Traitors Will Continue To Remain Free Because We Won’t Stand Together.

Well after taking my wife out to a nice dinner for Valentine’s Day, once home, she had some things to do with the kids for homeschool, so I tuned into NBC Nightly News to see if there would be any mention of all the dirt the Durham investigation had uncovered. To my shock, lol, no not really, not one mention of it. However they were ecstatic over the fact that Trump’s accountants had jumped ship. What I’m trying to convey here is, NOTHING will happen. So many people were texting me, emailing me, and stopping me to have conversations about this turn of events. I was asked over and over again, “what do you think will happen?” My immediate response, “Nothing.”

If the Mainstream Media is not covering it, it is non-existent, and not a problem for the Deep State. Which means for about 80% of our population, it’s non-existent. Not enough people are awake. We are a severe minority. Step out of your comfort zone sometime. Go into town and start up a conversation with some sheeple. They have no clue. Be prepared to be looked at like a crazy man though.

Nothing is going to happen because we won’t stand together. Hell I can’t even get people to quit wearing a mask at work. There’s only a handful of brave souls who have stood with me and refuse to wear a mask at work. The other’s can’t believe we haven’t gotten in any kind of trouble, but they continue to wear their mask, even seeing there has not been any repercussions, yet. People have lost the ability it seems to critically think for themselves. I don’t know how many of these mask sheep own firearms, but I guarantee they’ll be handing them over when the government says to turn them in. For if you can’t even stand up for the right to breathe fresh air, you sure aren’t going to stand up for a gun.

Why isn’t Hillary already sitting in a cell awaiting trial? Where would you be if you had done the things she and her crew have done? Rules for thee, but not for me, indeed. She’s part of the Deep State so she really has nothing to worry about. I’ve had so many emotions recently. I’m disappointed, angry, disgusted, sad, and heartbroken. The Republic is Dead. This country is done. We will now have to fight our way out of communism. If you do not bow down and kiss the feet of this government, you are now a terrorist and an enemy of the state.

We have a lot of weak people on our “side” that are calling for us to remain peaceful in our protest. Our constant insistence on being peaceful is why we are in this mess. These Deep State Communist have stolen and killed our Republic. Best get your minds wrapped around that. Their Pravda decry us as violent, and cheaters, trying to steal an election. When in fact, it is they that have stolen our country in broad daylight and have dared us to do something about it.

Durham has only proven what we all know, “They” Stole Our Country From Us! Do you really think they are going to walk away from the power they have stolen willingly? There is only one way out of this and you know deep down what that way is.  And don’t you dare say that we can right the ship by voting over the next two elections. That ship has sailed. We have used the soap box, the ballot box, and the jury box to no avail. All that we have left is the cartridge box.

What will it take for Americans to wake up and take back their freedom and their country? These evil communist are pushing us and testing us. They want to see exactly what they can get away with and what we are willing to accept. At this point it is anything. Very few have the courage to speak out or do anything. Although speaking out against this tyranny we face will now get you labeled as a domestic terrorist.

We are at a crossroads now. Our apathy is why we are in the situation we are in now. I understand that people are afraid, but if we do nothing the chains of slavery will tighten even more. Yes it is going to be painful and sacrifices will have to be made but isn’t securing freedom for our children and grandchildren worth it?

Their side is united. Their plans are moving forward unabated. Our side can’t agree on anything. We continue to fight amongst ourselves as our enemy gains ground every day. Most people on our side don’t think it is time to go hot, but they also recognize that the odds of getting out of this peacefully are shrinking by the day. The question is how do we get the best possible outcome and remain true to our principles, and I’m not sure that there is an easy answer to that.

When will we act? When we realize that only God can save us. At that point we will have to fight. I do not know when, but based on the urgency of the government to classify patriots as domestic terrorists, they must think it is coming soon.

I don’t want my children to ask me why didn’t we do anything to stop this evil we are faced with. It is time for us to pledge our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

“Is Anyone Irate and Tireless Enough to Save our Republic for our Children and Children’s Children?” -- Political Prisoner Jeremy Brown Writes an Open Letter from Pinellas County Jail Wes worth your time to read this letter from ex green beret, served faithfully 20+ years. We need a call to muster, I will not mince words, let us see who answers the call.

