Tipping Point

It has been my privilege to be a contributor to NCRenegade for some time now, and have been a follower/reader for much longer. NCRenegade historically addresses topics that primarily affect North Carolinians, but is certainly not limited to this, as the issues that affect us are almost always the same that affect everyone.

We’re are at a tipping point regarding freedom in our nation. As David said, we may already be here. Freedom to speak, freedom to defend ourselves and our constitution, freedom to worship, and freedom to decide our own destiny. We’ve been headed this way for some time, but the growth of tyranny has been, as it is with all tyrannies, exponential. It’s not a stretch to imagine living in a soft dictatorship within months, and once there, the total and complete elimination of any dissent, whether by censorship or by force, or both.

Everyone here knows, or is pretty sure, that what is happening to us, to all Americans, is not due to incompetence, but driven by pure, unadulterated, sociopathic evil. This evil seeks to kill us all, and it’s succeeding. It is suggested, and likely, that 20 million people worldwide have been murdered by the covid vaccines, and that upwards of 2.2 billion have been badly injured, and are likely to die within the next 5 years from their injuries. That’s mass murder, genocide, on a scale never before seen. Tens of thousands of Americans will die early from the chemical attack at East Palestine, Ohio, and at least a hundred, and probably hundreds more, most of them children, were killed by an out-of-control wildfire in Hawai’i that was in all likelihood deliberately set, then grossly mismanaged by their government. Children who were burned alive as a sacrifice to evil. Add to this the trafficking of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of young boys and girls that have been subjected to the unspeakable psycopathy of child rape and torture. Children, many as young as five years old, brutalized, often ten times a day or more, for years, then sacrificed for their organs, for the sick pleasure of monsters and the profit of politicians. There are more examples of this depravity than I can possibly list. You know what they are. We all do. They are killing us. They hope to kill us all. And they enjoy it.

There are things that we can do to maintain our freedoms (and our lives), and to not submit to this lawlessness and evil. The day is coming when our choice is either death or slavery. We’ll know when that day arrives. In the meantime, it must be a priority to maintain our health and strength. We must not give in to the endless propaganda delivered by the mainstream media or the evil and corrupt Biden regime. Remember, when they speak, they are lying.

We must never give in to their lies. Call them out, each and every time. Tell everyone, publically, loudly, so that, even if the person you are speaking to is unable to hear, the third person may overhear and learn. More importantly, you must prepare to survive. I will not go into how to prepare, as there are more articles and tutorials on what, how, where and why to do this than I can possibly count. I’ll just list those things that you cannot live without.

  • A place of long-term safety. This will not be in a city, or a subdivision. Think small home, in a place that no one else wants to be. Preferably above 2000 feet altitude… more on that later.
  • Water. At least TWO sources. Think well, with a hand-pump, and rainwater. Perhaps a spring, or a ram pump from a creek. You’ll also need to filter it. Without water, you will die. Quickly. If you do not have water available within a hundred feet of your home, then imagine carrying two five-gallon buckets of water from wherever you can get it, every day, rain, heat, snow, and when you’re injured, or too sick to get out of bed.
  • Food. Do you have enough? Can you grow enough? Some people say you cannot. Others say you can. It depends on how much use you make of your space. The fact is, with planning and optimum conditions, you can grow enough food for a family of four on an acre of land or less. You won’t be able to do this the first year, however, or even the second. There are plenty of tutorials on how to do this online. Study them. Remember you’ll have to grow a year’s supply of food in a six-month growing season. That’s a lot of work. Get started. Now would be a great time to get your fall garden in the ground. Wait, what? Fall garden? Who does that? People who know that you can. Now you do too. There’s a fellow in New Jersey that grows way more food than he can eat in his backyard food forest. He gives most of it away. Be like that guy.
  • Defense. There is no one who visits this site who does not understand this. Plan for a worst-case scenario, then triple it. Hint: You’re going to need friends. Live in the mountains, where the thugs have to walk uphill to get to you. They’ll be tired when they get there. This is a good thing.

    There’s plenty more, but those are the basics. Without doing these things, you’re just preparing to die. Slowly, and horribly. Stop being stupid. Get started. Get in shape, get supplies, sell your bloated house in the subdivision while you still can (and homeschool your kids instead of punishing them in the public school system), and get somewhere you can actually survive what’s coming. Time is up.

About Hammers Thor

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1 year ago

Here’s a quote from Winston Churchill. I think it really applies to our current situation. I would say we are getting very close to that 4th option.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

Amen to that!

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

An alcoholic genocidal megalomaniacal midwit would not have been my go to for inspiration. Just saying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobby

Even a blind pig in a forest finds an acorn once in awhile.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobby

Ricky, are you referring to Winston Churchill or Hammers Thor?

Assuming Churchill, what pray tell will History REMEMBER YOU for?

Midwit? LOL look into the mirror.

1 year ago

Sensible thinking is sorely needed. Good article.

1 year ago

Watch out for conclusions on the Maui fires. This is from Harold Saive TownSquareNews. The report and photos are excellent:
“Even I fell for the structure of the “official story”. Now, certified genius, Miles Mathis discovered the PsyOP, CGI and Deep Fake
Why Are They Faking Photos From Maui? -- Miles Mathis makes the case that the Maui Fire was a DEEP FAKE and CGI PsyOp”
I have a contact on Oahu who is going to network and see if he can get real eyewitness information.

dennis winebrinner
dennis winebrinner
1 year ago

your jersey guy has “100 tomatoes in 100 square feet”…. and not a single heirloom, all hybreds.
good luck trying to grow a sustainable garden with plants that produce for one year only.
learn how to grow heirlooms and how to save seeds.

1 year ago

It’s been coming for a very long time, but now it’s picking up speed. Something real big. At a minimum, it will down grade our standard of living by a lot. Or it will kill us off.

1 year ago

Big check to living on a big hill or mountain LOL

1 year ago

You’ll probably disagree, but based on everything that is happening, I think Christ has broken the first four seals (Revelation 6). Birth pangs start out slow, which in this case can take years, until it gets to months, days, hours! Make sure you have oil in your lamps! God bless & protect you all.