This Is What Democracy Looks Like

The revolution in Eqypt this year was heralded by our government leaders and media as a triumph for Democracy. The following statement was made by our president:

“Nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day.”


This is another example where the president shows his ignorance concerning the difference between a Democracy and a Representative Republic. Democracy (or more accurately mob rule) has been used rather freely in demonstrations and rallies in the United States by the feeble minded who do not even know what type of government we have been given by our founding fathers.

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” 

Thomas Jefferson

The United States is fast approaching this limit and redistribution is the consequence of leaders who are misleading the people towards “Democracy” for their own power.

What does Democracy looks like in Egypt? Hosni Mubarek is on trial in an iron cage while lying on a hospital bed. Democracy will get its pound of flesh in Egypt and redistribution is how Obama is getting his pound of flesh in America.

I guarantee that patriots will fight for our Republic. If your resolve ever falters, just remember the picture above to see what Democracy looks like.

David DeGerolamo

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