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1 year ago

These wastes of skin aren’t bright enough to “mean well”.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
1 year ago

She seemed to be okay with not knowing shit,because it’s not racist. As long as something isn’t racist, even if it’s wrong it’s not bad or anything, right?

Rick Ostrander
Rick Ostrander
1 year ago

It’s simply horrifying, and I see it every day in school. system is irreparably broken, and its products, our children, are tragically lost, likely forever. Tough to keep a free society going with that total cluelessness, but that’s the point: kill the majority of us and enslave the rest, dumb and malleable.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Rick is 100% correct.
Its not sad, it should make you angry. Your money was taken from you to do this to your children.
What I find sad, is if you talk to them, try to engage them, as the person in the film did, they don’t even know that they’re ignorant. They’ve been told they are smart and educated (and believe it). THATs the part that scares me. They literally don’t even know, what they don’t know. You point out their lack of knowledge and they short-circuit (because they’re not able to form critical thoughts), and dismiss everything as racist.
How do you educate someone who thinks they’re educated? Look at the sinple exchange in the video: what river? Can you name the river you are talking about?

She doesn’t even understand the question:

What river? What do you mean ‘What river?’

You’re graffiti-ing ‘from the river to the sea’, and don’t even know what river and what sea you are writing about? She didn’t understand the question… she’s writing ‘r-i-v-e-r’ and when asked ‘what river?’, she didn’t understand the question…. ponder that a moment.

Totally completely irreparably brainwashed.

For those still playing catchup, that exchange in the video is why you have to buy so many bullets… You’re not going to fix that person and make them into a productive member of society short of turning them into fertilizer. They ARE weaponized against you and me (trad Americans), and they won’t bat a single fake eyelash at killing you and yours, so that they may inherit the earth, because it was promised to them by the same people who told them they are smart and educated.
Get your head around that. Thats where things are, they just haven’t started firing off, yet. I figure Springtime the riots will begin again and….

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

And they will kill our wives, our children, families, and friends and won’t think twice about doing it because the federal and blue state governments gave them the okay to murder us because we are white and born racist. the racists use the Soros funded communist attorney generals to protect them from any prosecution by letting them walk freely with no bail nor jail time. The democrats use the dark money from outside the U.S. from these elite globalists, and according to federal election laws is illegal. They get around these laws because the FBI and the DOJ will not prosecute any democrat who is found taken dark money because the feds are working for the democratic party and have become a corrupted federal law enforcement agency like all other federal agencies. It’s one big circle jerk and one big Marxist democratic communist globalist tent and we are not in it.

1 year ago

stupid is , stupid does. these are Brainwashed liberal communist democrat donkey asses straight out of bad families and bad schooling. the children have no sense and most likely their parents.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 year ago

I’d bet she believes 2+2=5

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

so much money for zero return on investment. This is why America is finished, your tax money has doomed her. (and I will give myself a thumbs down for this truth)

No Thanks
No Thanks
1 year ago

Matt Bracken is right, the $hit-show is way, way too Far GONE!! And We the people can thank ourselves. Hope we are all ready for when this falls to pieces.

1 year ago
Reply to  No Thanks

Rely on God and he will guide all of us into doing what is right and if that means fighting against these satanic dogs, then we must do what we must.

1 year ago

This poor child, along with millions upon millions of others, is both a typical product and victim of the ultra-leftist organization known as the NEA (National Education Association).
Don’t take my word for it. Visit their website and weep for our children:

1 year ago

They prolly don’t know which sea it is either!