Mass immigration is completely destroying our country. Why is no one doing anything about it? Because they’re afraid of ending up like Lydia Brimelow.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) February 20, 2024
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The point of this interview is not illegal immigration but a warning of what will happen to you if you speak against the regime.
Think about the others in jail for exposing the truth, or worse, dead, by suicide
Hammer and anvil.
People have been able to speak out against the regime for a long time about things that the regime have approved of as opposition. Namely all the civnat, blank slate, economic matters that reside downstream of the war on Heritage Americans and the Truth about our legitimacy as a Christian nation. Basically the conservatives and Republican Party for decades. Low taxes, free markets, and guns.
There are numerous anti-tax, anti-regulatory, “libertarian”, environmental, 2A, and other explicit pro-ethnic and even communist groups and individuals who are free to agitate and even assert their ideas into governance and the commons.
Only one identity is denied this. Once any of these previously approved issues becomes part of that identity in dissent, then it becomes illegal.
Only Heritage Americans are the targets of replacement and disenfranchisement by the cabal and its globo-fascist corporate members.
The hammer of the cabal smashes dissent sure enough but you have to look at the anvil as well, the matters that generate that dissent and the attributes of the people who are set upon it to be hammered.
”immigration” is but one front in the long war on us. That free association, speech, assembly, and right to petition the government are already illegal for one particular identity while all the irrelevant maters of the empire can be openly opposed suggests there might just be something unique about both the aims of “immigration” and those being targeted for opposition.
the illusion of our “freedom” needs dissent for its thin facade of legitimacy. But the cabal will not allow any dissent to be framed in terms of Heritage American identity or values or culture.
It must remain colorblind and administrative. This is why our side is peppered with “don’t let them divide us” propaganda. They need to keep both White identity and Nationalism and in any form in the stew to cook off what’s left of the vestigial Heritage America.
Not all dissent is equal. What happens when the ADL, NAACP, UNIDOSUS/La Raza (translated “The Race), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), etc. perform similar sorts of dissent and speaking against the regime? I wonder if any of these organizations have trouble finding banks, selling online, expressing on social media, and so on.
So sickening, words don’t work.
Happening in NYC
Refillable debit cards with no names to be handed out to migrants up to $10,000 with each refill to a card
“Re the free debit cards NYC
Read this:
As the contract with MoCaFi clearly notes, “cardholders will not be subject to ID verification,” and “the city shall be responsible for the accurate delivery” of cards to “consumers.”
And, “after delivery of [cards] to the city, the city shall be responsible for the security of the [cards] until delivered … to the cardholders.”
Under the contract, upon request by the city, MoCaFi will simply dump off hundreds, or more, of blank debit cards with no one’s name on them, with unknown amounts of money to be loaded on them — up to “$10,000 per card” at any one time — by the city.
The city may even issue debit cards to children: “if [cards] are to be distributed to any person under the age of 18 … the city … shall confirm that the minor cardholder’s parent or guardian has consented to the minor’s acceptance and use of the card.”
So, city employees and shelter contract workers are going to be in charge of handing out cards to be loaded and regularly refilled with untraceable cash, to people who have no forms of identity acceptable to the American financial services system, under a program with no eligibility or verification policy.
What could go wrong?
To list one potential problem among many, gang members will know that people staying in adjacent rooms, including vulnerable women and minor children, are in possession of these debit cards.
And potential card recipients will quickly learn who is in a position to make the decision of whether they can get a card.
Someone just posted on Twitter:
Eric Adams: “Why are they all coming to New York?”
Also Eric Adams: “Here’s a Free Hotel, Free Food and a Debit Card with Free Money”
I don’t know why my emoji did not show instead a wordpress link shows. Hmm.
I commented late evening yesterday here but my comment is not showing. I will comment again.
We are witnessing horrendous evil. We are temporarily stunned by this darkness. Do not give up hope. These devils have invaded the hearts and minds of the rich who lust constantly for more power. On one hand they are killing brown people all over the earth with missiles and bombs while on the other hand they are human trafficking them into the US to destroy the US. These demon men and women are also giving free untraceable debit cards to illegals in NYC. These debit cards are refillable up to $10,000 repeatedly. Children under 18 can have them, too. Watch NYC. Most likely, drug cartels will steal those untraceable refillable debit cards. What else are we supposed to think?
We see the demons are wrecking NYC purposely. This is gaining traction everywhere in every state. There is no one to vote for. Stop supporting their corruption. Turn to God. The demons are tearing down the very system they created -- fiat money -- while instituting innumerable other ways to destroy humanity and shapeshift the geography of the planet according to their whim. Can you see it yet? Everything they do is about destruction of humanity.
They want us divided. I will follow God. These dark souls will never see the Light. They will eternally sink down further into the gloomy pits of hell. Eternally.
Isaiah 5:20
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!