This was filmed at 3:45 AM on Saturday morning (January 31, 2021) at the Capitol by Mustang Medic.
h/t Ace of Aces
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This was filmed at 3:45 AM on Saturday morning (January 31, 2021) at the Capitol by Mustang Medic.
h/t Ace of Aces
This was a few days back. Not this morning or yesterday. Sometime around Monday or Tuesday 1-25 or 1-26
you are right i seen this with out the audio 3-4 days ago
Looks like Congress critters going to work.
Just going thru the gerbil maze
That’s my thought.
Just national guard troop transport or rotation in or out. high security for “reasons”
The date on the post was January 30, 2021. Date aside, why is this fake news?
Hi Everyone… may this be a sign of good things to come. A universal sigh of relief.
I maxed out my send file quota this morning, when I sent that video all over this planet! This man has updates for you from his own lbry channel -- I suspect that he will have many more to come.
The nations capital MustangMedic live stream weather report Jan 31, 2021 (
I think Mustang Medic needs to stop rambling and take a nap. The video sent earlier was worth considering, but I have to tune out on the rambling.
Mustang Medic (
Thanks Gunny, good call.
The ‘Unhived Mind Channel’ reposted it as the 30th. The original was filmed on the 20th.Live from the United States Capitol January 20 2 AM in the morning the operation is on (
It is an interesting video, but who knows what was happening was going on. I’m not impressed. I will now have to answer about 50 emails as to the correct date. And, obviously it is not about arrests being made.
Sorry to have seen it, and sorry that I shared it.
Really not a lot to think about. No matter when this happened we are still in the dark and I guess that’s probably a good thing. If we know, then the people we don’t want to know will. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.
We’re being fed lies, half truths, conjecture and, yes “fake news” and it’s really about impossible to draw any valid conclusions. I’m having more and more trouble believing this is all part of “the plan” to round up the bad guys. Trump and the white hats presumably knew in REAL TIME that the vote fraud was being done, and also where they could have expected problems. In other words, fake numbers from Wisconsin, Detroit, Philadelphia and Georgia were expected before November 3rd. That being said, the fake ballots and actual felons could have been gathered/arrested on the morning of November 4th. There was no legal reason to let them “complete the crime” by letting this run through January. Hell, WE knew Barr was an SES skunk two years ago. We knew or strongly suspected that Pence was not our friend. So what-ever this may be, I’m inclined to think it’s NOT the round up and transport of treasonous snakes.
Steve, Do you know that Daniel’s 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9:24 has a “literal 7 day week” ATTACHED to it, that counts out after the 70 years end on Passover April 3, 2021? That literal “week” begins on the next day, April 4, 2021 that just happens to be BOTH Easter and God’s Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Enoch calendar? FOR PROOF paste to your search bar, T/592 of 4 April 1950 ( TC
[…] An interesting video from the comments showing a massive line of buses transferring troops and plain… This can’t be normal. It has to herald something very, very unusual in US history. I hope it happens quick, as I have to say that the world is noticeably darker without a little bit of Donald J Trump filtering into our matrix each day. […]
Troop rotations? Some states pulled their NG soldiers home, rather than have them humiliated. I’m sure other states sent some to replace them.