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The civil war started when bho was fraudulently placed into office. Not all wars are “hot”, some simmer for years and even decades before the lid blows.
The Presbyterian Revolt started in the churches twenty years before the Declaration of Independence was signed.
You could count on the Scots-Irish.
Definitely going to vote our way out in the next election-yah right. We will have to shoot our way out.
So let’s hope that Law Enforcement is doing the shooting with very long rifles… because while we the people may be able to field millions of weapons, I promise you that if the 5G network is broadcast, or pulsed, at 60 GigaHertz for any sustained length of time (how much we don’t know for sure -- but the dead in the streets of Wuhan didn’t appear to need much time to collapse…) So anyone in that frequency broadcast radius is going to die of hypoxia or a related event.
Remember, 4G ends at 2.4 GigaHertz. After that -- the numbers get bigger and the radiated energy comes from ever smaller, and more powerful, frequency waves moving through our bodies and trashing our DNA. Just search on this topic and click on images. This fact has been known for a very long time.
60 GigaHertz is the frequency that changes the nature of oxygen molecules. It speeds up the electrons around the oxygen molecules to the point where the hemoglobin protein molecules cannot absorb the oxygen molecules. Breathing stops at the cellular level.
Utilities like the frequency 60 GigaHertz. They have entire grid support product lines dedicated to working with 60 GigaHertz. There is little or no transmission resistance at that frequency, because the nature of oxygen is being changed as the frequency passes through the air. Think about that.
**How many cell towers are in your immediate area?
http://www.nperf.com -- Service maps only
http://www.cellmapper.net -- Cellular Tower and Signal Map. Cell tower location and coverage map -- CellMapper is a crowd-sourced cellular tower and coverage mapping service. This website uses…
http://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/finding-cell-tower-locations-the-complete-guide -- Find Your Nearest Cell Tower in Five Minutes or Less: 2023 Edition. Try a Cell Tower Map Website Cell tower maps make finding your closest 4G and 5G cell towers easy. By entering your zip code or address, the…
http://www.opencellid.org -- OpenCelliD -- Largest Open Database of Cell Towers & Geolocation -- This cellular data is used for a multitude of commercial / private purposes by patrons worldwide. From locating devices to understanding network…
http://www.towermaps.com -- Tower Maps -- Home. Tower Maps is the most comprehensive, most accurate and most current database of cell towers and wireless antenna sites in the US.
http://www.scadacore.com/tools/rf-path/cell-tower-map-united-states -- United States Cell Tower Map -- SCADACore // United States Cell Tower Map -- SCADACore The United States Cell Tower Map features over 25000 locations with cell tower and radio info. Check for…
http://www.antennasearch.com -- AntennaSearch -- Search for Cell Towers & Antennas. Cell Reception: Find out which cell phone carriers (AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc.) are nearby by viewing the locations of cell towers and antennas.…
http://www.nutrition-healthy.com/5g-tower-location-map/ -- 5g Tower Location Map Nutrition // 5g Tower Location Map Nutrition 5G Cell Towers Map -- Org … Tower Locator CellMapper. This cell tower map locator
http://www.letsgomobile.org/en/2653/google-maps-mobile-phones/ -- Google Maps for mobile phones LetsGo Mobile
My Location technology -- Compatible phones. The My Location technology takes information broadcast from cell towers and sifts it through Google-
http://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1cbvrBIEdaXjCdpbye1hCn-e1UJ4 -- Cell Phone Tower Map -- Google My Maps. This is a map of cell phone towers for all the carriers. Unfortunately, providers don’t like to divulge where their towers are, so I am making this…
http://www.whatsag.com/5g/5-best-ways-to-locate-4g-and-5g-cell-towers.php -- 5 Best Ways to Locate 4G and 5G Cell Towers
** Don’t forget. The Cell Tower networks are only one type of system out of several: GWEN Towers, Doppler Radar at Airports, private systems, MESH systems, Emergency Tower Systems, ‘retired’ systems that are still functioning when EMR tested,
An operator in a Fusion Center, a network management data center, or a MIIC enslaved University tapping into a network mangement computer, etc. -- are some of the comprehensible possibilities for where a regional 5G frequency attack like this could originate.
