Three Steps to Improving Prepper Intelligence


by Sam Culper III

This blog’s readership consists mostly of Patriots and Preppers.  This growing subsection of America is the entire reason this blog exists, and I’m here to advise and enable better security for your communities and homesteads.  If there were just three steps you could take this week to improve your intelligence and security, this is what I’d recommend.

1. Conduct Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering and build intelligence products on the security infrastructure that exists within your county, or a sixty mile radius.  As the intelligence element, we are called to be experts on our operating environments.  In a SHTF situation, first things first, I want to know who’s not on my side.  That begins with authority like political leaders and law enforcement (LE).  Will they support and enforce unconstitutional laws of the regime, or will they make a good faith effort at providing security?  The irregular threat – adversaries like thugs, gangs, looters and other criminals – will be difficult enough to deal with post-SHTF.  If I’m going to have to deal with trained, armed and organized criminals like pro-regime or privateering LE during an emergency, then that’s something I need to know now instead of finding out during SHTF after they’ve stolen my stuff (or worse).  I trust my local LE; that’s a large reason why I live here.  If you don’t have a relationship with your local law enforcement, then get to know them and the officers who live nearest your AO.


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