I was reading the following article this morning: Is Bitcoin Displacing Gold As An Inflation Hedge?
Here is a simple question: if I have one Bitcoin and the Internet is not available, what do I have?
The Internet is very easy to control as many governments have proven. Another article this morning explains the shortage of router chips:
Initially centered in the auto industry, the semiconductor shortage has now spread to a range of other consumer electronics, including computers, smartphones, tablets, headphones, and appliances. The latest news is that internet routers could become the next victim of chip shortages disrupting global supply chains and may pose a problem for households and businesses who need an internet connection to survive in today’s digital economy.
Sources told Bloomberg that internet service providers report delays of up to one year for network routers due to chip shortages. This is doubled previous wait times, the source added.
What would happen if the US dollar is digitized and Bitcoin is declared to be non-fungible? People want to believe that their future is secure. Even to the point of placing their faith in an ether based “currency”. Then there is the question of how to barter any cryptocurrency if it is non-fungible. Gold has some of these same considerations but in the final analysis, history always shows the value of gold. Which is why the new world order manipulates the price of gold at the same time central banks are hoarding it.
Here is a riddle: what cannot be seen, held or traded but is worth more than anything else?
David DeGerolamo
“Here is a simple question: if I have one Bitcoin and the Internet is not available, what do I have?”
I see the reliance on the internet everywhere. It is like people feel they need to use it for everything. Like DMR radios. Yes it is neat you can talk to someone on the other side of the world with an HT. But that travels across the internet. If they shutdown the internet or certain sights, you only have a couple mile range.
“Here is a riddle: what cannot be seen, held or traded but is worth more than anything else?”
The salvation offered by God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The riddle was too easy.
Not for the unsaved.
It’s true! Sad part is where is everyone 401k? I mean maybe not you all, BUT majority of Americans. In stock market! Not much safer… Honestly, I now trust crypto more than stocks! I have made a little since 2016… When heard about NWO and got enlighten to what would happen to dollar, I felt guilty and sold all as I watched it climb 200-500-1500% in months after election! It’s all relevant to election those gains… Look at charts! Maybe they use the mining machine’s for power needed for election even🤔..Very good chance!
Anyway, I agree but just saying if people worried about that, thry should also take money completely out of stocks also. I love this country and will do whatever I can to help.
Watch out for these NWO…They also now run crypto I am sure! They would never let it last until getting a piece obviously
Don’t know enough about digital money to comment, but I like the dollar and hope somehow it survives.
I hope so to! As we are watching what’s happening, it’s not looking good for the greenbacks.
Why would other countries want to go off of a “dollar standard ” when they know how much we print up and give out to every dang country? Then they also see who’s “running” this place🤡. Not looking good for the normal person who has not prepared and diversified.
Good book about this subject, Robert Kiyosaki (FAKE) Fake money, Fake assets, Fake teachers.
He says to buy or invest in “God’s money” Gold, silver, land/real estate, oil, guns and ammo of course!
Silver is poor man’s gold. I would stock up on silver before I would buy gold. Try getting change for a loaf of bread if all you have is a Krugarand. IMO, Bitcoin is a scam.
Been buying some off Apmex when have extra money. Anyone know of LOCAL American made companies that sell the silver rounds btw? I would have rather not buy these coins with Queen on them…smh
“Bitcoin” is a large-scale, Internet Fraud. Two facts about it stand out-
‘Bitcoin’ is traded like a Commodity, but it has No Physical Form. It cannot be “Delivered”. It is like “Exchange-Traded Gold” , a Numerical entry in a (((moneychangers))) Book. Yes, the ‘code’ of a ‘bitcoin’ can be held on an Individal’s Computer, but you need (((their))) Network and Banks to buy or sell it, i.e. Exchange it for ‘currencies’.
The ‘origins’ of ‘Bitcoin’ are Occulted -- Nobody Knows who “SATOSHI” is.
It is just as Likely that ‘Bitcoin’ is another Deep State/Bankster’s effort to Suck In as much “money” as they can, before the scam Collapses.
Yes, I’ve heard all of the arguments that the Bitcoin Coding is “unbreakable”, but that actually does not matter. “Bitcoins” are Nothing but Numbers in a Computer, and just like “Money” in a (((bank))) Account, it has No Value UNLESS someone is willing to give you custody of the Number in exchange for Physical Goods. Without Electricity and Internet, it has No Value.
We have been saying the same thing for years. Bitcoin sounds good, but it will become absolutely, irretrievably worthless when the power goes out for the last time. Just like the dollar. Once that happens, if you cannot physically hold the money, it does not exist. I hope and pray that the power does not go out in our lifetime, or our children’s lifetimes.
We may avert a catastrophe, such as a solar superflare or micronova (we’re due for one of those) which would take out the entire electrical grid worldwide, because nothing can harden an infrastructure against that, but an unfriendly nation could, very easily, launch an emp device from a shipping container and take out a good portion of the grid in the U.S. and cripple us for years. Interesting how China and Russia have both been hardening their own grids, but we cannot be bothered to do that here. This would likely start a war, a real war, and both bitcoin and the U.S. dollar will again be worthless.
Tools of production, actual precious metals, and skills are the only thing that will get us through the coming storms. And prayer. Lots of prayer.