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- sbrgirl on Pitiful
- Steiner on Pitiful
- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on Pitiful
- Roth Harbard on Pitiful
- Bigus Macus on English Election Interference
Re: the “propertarian” new constitution. I’m standing here loading (practice) ammo and this idiot is blaring on about his paper solution. Only watched the first few minutes. The guys are obviously enamored of and excited about their new thing.
Why do people persist in believing in legal solutions? I don’t understand it. The current Constitution prohibits 90% of what this government is doing, and the Framers would roll in their graves if they knew about the other 10%. Law is meaningless in this environment. A piece of paper is powerless in the face of what the modern left (and right) and the oligarchy have become. Not only that, but if you believe so strongly in “laws”, then will you submit to the left when they win? Will you get on the train because the policeman says you must?
Writing a new code of laws is an exercise in self-delusion. Those people would be better served to buy rifles and use the time training instead.
Most of us will not live through it. And living through it and losing will be far worse than dying in the fighting. I have read enough history, carefully, to know what totalitarianism is and to see where this is headed. The left is totalitarian and violent and they’re not even in charge yet.
I am in total agreement with you.
1. The Horowitz IG report will be coming out shortly. And yes I know that is has been postponed multiple times. This report will prove that the rule of law is no longer in place in this country to the general population. Unless you believe that Deep State arrests including Obama will occur.
2. Once we realize that we live in a country without the rule of law (WROL), Samuel Adams’ quote will be remembered:
It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.
Except these brushfires will not stop in the minds of men.
3. Rebuilding a future may depend on a new Constitution but it will depend more on the courage, integrity and sacred Honor of the next generation of founding fathers and mothers.