Transgender volleyball player injures opponent… ‘Hardest hit I’ve ever seen’…

“The Hiwassee Dam player, a biological girl, suffered severe head and neck injuries, resulting in a concussion, including vision problems. The girl has not yet been cleared to play again by her neurologist.”

The Cherokee County Board of Education voted 5-1 to declare a “safety issue” and canceled all games against Highlands High after coach Joe Wood said he had “never seen a hit this hard before.”


After player injury, Cherokee Co. schools forfeit all volleyball games against 1 school

All girls’ volleyball teams in the Cherokee County school district will forfeit upcoming regular season games against one competitor due to a recent player injury, according to Cherokee County School Board member Arnold Mathews.



Two points:

  1. This is where I live. Do not think this is not happening in your backyard.
  2. The second article from Asheville did not bother to mention that the person responsible for the injury was transgender. Asheville is one of the worst Democrat sh_thole cities in the country.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Asheville is quickly becoming the San Francisco of the deep south. All the pony-tailed birkenstock crowd of artsy-fartsy progressive nuts are moving there in droves. What a shame, it is such a beautiful area too.

2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

“Magnet locations”. Driven by policies. Check out the group called; Tactical Civics. Perhaps lay off the stereo types, birks are smart orthopedic footwear, they’re a smart foot wear choice and the company is more eco focused than sociologically focused. FYI.
Here, research on this matter is exceedingly simple. Just search your term, tag on a comma, and then enter lgbtq. Birkenstocks may have had some promo items, and the independent retailers may be pro lgbtq, but I’m not getting much on that search result. Fact check: Birks are for gays. False. However, you may want to throw your addidas, converse, and Dr Martins in the trash can. FYI. Simply research as if you’re on the pro gay side, and you’ll enjoy a wonderful search result without any censorship, unlike the applied censorship applied to search results if identified as being christian or conservative. Then you can quite easily identify whom to support and whom not to. They’re out there, the lgbtq community. And they drive a certain portion of consumer dollars. Remind the big companies they’re not getting your dollars if they’d rather have their dollars instead. It’s a business decision.

Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago

the litterboxes in middle and high schools to cater to the “furbys” (this is training your kids to be sex perverts and grooming) is in my area as well as where my family lives. This is a conservative, rural AG based area.

IT IS EVERYWHERE because good men continue to do nothing.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Otis D

It has been everywhere for a long time now. I think most are just starting to open their eyes to it.

Carl Roberts
Carl Roberts
2 years ago
Reply to  Otis D

Evil minded people work to corrupt good people’s right doing. Renewing your mind daily is a good defense against evildoing, always being mindful of exposing it for what it is EVIL. Don’t hate the evildoer but the EVIL there doing. Public school system has run from this for years. Glad to see these school leaders take the right stand on this. We need to take time to contact them and let them know it was the right call. The world needs more of this type of action.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

It stops when We stop it. That is if We really want it stopped.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thank you for that comment Mr. Thomas Angle!

2 years ago

Time to take the trash out.

2 years ago

Please , please remember the GOP politicians who refuse to support banning transgenders from womens sports. Most notably, Kristi Noem, Asa Hutchinson. These people are in the running for presidential or VP. NEVER, Never forget. They both vetoed bills in their state that would have banned this horrendous disgusting act.

2 years ago
Reply to  Magrit

Sure Marge, but that’s sort of a short sighted position. It’s the funding which is driving this movement, and politicians predictably always follow the money. Want to make a difference? Signal with your vote cast from your wallet, you will not support companies whom promote this. We can’t boycott a company twice, but wish other citizens would pay more attention to conscientious consumerism.

Tragedy of the Commons
Tragedy of the Commons
2 years ago

When a state no longer serves the interests of the people it was originally founded by, the state has therefore lost all legitimacy, and the men under it are no longer morally bound by any of its rulings, laws or institutions.

2 years ago

That is precisely what our FIRST founding document, the Declaration of Independence, says … and the people have the right to replace it.

2 years ago
Reply to  GoldenLover

Bastiat. The cruel choice. When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law. These two evils are of equal consequence, and it would be difficult for a person to choose between them. The nature of law is to maintain justice.
Bastiat, commonly known as the father of all written law in the modern age. He lived but a short time, yet his simple works have carried through the ages as a guiding light. This is because of his sound logic and subsequent doctrines. Justice is natural law, there is no other way about it. Such is the human condition.


