Screw muhammad and obama as well. I curse them both. I curse them again, just for the hell of it. Eradicate islam and every one of its ignorant followers.
Muhammad was an evil monster, a child molester, and a murderer, who has been responsible for inflicting oppression, destruction and death on on billions of people over fourteen centuries (so far).
But don’t curse his followers. His followers are his victims, no less so than the people who they torment. “They know not what they do.”
His followers have been led astray by the cult of Muhammad, doomed to misery and perdition by Islam’s lies. Most members of that cult were indoctrinated as children. Think of that, and think, “there, but for the grace of God, go I.”
So show mercy, as your Father in heaven has been merciful to you. Eradicate Islam, yes, but do so to free all of its victims, first among them those who’ve been led astray by its lies.
Screw muhammad and obama as well. I curse them both. I curse them again, just for the hell of it. Eradicate islam and every one of its ignorant followers.
Muhammad was an evil monster, a child molester, and a murderer, who has been responsible for inflicting oppression, destruction and death on on billions of people over fourteen centuries (so far).
But don’t curse his followers. His followers are his victims, no less so than the people who they torment. “They know not what they do.”
His followers have been led astray by the cult of Muhammad, doomed to misery and perdition by Islam’s lies. Most members of that cult were indoctrinated as children. Think of that, and think, “there, but for the grace of God, go I.”
So show mercy, as your Father in heaven has been merciful to you. Eradicate Islam, yes, but do so to free all of its victims, first among them those who’ve been led astray by its lies.