2 years ago

The whole reason DJT is having rallies and talking BS is to keep us from coalescing resistance against them. DJT is the f’i g leader of the destruction of the country

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Agree he was their trojan horse that has got us to this point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

However we got to this point, it is up to us to do what is righteous.
The destruction of this country is a direct result of the policies put in place by the fraudulent election of Biden and the attacks on Trump by the Democrat and Republican traitors. I see no evidence to support your claim that Trump destroyed the country.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

Bubba1, deep breath, inhale…..exhale…. DJT as the leader of anything??? It’s the international bankers that run the show:
“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a slimy octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation…the little coterie of powerful international banker s virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties.”
NYC Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times, March 26, 1922.
This brave man was aware of this without the benefit of the Internet. More than likely he knew not to be more specific as to the nationality of the majority of these international bankers were. We have to get past losing any sleep over anyone in the public eye. They are just low lying fruit dressed up to look important.
All wars are banker wars. The war on terror has been replaced by the war on humanity. Bullets and bombs are no longer the primary weapons. They’ve been replaced by weather warfare and the medical industrial complex.
Isaiah 59:7
“Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their highways.”

Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago
Reply to  Bubba1

that and the Q bullshit and the aps and websites that support “sit back, there’s people behind the scenes working on this”.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Wes, I understand your frustration. Tragically, the ones who can make a difference are currently not involved.
In 1973 Alexander Haig became the youngest ever 4 star general. His meteoric rise up the ladder continued to politics. He was Nixon and Ford’s Chief of Staff. Not to be slowed down he became Reagan’s Secretary of State.
As he viewed the peaceful protests of his days he said.” Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes.”
Wow, nice guy! He cared not of the message of the peaceful protesters, only for their tax dollars that funded his salary and future pensions. I bring up someone like Haig because the military are the only ones who can save this country. Unless those at the top of the pyramid of evil are arrested, this wretched course will continue. People like Gates, Schwab, Pelosi and all the other well known names are actually low lying fruit.
The military takes an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. As long generals like Haig are in charge, rather than arresting anyone they will be waiting for their next invitation to a yacht party with bikini clad hostesses half their age.
A tremendous site like yours is providing a tremendous service by educating folks. However, education will not topple the masters of mayhem. 300 million guns in the U.S. will not topple them. Protests will not stop them. Only arrest by the military can stop those that rule over us.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Well meaning patriots often ask you what can be done. We can’t do the job of the military. All we can to in the meantime is stand against the evil of the day, [Ephesians 6:13 -- 18.]

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

“People like Gates, Schwab, Pelosi and all the other well known names are actually low lying fruit.”

I see no purpose in arrest and trial at this point. That’s too much distraction. Simply get the job done and go on to the next. But I can tell you that once it starts it will be a never-ending fight. Do not count on the military or LE. Within every dictatorship, those who are the best provisioned are the enforcers. That is why those positions are always filled by volunteers. We are on our own; but please, Wes and others, some of us are old and physically limited and will be forced to fight when it comes to our door. We are not mobile enough to do otherwise. It is more or less stand and fight and die in place. We are ok with that. Hell, I can’t even keep up with my dogs; and they’re on a leash. But I’m always packin’ and ready.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I am right there along side you, I have managed to stay in pretty good shape at 70, no physical problems and I do not take any meds, work out everyday, I am armed at all times also, we can do this.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

The military is not on our side, obama replaced 200+ of the top brass in the military. I do not believe that we need the military to restore our Republic. As in the first revolution the British empire was at the top of world military powers, and guess what we defeated them, we defeated them all until political lackeys were appointed to run our military into the ground. We the people will now defeat them as well.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The first revolution was guns vs. guns. Today they don’t bring the same weapon to the battlefield. Geoengineering, weather warfare is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. They flood one area and prolong a drought in another. Starvation is an end result as the food supply is wrecked in countries we’ve attacked.
All these nuclear weapons are a show to keep people on edge. Gates bought thousands of acres of farmland. He doesn’t do that if he thought his handlers had one hand on the big button. Guns n ammo are great for personal property protection. They don’t plan on having shootouts at the OK corral with us.