We don’t know what kind of technology is really controlled by the MIIC / Deep State / Break Away Society. This is why the French are destroying the 5G network in their country as fast as they can get away with it… and UK activists are following their strategy.
Key word: Strategy. Guns are only one strategy. We need a lot more understanding of what we face, and who (if anyone) is going to protect us from high tech frequency attacks…, and how can we stop these attacks ourselves directly.
If 5G is not in your community -- keep it out. If it is in your community -- get rid of it. If anyone appointed, hired, or in office fights you -- replace them. Run in gangs/teams to replace majorities on County Commissions and Town Councils in one election. It’s working (Huntington Beach, CA).
60 gigahertz so you can post public information about cellphone towers. Cool, NOW post something to support your kill off every body inside the cellphone reception area.
Put up links proving your “We’re going to Die” “Knowledge “.
Otherwise your just fear mongering and trying to demoralize us.
I have to agree. I did not want to post the comment and almost deleted it. There is a difference between killing people and having maps to cut down or disable towers like the rioters in France are doing. There is a lesson here to learn but I have little hope that people will understand it.
DRenegade, I’m more concerned about this 60 gigahertz KILLING stuff than losing cell towers.
This isn’t the first time I asked 60 Gig to post links to support his “They can kill all of us” stuff without response.
Frankly demoralizing IF you listen to him(it) as it makes all plans worthless IF 60 Gig was correct.
“I promise you that if the 5G network is broadcast, or pulsed, at 60 GigaHertz for any sustained length of time (how much we don’t know for sure — but the dead in the streets of Wuhan didn’t appear to need much time to collapse…) So anyone in that frequency broadcast radius is going to die of hypoxia or a related event.
Remember, 4G ends at 2.4 GigaHertz. After that — the numbers get bigger and the radiated energy comes from ever smaller, and more powerful, frequency waves moving through our bodies and trashing our DNA. Just search on this topic and click on images. This fact has been known for a very long time.
60 GigaHertz is the frequency that changes the nature of oxygen molecules. It speeds up the electrons around the oxygen molecules to the point where the hemoglobin protein molecules cannot absorb the oxygen molecules. Breathing stops at the cellular level.
Utilities like the frequency 60 GigaHertz. They have entire grid support product lines dedicated to working with 60 GigaHertz. There is little or no transmission resistance at that frequency, because the nature of oxygen is being changed as the frequency passes through the air. Think about that.
**How many cell towers are in your immediate area?”
Seems 60 Giga needs to prove his wild claims and link up or he’s a fear monger intending to demoralize folks here.
So, as I am curious about your response, why are you more concerned about scared (from 60 Gigahertz’s posting) folks destroying cell towers Vis a Vis IF he’s even remotely correct?
I can do quite well WITHOUT a cellphone. But then again 60 Gigahertz’s posting most electronic stuff can be USED to Kill all of us, blah, blah.
I looked up health issues with 5G 60 gigahertz and from the most alarmist site: SNIP
Mini 5G Cell Tower In Your Home
Many people do not realize that they already have a mini cell tower emitting high levels of RF Radiation in their homes and offices right now. We call them WiFi routers. (If you have a 5G wireless router emitting the 60 GHz frequency, then you have a 5G mini cell tower in your home.)
Just like a cell tower, a WiFi router emits at full power 24 hours a day 7 days a week, or as long as you have it turned on. It’s range includes your entire home and beyond. It’s radiation is the exact same RF Radiation that a cell tower emits, or that your microwave oven uses to cook your food.
For example, my WiFi router is a Netgear 5 GHz router that emits both at the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz frequencies. A microwave oven uses 2.45 GHz frequency to cook food. The new 5G WiFi routers that are available now use the 60 GHz, 5 GHz and the 2.4 GHz frequencies. That is a lot of RF Radiation we are exposing our selves and our families to.
