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So aircraft are unable to fly by instrument?
Just read this. Incredible as it seems, this was an old version of a Bell helicopter (212?) and it may not have had instrument flight rating. The pilot may have been pressured to fly by the VIP’s.
Cumuli Granite (The clouds got rocks in them)
From what I just read and listened to, there weren’t any remains of the Chopper, it was disintegrated, Who has the weapons to perform such a task, look what our government had done in Maui, they disintegrated an entire area, so, the culprits just might be the Schwab gang and his new world order Lucerferian satanists. The sick and twisted mentally ill run government of the U.S. would do anything for their master’s at the WEF to start a world war, this is an election year so the demon-rats would agree to anything since they are all Satanists themselves right down to floor sweeper at the main DNC headquarters.
The boom was still intact.
Up in the mountains, fog does suddenly appear. No warning. But the helicopter saw the fog bank. A photo was sent showing it. And the pilot flew into it anyway. Pilot error, all the way. Weather data wouldn’t show it, no matter what.
Government manipulated weather is a far better cover for your crimes than rockets. These days, WHATEVER HAPPENS, assume government was behind it first and you will likely be right 99.9999999999% of the time.
Went long oil first thing Monday morning.
Mountains, bad weather, helicopters…….no conspiracy theories needed here. I had one actual autorotation in a helo, and had to land in a tiny hole in the forest because of a chip light and vibration. If that had happened in such an environment I would have had the same fate.
engine, XMSN or T/R, gear box…..been there done that, but wide open field, thankfully!
Does the Creator have any responsibilities or control any more? Or is each and every event and happening something man caused?
Genesis 12:3 in play.
He controls all, yet man still does stupid stuff and He allows it.
Yes and yet the world ignores this.
Why were the most important dignitaries all in the same bird at one time?Who does this? Ever.
They just moved to Antarctica dummies’