it’s after 5PM Eastern Standard time M-F Tom is offline until 0900 EST to reply. At least that’s been his pattern over the past year or so.
If you doubt this take a look at the past few months of Tom’s daily postings.
Waiting for Tom’s misdirection and excuses.
Folks if you’re going to DO something and not just be keyboard Heros, shut up, quit broadcasting your intents and get busy.
Nobody in real life tells the Badass I’m going to kick your butt tomorrow. They’d just get some extra friends to make sure you get that beat down.
My table is over here with coffee for those that disagree. Fakebook cowards can hide behind red down arrows.
Yeah, I busted. I’m the fellow that tells people to pay attention to OPSEC and quit bragging is the fed.
Check your gig line in the mirror Tom. I’m not the fedposter.
BTW are you going to go silent when you go to fight for the Republic, or carry a I-phone to keep NC Renegades up to date like a modern Earnst Hemmingway?
I see it Irod, looks good other states are joining with Texas.
WATCH: Former Green Beret Commander Gives Critical Analysis of Border Invasion, Announces Major Convoy
If they did something like that there would targeted assignations on all the communists in charge of all federal agencies and government leaders. They cannot and will nit stop hit teams because it’s declared war.
I was thinking it’s a setup, too.
It could be a setup in at least three ways. First, it could be a setup to cause a military confrontation with Texas. Next, A setup not unlike J6 to lure patriots into a trap to be arrested or killed. Last, a trap for all those who speak out against the corrupt Federal government. They can make a list of patriots and round them up later.
Good well put me on that list, TINVOWOOT.
LOL You mean your not on all the lists Tom?
I thought you’d be listed as a major player by now.
Probation, it’s a nice retirement plan.
A few more posts of mine to put in your files eh. You can sit around the table with your LE friends and discuss which are criminal.
I rely on you to tell what lists I am on.
You know if you’d stop using your head as a toilet bowl cleaner, you’d get less aggravation in your life.
Piss on me and complain when you get wet? LOL
So your saying your a toilet, sounds about right, full of chit.
LOL, look in the mirror HERO.
Talk, No Action.
Communications best be squared away.
Good Luck.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Investigative Journalists Infiltrate Massive U.S. / Chinese-Funded Illegal Alien Invasion Camps
So called Supreme Court is an absolute JOKE and Disgrace! Those mutts have sold us out along with all of the other levels of clown-show Gov’t. Folks it is painfully obvious where things stand.
The pieces of non human crap on that stinking court are not ruling by constitutional law which they took an oath to uphold and these idiots are using Tort law to skate around natural law which are founding fathers set up , not tort law which the majority of these clowns who call themselves judges are using. Abbot needs to deputize 50,000 men and another 100,000 guard including all Militias and prepare for war because the idiot in the dog house will call for martial law and try something evil and instigate a civil war using the communist federal run Leo’s and that’s when the fun begins and if they believe they can get away with there evil deeds then they will get there asses kicked in very badly and this will be the end of the federal Leo agencies. May these be people rot in hell for all eternity.