Today Show Recommends Protecting Your Family With Anything But Firearms

Earlier this week, a report on The Today Show about “simple tips to keep your family safe” discussed every form of home defense imaginable…except guns.

The tools that The Today Show deem more effective than firearms include activating your car alarm, sleeping with your door open and keeping a can of wasp spray handy.

The report stated that there are 50,000 home invasions in the United States each year. For advice on how to stop these intrusions, the reporters turned to a burly former detective named Wallace Zeins. Each of Zeins’ suggestions was more ridiculous than the last.


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10 years ago

Wasp spray will get you busted faster than a gun..a law suit forth coming as well, ask a cop. If your a liberal reading this, you deserve what you get as it was you that voted for the stupid gun laws. If your not a liberal you don’t need me to tell you what to do.