2 years ago

Furthermore I have a deep sense that those imprisoned in DC will hold us accountable for their suffering, if not we should.


2 years ago

It is time, how to unite and move forward?

2 years ago

There is one path to the justice we seek.


2 years ago

“We have a lot of weak people on our “side” that are calling for us to remain peaceful in our protest. Our constant insistence on being peaceful is why we are in this mess. These Deep State Communist have stolen and killed our Republic. Best get your minds wrapped around that.”

We also have a lot of dumb, willfully ignorant people on our “side” that haven’t done any research on the subject. Everything to them is some ‘Red Dawn’ fantasy where a ragtag band of patriots can traipse around the woods and somehow the government ceases to exist so true patriot constitution freedom can miraculously take hold of the land once again.

Revolutions very rarely start as a bunch of regular people suddenly deciding to murder those in charge, and I can’t think of a single instance in history when such a revolt actually succeeded. Those revolting inevitably end up providing shade and ambience along the Appian Way, or whatever their cultural equivalent is.

“What will it take for Americans to wake up and take back their freedom and their country?”

“I understand that people are afraid, but if we do nothing the chains of slavery will tighten even more. Yes it is going to be painful and sacrifices will have to be made but isn’t securing freedom for our children and grandchildren worth it?”

This is a great example of why revolts of only regular people are extremely rare. You are whining about what cowards other people are for not acting upon the information that you have… yet you yourself have that information and are not acting. So if you want to know what it takes for Americans to “take back their freedom and their country” just look to yourself. Why aren’t you out there shooting the mailman, leaving nasty messages on infrastructure, etc. Answer that question before you start accusing others of being afraid.

You are like penguins on the edge of an ice floe, knowing there are killer whales in the water but also knowing that your chicks are getting hungry. They hop around nervously at the edge, trying to get someone else to jump first and take the biggest risk. The problem is that the killer whales in our situation are masters of making sure only a few jump at a time, and in a way that makes it easy for the killer whales. They’ve also arranged it so that they are jumping into a net rather than the ocean, but the analogy is breaking down enough already so I’ll leave it at that.

If all you would-be revolutionaries bothered to do the research, you’d know that there have been many studies on what is needed for a successful revolution. There are a number of things, with most of them needing to be present for a revolution to succeed. Unfortunately, we have almost none of those things. Nearby sanctuary, foreign support, government unable to genocide due to international pressure, powerful unifying motive that cuts across classes (this means elites are involved.)

So revolution is off the table. Collapse is highly unlikely on any acceptable time frame. What is left? Get local and state political control in flyover states so as to fend off federal overreach. This is already being done to some extent, but it is just as likely to be derailed by the usual RINOs. We need real patriots to run for offices, up to and including governor. I’m not saying be squeaky clean in pursuit of that political power, and that political power itself could be used in ways that are not exactly squeaky clean so as to make a state more patriotic in its demographics.

In the penguin example above, someone in a real leadership position like governor can call for the penguins to move to a part of the ice flow where there is no net in the water, and to all jump at once. Or to invent a net and just fish without leaving the ice floe, which is a better analogy of what I’m talking about but a ridiculous analogy so hopefully you all get what I’m saying. Get legal control of state military forces, encourage or even support private militias, then refuse to cooperate with tyranny.

The main argument against this seems to be that it’s just not as sexy as playing Rambo. Can’t market books about freedom fighting as a party official, or running for county board. Can’t pound your chest on the internet about how everyone else is a coward because they aren’t running for the state legislature. No ready-made excuses for spending lots of money on a gun collection. But history shows that this is what works.

“The question is how do we get the best possible outcome and remain true to our principles”

First realize that much of what you count as ‘principles’ are the mental chains that the globalists have indoctrinated you with. I bet your beliefs have very little in common with the Founding Fathers, who were right about almost everything.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zorost