I wrote an article yesterday to the Deep State operatives outlining a series of questions for them to consider. I did this for two reasons:
- I wanted them to understand that their motives for treason are based on personal reasons. Their acts and participation in the coup may be based in a quest for power, money and/or fame. They may also be based in fear: fear of retribution for breaking the truth or fear of justice if this coup collapses. Their motives are not based on a better future for the country or their children. They have no sense of Judgment in the afterlife. They have no honor or public virtue. They only have attributes that history shows are doomed to failed.
- I wanted to expose the trolls and their flawed logic that present false propositions to weaken our resolve.
Here is the first example:
from preparetodefendyourselves
although I certainly agree with the sentiment, the writer of this article is at least half clueless to the real history.
(((they))) engineered the French Revolution to their benefit.
the founding principals are a complete fraud perpetrated by (((them))). The founding fathers and the constitution was a complete scam from word one.
I can pick apart every point as to how he’s clueless to the history of the (((real perps))).
We don’t have a hope in hell of winning unless you face who the REAL enemy are.
Note how the first sentence attacks me for being “clueless to the real history”. I have seen this too many times for 13 years: I am right and you are wrong, clueless, stupid or another label to marginalize the person or argument without any facts. Since he is right, he continues to attack the founding principles, Constitution and the founding fathers. Although he can pick apart every point as to how I am clueless, no facts are presented. His closing sentence warns us that we have no hope to win unless we know who the real enemy is. As usual, the real enemy is not named so we must have no hope of winning.
My first point is that this comment is no different than pulling out the race card to win the “argument”. There are no facts presented to support his claims, no positive steps forward and no hope of success. According to him. We cannot organize and move forward without first being able to recognize those who want their own glory because they know better. This is the Strongman argument outlined in the The Road to Serfdom:
When other readers questions his comment, he doubles down:
from preparetodefendyourselves
absolutely not sitting this one out. But I sure as hell know EXACTLY who the enemy are.
Do you ? Do you really ? I’d be willing to bet 95% on here do not.
And if you don’t get that point ….
from preparetodefendyourselves
Matt Bracken….. another fool who doesn’t know who the (((real enemy))) are.
Not only does he not know, you point it out and he attacks you for it.
How the hell do you win a war without knowing exactly who to go after ?
Which only confirms my original assessment. As for the comments stating that we must find a leader, I addressed this in another post.
I do not care if we have a leader, have no hope of winning at this time or the consequences of standing up. I have no choice but to follow in His path for me and only have a desire to hear “arise good and faithful servant” on Judgment Day. It is time to focus on the truth and not be distracted by traitors and wishful strongmen.
David DeGerolamo
God Bless you, David. Constantly focusing on the daily attacks is fruitless past a certain point. We’ve past that point in our current situation by a few months or so ago. There comes a place where it is no longer a matter of information gathering nor rational analysis. The place of personal reckoning comes instantly in times of personal threat. We each resolve who we really are within the sight of God in that moment. I have made the comment (which I know is loaded but applicable) that those of us who were raised with physical discipline, found out early on, that the physical beating is survivable. This in no way valorizes anything, other than the beauty of God’s ability to use the worst of circumstances to teach us what is valuable. I am 72, almost 73, and a widow, however, I know what needs to be done and why. A few days ago another site posted an article on the “anger’ Christ had regarding the death of Lazarus and in his father’s temple against the money changers. It is righteous anger which is necessary to defend good when we are called upon to stand against evil. All of God’s wealth & power flows to and through one who is exercising righteous power against evil. Whether we win or not is God’s business, but how we respond to the call to stand, is our test of worthiness. I would also say that few people will understand what I mean and that doesn’t matter either because God has taught me to value no compliment and no attack, only Him. What I really want to confirm is that we are built with an amazing tool kit which kicks in when we need it the most. If anyone reading this is doubtful, then you need to take this time to get right with God…and then prep some more. Again, God Bless You, Dave.
Thank you very much.
God bless you Gail Jansen for a well crafted reply. Thank you also DRenegade for a super article.
Must be talking about that super-duper Jewdi Mind Control.
Seriously, these people think if you find one (((them))) among 1,000 white people… IT’S THE JEWS!
Let me be clear -- I and other Conservative-minded Jews bury our heads in our hands on this. E.g.:
I’ve often opined that if we were that evil and that powerful we’d have you in zoos by now.
But truthfully, I’ve given up trying to save them. They’re so dopamine-addicted to “saaaaaaving the woooooorld” that nothing will turn them aside. And thus, when things go south, I will have no sympathy for them.
“I’ve often opined that if we were that evil and that powerful we’d have you in zoos by now.”
They cannot see individuals for the group.
Know what all the ((((JOOJOOJOOOOOOZ!!!)))) hyperventilation from certain elements determined to find a Jew conspiracy behind every (burning) bush reminds me of most? The way a too-large segment of American Negroes go on and on and on blaming Whitey for every bad thing that ever happened to them, up to and including hangnails, hangovers, and simple chronic halitosis.
