This Will Solve 50% of Our Problems

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2 months ago

And how is this moron going to do this, they have no military to speak of and they are in the grips of the Indians and China controlling them, she is speaking out of her rear end as usual. If anyone is going to take them over it will be the U.S. using our military. this mental midget needs to focus on how to get rid of their own problems of which are huge as their country is being annexed by China, illegal aliens and the Hindus. What an utter A H_ _e.

Last edited 2 months ago by phil1350
Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 months ago

Those 3 states have blue cities in an otherwise red geography. Let her have the blue cities but retain all the flyover territory. Much of Washington and Oregon want to become Greater Idaho and make a couple new seaports on Greater Idaho. Maybe we can transplant Boise lock stock and barrel over to Portland. That would be worthwhile.

2 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs

Word. Boise has gone from a red area to deep purple. My bro-in-law who is seventy, an Idaho native, and has lived there for most of his adult life, has told my wife and me all kinds of horror stories. The Vato Locos started filtering in thirty years ago. Now it’s Muzzie “refugees”. His bugout bag is packed and ready. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

2 months ago

There are a couple of Blue Holes in Idaho, Boise being one. Ketchum/Sun Valley and Moscow being the others. But like most states they are surrounded by a sea of red and in Idaho that is getting even redder. Your Bro-in Law will not have to travel very far if he bugs out.

2 months ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Yes, the bugout plan is already in place. I just hope he remembers to bring his Ruger. You forgot to include Sandpoint and the area around Lake Pend d’Orielle. My sources inform me that area is full of bolt holes of the rich and famous. The leftist elites of Hollywood, the MSM, and other wealthy members of the Marxist-Infanticide Party. Even P Diddy’s Gulfstream IV was tracked into CDA Airport last July and was on the ground for two hours.
They will be flocking there in greater numbers as their enclaves in their Blue Hives become more unlivable due to home invasion robberies, etc. A lot of out-of-state Blue Hive money flowed into ID trying to implement ranked choice voting in the last election. It was soundly defeated. The Golden Golem cannot fix things. I prep as though Mrs. Harris won. Life is a vale of tears. Bleib ubrig.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 months ago

Well, they will all be in one place. It makes it easy to find them if you are looking for ’em.

2 months ago
Reply to  Mary Combs


carol Krug
carol Krug
2 months ago

Love the idea.

Roth Harbard
2 months ago


Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
2 months ago

You’ll have to excuse her. She’s a nut bar from way back, and the current member for Saanich and the Gulf Islands, the place where dreams go to die and from which all things crazy emanate.
She’s become a bit of a national joke, everywhere but the Left Coast.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 months ago

I thought Trump promised to close the borders, not open them? ah

2 months ago

What a maroon.The difference in population #s make her statistics as much a joke as herself.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
2 months ago

Annex California. Yeah, right. Perhaps a few heavily leftist counties--that’s about it. No doubt all the dummies out there are clapping their hands like trained seals over the thought of this.

2 months ago

She’s sharp as a marble. All three states are in debt. California is about a bazillion dollars broke. California is so broke Newsom can’t give free shit to illegals. Does she plan on borrowing more money from the USA to help deal with Canadas new massive debt? Lady your so dumb they probably need to water you and keep you in the sunlight. WOW.

2 months ago

These people are delusional. Canada isn’t going to annex squat…and the US is NOT going to make Canada another state. All talk about it is either gaslighting or insanity

Otis D
Otis D
2 months ago
Reply to  thexrayboy

it’s rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

almost all bloviating on the interwebz is

2 months ago

Invasion, bombs, vehicles as weapons, annexation, H1-B, broken promises, lawfare, traitorous behavior, medals for Soros and Hillary, thousands of pardons for evil doers…and only five days into 2025. What exactly can we the people expect a POTUS of the fUSA to do? We’re gonna repair this mess caused by the system with the same system? SMH.

Pedro Flores
Pedro Flores
2 months ago

Excellent idea!