Of COURSE That site is SELLING PROTECTION from Radio Frequency exposures.
But like WOW, how many of us HAVE A WiFi Router IN our Homes?
So, 60 Gigahertz’s “Pulse and DIE stuff seems ah, exciting.
If Trump is elected the left will go kinetic. If Trump is fraudulently prevented again and Gavin Nuisance is anointed we are screwed. Red and Blue, sort of like Gray and Blue. No Longer if, just when?
If Donald Trump was the “man”…
Don’t blame Donald Trump or voting for the evil we face. Look in the mirror and ask why you are not fighting right now. This is directed at everyone. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
In my opinion there will not be a 2024 election. The communists (Read: Democrat Party) will figure out a way to cancel it rather than accepting inevitable defeat. This cancellation will be the spark that starts the hot war.
We are a conquered people, if you believe the amount of people that took the MRNA shot 80% of Americans. As we trudge the road to our happy destiny, the US military is the biggest employer of lgbtq sodimites. It looks like there is no hill worth dying on, they do not want another civil war and that is the only way forward for us.
We May Get Our Own Chance Yet. | Bustednuckles
People likely don’t fight because the bands have been broken that afforded the shared experiences agriculturally, in terms of working and educational environments, their steadily declining political and economic power, and a dismal lack and scarcity of resources to acquire or maintain quality of living conditions, with this manifesting within and between locales and block to block, hence the tendency towards a feudal positioning rather than for organization and mobilization in terms of civic directionality (their energies are taken up with trying to manage poverty), along with the means of transmitting the culture to the succeeding generations being essentially non-existent over many decades and largely having no viable and credible heteronormative social and cultural mores or according worldview and hence the fading cultural expression with regards to its expansion or continuity.
You used up all your catch words in one of the worst run on sentences, without a conclusion, I’ve ever read. People will fight when they can no longer feed themselves or their children like France 1789. They will always fight back in this country for the same reason French patriots are trying to protect themselves and their property in France now.
Leftist police aiding the rioters there, hindering the patriots from self defense against all the Arab immigrants the government starting letting in decades ago. I think the police here will act differently if we face the same situation. Armed citizens certainly will. We’ll call that “civic mobilization and directionality”!
Best reply to Z-la yet.
I still wonder why Z-la posts here at all.
When the song of the land is “Daddy I’m HUNGRY” all the BS propaganda that keeps us still will vaporize.
Protect your family and trusted friends. When the EBT cards fail to feed the GimmieDats all hell will break out. Not one or two cities but all over America.
Before you cheer about that remember to look at the map and realize ALL trucking and the vast majority of our grid power goes through those cities and towns.
Real trouble is near.
Si Vis Pacem, Parabellum
No disagreement friend. Just remember logistics.
3 days without safe water all your battle rattle is for someone else that has safe water.
The conclusion was more at the beginning with the rest supportive of that premise, presented in diplomatic (polite) form. For instance, with regards to the latter idea expressed, the point is that if America claims to be a heterosexual country, it’s doing a disservice to heterosexuality by not positioning and facilitating it across the social landscape accordingly. Rather it’s left to languish. It’s a matter of writing style, which was perhaps a bit diffused.
I might add that France still has the cultural ties that bind, America does not, which bears out my point.
yes, TINVOWOOT people- get it thru your skulls
Very interesting discussion on 1776 redux. Let’s do some math. US has 1.2 mil Active duty and another 700K in the reserves. Add to that 400K in the National Guard. Total about 2.3 mil. About 150K are overseas, leaving 2.15 mil. Of that 50-60% are support personnel give or take 1 million left. I don’t think even if the Torys impose a draft, anyone is going to join. LOL There are 20 million vets. You have old farts like me, but a lot of younger farts full of piss & vinegar. For shits & giggles, let’s say 50% of the old farts can’t mount a ruck and 50% are liberals. That leaves about 5 million able body patriots. Plus any civilians that want to play maybe 1-2 mil. But how many of all those “patriots” will actually heed the call? With the 4Chan scenario of people leaving, deserting or on cross gender hormones along with the insider subversives, the Rebs appear to have a “numbers” advantage.