(((Jews))) my skinny white butt. The problem is Leftists, and I don’t care what their ethnicity, religious orientation, or anything else. If you’re a Leftard, that’s plenty enough for me; I don’t need to know any more, you can’t get any worse from there as far as I’m concerned.
But the focus on (((JOOOOOOOOOOZ))) does something extremely harmful: it absolves people from looking at the problem of LEFTISTS.
Now, e.g., referring to Evan Sayet*, most Jews are Jews because they plopped from a Jewish womb, and thus have only a tenuous connection to the religious aspects. It’s no coincidence that the more religious a Jew is, the more likely they are to be Conservatives.
* Plopping Jews -- YouTube
“..if we were that evil and that powerful we’d have you in zoos by now.”
Well, are you referring to that statement in your ‘babyloian talmud’ about how the goyim (not-jew) are “…beasts in Human Form, created by yahweh to Serve the Jew”. ?
Looks like the leaders of your ‘tribe’ are working hard to do so, No?
A Concept that is Repeatedly Stated by ‘rabbis’ and jew-ish politicians Currently, particularly the zionist leadership of that Shitty little Feifdom of Rothschild in North Africa, in regards to how they “Own and Control” the United States, and use it as their “golem” to fight the Muslims.
Pardon Me if I come off as being “Racist”, but when prominent members of your ‘tribe’ are Openly calling for a “Genocide of the White Race” (like Klaus Schwab does) I have to refer to what My Grandparents’ Generation told Me about the members of our Family who were Driven Out of our Homes in Western Russia/Eastern Poland by the JEWISH bolshevik communists. A lot of them were Murdered, too, those who DID NOT BELIEVE that the commies were going to Kill them.
I’m not going to make that Mistake.
“if you find one (((them))) among 1,000 white people…”
That’s Evading the Fact that everywhere you Look into ‘leftist’ activities, well, you find (((them))) in charge. Remember, Communism is Jewish. ‘Antifa’ is its Street-Thug offshoot. “Hollywood”, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Pharmaceutical Companies, all “Mainstream Media”, the major Internet Service providers, all are Owned/Controlled by (mostly zionist) Satanic Pedophile “jews”.
People who Avoid this Fact are Not going to be able to Fight Effectively against their Enslavement.
How the hell do you win a war without knowing exactly who to go after?
Is a very Accurate Statement, however Mr. DeGerolamo feels it is a Personal Insult by a Troll.
Your comment is beneath you. I did not take it as a personal insult; I said the comment consisted of personal attacks against me without any facts. I missed the mention of Jews being the real enemy in any of the above comments listed in the post. Since he never named the real “enemy”, where are you getting the Jew as the enemy in your comment? I suggest you read and comprehend what I am really saying in both of my posts.
The real enemy is able to use simple tactics to have us attack each other. I refuse to be diverted from what needs to be done by the other side and by people who are easily misled.
You said it best how do you win if you don’t know? The truth is you have such a limited understanding of what drives this evil you have no chance against it. The punishment for((( them))) as you call them has already been ordered. You will not be part of that judgment, no way no shape , no form, not at all. I suggest you focus on an enemy you can deal with. That would be the commie gentiles.
It is All Too Obvious WHO is driving the Evil that is getting in My Face. (((Klaus Schwab))) is their ‘poster child’, and pretty much wherever you Look, at the Pervasive Evil that has declared itself to be the Enemy of Mankind, you see the “Tribe” leading it.
Communism is ‘jew-ish’, that is a Fact. It comes from the babylonian talmud, along with the Racist Hatred of Every Other Peoples. Prominent ‘jews’ like Schwab, and many other ‘rabbis’ and (((politicians))) openly call for a Genocide of Whites, like (((they))) pulled off once before in Russia.
“The punishment for((( them))) as you call them has already been ordered. You will not be part of that judgment, no way no shape , no form, not at all.”
If you are implying some imaginary, supernatural ‘judgement’ in some form of ‘afterlife’ and that my ‘sending them there’ is Non-Participatory, well, whatever.
“I suggest you focus on an enemy you can deal with. That would be the commie gentiles.”
That’s such a typical response by one of your ‘tribe’ it’s Funny. It is the “Let’s You and Him Fight” divide and Destroy that your kind has perfected over Centuries of Fomenting Wars between White Men in Europe.
If you cannot See how the actions of your “Tribe” are leading to another War between Men and ‘communists’, don’t be surprised if that is why you end up in a Boxcar headed to the Fun Camp.
There is a big difference between history and His-story. It looks like a world wide circular firing squad is unavoidable. The end started at the beginning; Genesis 3:15.
Think this over. If YHVH had not been merciful and gracious enough to write the story down for us. WE wouldn’t have a clue what happened.
David, thanks for this article. The fools will just accuse you of working for(((us))) lol. The reason it may appear to the uninstructed as if its all about Jews is because they don’t have the cultural understanding of our communities to make a fair judgment. For instance education, work ethics , and financial and social success are not only prized by Jews but expected by our peers. With that in mind , it is easier to understand how//why so many Jews are in positions of prominence in the fusa. Now with that said, most are evil but not because they are Jewish but because they are communists. There are plenty of gentiles who are communist as well. I hope this helps.