Tucker Interview with Putin

BREAKING: President Vladimir Putin confirms to Tucker Carlson that President Biden is not running the United States.

PUTIN when asked who runs the U.S.

“The same forces which have always run it. You may change presidents but you do not change those in real power. That is who we have to deal with. Joe Biden is just a facade for this power structure.”

h/t GeneralMCNews on Telegram

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1 year ago

Neither of these things should be a surprise to the readers of this venue.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

And the PTB also keep Putin’s Russia in check!

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Absolutely correct.

1 year ago

I saw information releases last night concerning the interview. Putin may have said the above but I will wait to hear the real interview tomorrow night at 6:00 PM before I believe anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes, I want to hear it for myself.

1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Unless we speak Russian we will be hearing only a translation.

But, from all I have read about Putin he has more integrity and admirable qualities--such as love of country--than ANY of our “top leadership.”

Our FedGov people are--with rare exception--utterly despicable.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I try not to be an asshole (really), and I don’t mean to single out commenter “TakeAHardLook”, but they provided an opportunity.
I’ve seen this mentioned in a couple meme’s and it started me thinking, we are not using language properly.
The left does an amazing job of co-opting the words and phrases used (mostly peaceful protests, to describe riots). In the above the commenter referred to the treasonous communist usurpers as our “top leadership”. Now to their credit, they did use quotation marks….
But like the meme says, if they’re going to call you racist either way, embrace it! We need to start calling them out, in public, very loudly. Call them traitors, communist’s, usurper, thieves, lying dog-faced-pony-soldiers… heck, get the thesaurus out! Heckling isn’t quite the word, but if we’re not going to tar and feather the bastards, we should at least make them uncomfortable in public. We’ve all seen the way they scurry like roaches hiding behind their help when confronted by a reporter with a camera and an agenda. This is the way.
In short, it’s time to stop being polite! We’re at WAR with these people (..errr… they’re at war with us)

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe, My use of quotes was to convey the opposite of top leadership.
And, “Our FedGov people are--with rare exception--utterly despicable” means what it says.
I guess I COULD have substituted “people with “maggots.”
Now, after listening to the entire 128 minutes of the interview, I am even more convinced of Putin’s love of his country, and I wish that there were even three in D.C. of whom I could say the same.

harrison burnell
harrison burnell
1 year ago

we have been waiting years for someone to interview putin. journalism in the west is dead. finally a real journalist interviews putin. tucker. every lame brain leader gets the soft ball treatment by the msm, but, never any real news nor real j ournalism. now we get a real interview and the establishment deep state cabalists are up in arms. it would be nice to get the other sides view. we get msm lies all the time.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

Why all the excitement? Putin has been interviewed by Barbara Wawa, George Steponopolis and 60 minutes. Meanwhile, I just read where Russia is moving forward with 15 minute cities starting in his beloved Moscow.
If I were to guess, Tucker is controlled opposition. Let me know when he interviews someone that exposes the 9/11 truth, the plandemic and follow up jab or the joo world order.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Stan how about a link to your 15 minute city? In Europe and Russia all cities are walkable 15 minute style BEFORE the EU decided to flood themselves with 3rd world problem people.

Russia at least HAS a Boarder control and vetted immigration.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

You know, we all are controlled opposition. Because we are all (vast majority of us) dependent on the system to survive. I am grateful for and to Tucker. He makes this political misery bearable.

1 year ago

Hope TC asks Putin how he feels about the U.S. taking out the Nordstream pipelines.

Talk about “restraint” in a leader!

1 year ago

He hasn’t even done the interview yet and the Deep State is going nuts!
So here is what Hillary Clinton said about Tucker Carlson going to Moscow. She takes a play right out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals playbook at the 2:15 mark. Accuse your opponent of doing what you are guilty of doing. Does this sound familiar to you? It is exactly what the Biden administration is doing. I believe Tucker more than I’ll ever believe one word out of that b!tch’s pie hole! If anyone believes Hillary then they are useful the idiots by default!

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson is like Obi Wan Kenobi. They struck him down and he became more powerful than they could have imagined.

1 year ago

And thanks to an inside source we have a pic of the Ring Leader:

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 year ago

I guess we will have to wait and see if this is the real deal, but…

“Transcripts From Tucker Carlson’s Exclusive Interview with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow” -- Red State Nation