However, superior numbers in a 5th generation warfare environment is a major factor. Small Recon, SF, Seal, Ranger units can reek havoc on command and control and infrastructure assets. A small platoon could take out municipal water, power, main transportation arteries, bridges etc, at will. The Nation Guard will have to provide support to the cities and urban areas for life sustaining essentials, rendering them all but useless in any conflict.
The Rebs would need some anti-air assets. The Army will be able to move troops with their Air assets, Helo’s, Airborne & Air Assault capabilities. The Rebs would need something to counteract the Tory Air capabilities. The Proletariat leaders can also employ drone assets. They won’t need to nuke or fire for effect artillery on a enemy position when they can surgically remove the resistance with a Predator drone or other optically guided munition. Add FLIR and other high tech optics to “Find the Rebs,” it could be a bloodbath. If the Rebs don’t have countermeasures to those assets, it’s gonna be a COD and Halo rich environment for some nerd in Nellis AFB with a joystick.
Urban unrest will definitely help the resistance by taking troop assets away from the fight. As far as international intervention, the Torys will still have a Navy, Air Force and NORAD protecting the Motherland to prevent that from occurring. If the Rebs hope for any outside help…well, that seems unlikely. As the saying goes…”No one is coming to save you.”
You can 4D chess play this all you want, but if it happens, it’s looking like a USSR v. Ukraine in the USA. A tough slog for sure.
Propaganda is a powerful weapon that the Powers that Be use pretty effectively.
Doubt that? Look at useless arguments about Trump as a fine example of even low grade PysOps effectiveness.
What mass communication-propaganda system do we use to get the message out past the already CONVERTED?
The British thought our “little rebellion” was purely a MILITARY MATTER (SORT of like the excellent above comment) and ignored the colonial media.
The Founding fathers used printed handbills and that’s the Mass Media of that era.
Logistics and propaganda, pretty important as betrayal is the Communists best divide and subdue weapon.
Hi Mike, I don’t really comprehend the “propaganda” themed response to my comment. None of that was intended on my part. Having served as a USMC Infantry and Recon officer, I was just stating some commonly know facts and hypotheses re: personnel numbers, logistical and hard assets as well as some commonly known tactics. If I’m wrong in any way, I’m open to any criticism of my numbers, facts or observations. I probably have the same attitude and love of country as 99% of the members here. Just trying to give a plausible realistic scenario. Because, no one knows where, when or what is gonna happen.
Semper Fi.
The Propaganda comment was unclear? It wasn’t Against your post, it was an expansion of the troubles that you were explaining for folks fighting CW2.0 in the near future.
You were addressing the PURELY MILITARY issues much like the British did during that little rebellion of the Colonies.
I was pointing out that the current Powers that Be CONTROL the Media and “rebel” actions WILL be described by THEIR MEDIA as terrorists. Betrayal is a real problem as “See something Say something ” will be in full effect.
Between media control and lack of logistics on our side we have a very hard road ahead.
Not going to have medivac choppers for rebels unless for intelligence reasons.
Hope that explains.
LOL Dude, I’ve read a few of your comments on the blog. Typical know it all. ALL CAPS keyboard warrior. You read so much into my comment that wasn’t there, playing the 4D chess I referenced. I addressed many shortcomings of the “Rebs” but didn’t think my comment warranted listing all the advantages of the Torys, as I just mentioned only a few. The media is a given. No breaking Intel there Sherlock. Good try though. My final comment “It will be a tough slog” basically summarized your comment above. Also I mentioned “No one is coming to save you” but you had to reply the ‘Rebs” won’t have Medivac choppers. Again, something I already mentioned. My Co Cmdr at 1st Recon was like you, (re: Generation Kill) someone who my troops hated and would have fragged in combat. I won’t comment anymore on this blog. Wes and his writings seemed interesting. But people like you, I can do without. I did my time. Have fun.
LOL honest discussion is dangerous isn’t it?
Have an awesome day.