[…] News) Cherokee County Schools in western North Carolina has canceled all upcoming girls’ volleyball games against one specific team due to the presence of a transgender player who seriously injured a real […]


[…] News) Cherokee County Schools in western North Carolina has canceled all upcoming girls’ volleyball games against one specific team due to the presence of a transgender player who seriously injured a real […]


[…] News) Cherokee County Schools in western North Carolina has canceled all upcoming girls’ volleyball games against one specific team due to the presence of a transgender player who seriously injured a real […]


[…] News) Cherokee County Schools in western North Carolina has canceled all upcoming girls’ volleyball games against one specific team due to the presence of a transgender player who seriously injured a real […]


[…] News) Cherokee County Schools in western North Carolina has canceled all upcoming girls’ volleyball games against one specific team due to the presence of a transgender player who seriously injured a real […]

2 years ago

The price of not only believing a lie but promoting it. Romans 1:28-32

2 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Isn’t it something that the popular counter argument to the lgbtq movement is constantly rooted in ideology and religion? That’s because you’re not dealing with a new type of person, but rather a new religious principal sweeping through society. Accurate definitions matter.

Nanny doodlebottoms
Nanny doodlebottoms
2 years ago

Yeah! Finally some excitement in women’s sports. This kid will go far in life.

2 years ago

This boy needs to be banned for excessive force…oops so sorrrry, I meant tranny arsehole.

2 years ago

Being gay is a choice, a concious one. We should immediately change course and strike any and all legal references to lgbtq as a person type.
Because being gay is a choice. And to the supporters, lgbtq is their religion. So we should simply define this as any other religion, get it the hell out of schools just for starters.
You can talk to my children about gender, when I can talk to your children about Jesus.
There are only two genders. And there is only one saving grace.
So of no wish or effort of our own, we were forced to pull our children out of public schools. Adams 12 just n of Denver, Colorado, just retooled everything in a period of only a year or so. They’ve got pride declaration month statements, teachers pushing parents and students constant links to men in drag and such, ‘why pronouns mater’, a transgender bathroom policy which eliminates safe spaces for females, teachers using the unusual pronouns to students, total curriculum change out to liberal progressive content and they even invite the liberal grifters to the school. It all was staged but was implemented by the seemingly benign act of ‘diversity consultation’. Which we now know the diversity consultants sweeping through school systems are incredibly nefarious and deceptive, and they fund themselves with government money and grants to pull it off. That’s when a bunch of anti white racists step in, talk about the patriarchy and lack of indigenous focus or whatever, and provide urgent recommendations for pro lgbtq material so these already confused people don’t engage in self harm or whatever. At this point we would not mind if they did engage in self harm, or simply went away. We can not destroy the entire society and all traditional cultural norms so gender confused people can shape society into their image rather than that of god or our founding fathers. They are throwing away centuries of hard fought victories for liberty and a safe society, all in the name of progressive marxism. We’re not lgbtq allies, and never will be either. Absolutely completely unprofessional to allow this lgbtq religious zealotry in schools and absolutely cowardice to hire diversity consultation groups whom you know ahead of time hate white people and christian culture. Taxation without representation just for starters. Why not just fund a trans charter school instead? Scoot them all over here into their own safe space school, see how that works out. Stop ruining it for the rest of us. The born that way argument fell flat, this is a social contagion and they’re recruiting new members to their cult all day long, member numbers are rising swiftly. In schools where these things happen we’re observing marked increases in children identifying as non binary one way or another, in places long since established, literally half of all children identify this way. Buyer beware.
LGBTQ is a religious principal about life, voluntarily adopted, not a person type. Which categorizes this belief as a religion, something we should not forcefully require other people to adopt, nor adhere to it’s principals. This is your new more effective resistance argument so please adopt it with haste. Take the pronouns and put them in the trash can when on school grounds, unprofessional and unethical. Don’t ask don’t tell was far better than this. Sexuality should be strictly taboo, not expressed in public. Enforce the decency laws again. Good for the girls team decision to withdraw. They should withdraw permanently. Girls subjected to a boy pretending to be a girl in their locker room should either sue, or take matters into their own hands and defend each other from this confused persons presence and influence. One way or another, this will not abide and we will not accept the radical changes this group of zealots is foiesting upon our society. Seeking to reform our society around their principals. Immediate fail. Good ideas never require force for widespread adoption by society at large. They’ve had to use force, because it’s so problematic. And btw, I’m gay, I just decided that, so it’s not hate speech to make this comment and you can’t prove otherwise. So sorry, thanks for playing, come again. Why can’t people just respect the status quo and stop being so radical? We have a mental health crisis in this country, where people no longer respect the principals of non interventionism and fair dealings, but rather just long for a new tyranny, where force can be applied through every aspect of society. These people need to be careful what they wish for.