Tyranny in WNC

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24 days ago

If someone can get her in touch with me, I would be glad to provide professional input to battle against inappropriate actions by ‘agencies’. As a psychiatrist, I appreciate that there are people incapable of caring for their children, but i also know that a loving & supportive family can exist with limited housing! i was not abused as a kid spending 2+ weeks in a tent with my parents, the only difference was a camping trip, but the conditions were the same! Yes, it is less than optimal, but FAR MORE IMPORTANT is the loving support of family.
I am trying to sort out a camper that can handle winter so I can spend extended time. When up there I connected with docs around Swannanoa and there are clinics being established. I will be available to people there, and if someone I have seen needs to talk between trips when I am back in AL, the phone works!
David, please feel free to share the attached email with the person who made this video. I’m glad to do whatever I can.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
24 days ago

Who is running things there? What is going on that a woman previously in no trouble of any sort should be treated that way?

24 days ago

It ALL Depends upon Who is the Sheriff, and then Whom elects the Sheriff.
But “Polezi” can Easily become Bossy to Tyrannical if Not Restrained by Decency, or the Constitution, Neither of Which are Guaranteed by Anything other than the “Threat” of Inherent Rights.
Since that comment may seem “excessive” to some; Let me ask ….. “What” does this polezi person “Threaten” but the Use of Force ???
Force is good or bad only in the eye of the beholder. Let that sink in. Everyone thinks they are “In The Right”, and there are those who Relish in Enforcing “Their Rightness on Others = Tyranny.
“Live Free or Die” is not just a motto from our Revolution it is a Way of Life……..
which the “Authorities” Detest.
We have Lost So Much Liberty in this country, even in WNC, that It Seems to Be an Alien Concept to many/most.

23 days ago
Reply to  GenEarly

This is so true but you make one serious error, that of relativizing right vs wrong use of force. Moral absolutes exist, contrary to the absurdity of our age. To further expand all that .gov actually provides is a threat of force. They hold the stick, and as Scripture tells us, their duty is to restrain evil. While I appreciate the idea that libertarian/anarcho-capitalists have of “don’t hit don’t steal” the reality is also clearly laid put in Scripture. Back in Gen 3 we have The Fall -- Adam’s rebellion brought sin into the world. So we explicitly need God’s moral law as summarized in the 10 Commandments (6th includes :don’t hit,’ and the 8th don’t steal’), and we need the civil magistrate as enforcer. I hate it, but it is what it is.

The Utopian left always denies the reality of sin (& hence the need for restraining forces) which brings to mind the incredible ending of “Serenity” as Mal sends the broadcast out and tells the Operative “I’m not going to kill you, I’m going to give you your wish. I’m gonna show you a world without sin.” I hope this reference is not too obscure for readers here, if it is then catch up!

It is interesting that back when the most enlightened English-speaking Christian men in the world met @ the Westminster Assembly they clearly stated that the civil magistrate had the duty to uphold ‘true religion’ as had emerged out of the Reformation. The Americans removed this when they revised the Westminster Standards, but let us not forget: most of the original united States had specific requirements of Christian beliefs as citizenship / voting / office-holding tests. The 1st Amendment simply stated CONGRESS could not establish a PARTICULAR PROTESTANT DENOMINATION as the national religion. Ignorance of this, and rejection of the underlying principle, has directly led to this insane clown world. And that doesn’t even touch on ‘entanglements in foreign wars’ which the founders also abhorred.

Sorry for the soapbox, but we have tilted so far off axis, turning STATE into our God, who then claims more authority over children than their family has! O have seen enough victims of familial abuse of children, it is real. Yet living in temp emergency housing or having a verbal outburst are NOT grounds for State intervention.

22 days ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Your right on GenEarly, also when people were free to open carry, law enforcers treated people with respect as all were equal, remember the old saying “the one with the gun rules” Its a fact. So keep your gun handy to be free !

23 days ago

Wow. Someone needs to identify this idiot officer and his Sheriff and make them famous. I notice there was no husband or man around. I imagine this idiot would have had a different approach if there were.

23 days ago
Reply to  Bad_Brad

I thought the people of WNC would be tougher than that. Lot of tough talk. When the low IQ deputy shows up for the kids he should be met with 8 or 10 armed citizens saying Not today!
Better yet, the wordsmith above can talk him into changing his mind.

23 days ago
Reply to  DRenegade

What do you mean?

22 days ago
Reply to  WKBags

WK Bags your right that’s like when people gathered the wagons because the Indian’s were coming., but today people are brainwashed into “OBEYING” the”Authorities, who swore an oath of office to support AND defend the Constitution yet they violate that all the time. however what they don’t know it is against God’s word and the repercussions are really bad ,read in the Bible in Isaiah 10:1,2.That WOE is a curse on one who does such things AND will also face God at judgment also !

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
23 days ago

For anyone who is experiencing trouble with CPS or law enforcement regarding child welfare… immediately pack up and leave their jurisdiction. Leave the state out of their reach.

23 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: FEMA Official Ordered Relief Workers To Skip Houses With Trump Signs Nov 8, 2024  DailyWire.com

https://www.dailywire.com/news/exclusive-fema-official-ordered-relief-workers-to-skip-houses-with-trump-signs screen shots included for your pleasure…I saw Todd stearnes post this now, but send out to everyone!! Everyone should be enraged!! I have no doubt this happened in other places.