This Is Our Culture after It Is Cancelled

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27 days ago

I’m staying behind to fight. I sometimes wonder if I’ll be the only one to stay and fight. Seems everyone else has a plan to bug out and save themselves. I figure if I survive the combat, I will charge a street tax to all those that didn’t fight. Sounds fair. Incoming!!!

27 days ago

Like Nobody, I’m not going anywhere. If the craziness get anywhere near the level where our kids are being snatched for food, the most fierce, vicious, terrible, ruthless, unspeakable nature within every American will surface again and the ghosts of the great 300 will take a knee in respect. We didn’t rise to super power status for being a bunch of weak cowards. Like I said before even the US Marine and his rifle will tremble in fear. I don’t look forward to that day.