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23 days ago

Representative of our entire Federal Government. Burn the down. Maybe the guy speaking can learn to code.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
22 days ago

“So we will have a big new building with semi trlrs behind it.” And the crowd goes silent! Crowd? Sounds like an empty room he is speaking too. Yes we see the problem. That is ok, Trump and Musk to the rescue!
To early for me to put these men on a pedestal. Yes i will hope for the best , Yet keep in mind we have been warned of many things, including false hope primarily in man, and mankind.
Any one remember how the military just made it far easier for recruitment , draft, etc.. Who gains from this? Did the “powers that be” not know who next would be president and effecting great change?
No fear, eyes open,

David Bovender
David Bovender
22 days ago

After the Cluster of Korea,Vietnam,Iraq,and Afghanistan don’t come for my grandchildren. I’m a veteran who has smelled the roses. The juice ain’t gonna be worth the squeeze.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
22 days ago

My thoughts? The globalist/communist khabbal is NOT going to relinquish its grip on America. It is possible “they” allowed Trump to win in order to placate the populace. I will not be lulled into a complacent “Trump will save us” posture. Situational awareness at all times, always improving water gathering/storage capacity, food stores, fitness, medical and first aid equipment, self defense gear, and skills that will enable my household to live grid free as long as possible will continue to be the focus at our house. These dirty b@stards aren’t going anywhere without considerable (legal) persuasion by real Americans.

Nolan Parker
Nolan Parker
22 days ago

IDK what is going on. Are they establishing a permanent location for FEMA to have as a staging area so that when disaster strikes they will have a place to work from in their assignment to provide aid to SIX WHOLE COUNTIES? What is the population of those counties? What is the likelihood of those counties being IN a disaster?
Is FEMA going to be doing this across the country, based on the statistical likelihood of their being needed?

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
22 days ago

My second thought on the matter is that if LTC Dave Conrad’s source is correct-that hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans are being recruited to come to America to attack MAGA’s-it could well be part of the supply chain/caches for the invading attackers. As someone said, head on a swivel, 24/7.