U.S. Warships Set for Cruise Missile Strikes on Syria


by Bill Gertz

Four U.S. Navy destroyers armed with land-attack cruise missiles are positioned in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea as President Barack Obama considers ordering attacks on Syria for using chemical weapons against civilians.

Pentagon officials said the naval power includes the guided missile destroyers USS Ramage, USS Mahan, USS Gravely, and USS Barry. At least one missile-firing submarine is also said to be in the region. Britain also reportedly has dispatched a missile-firing submarine to waters near Syria.

Potential targets of the strikes include chemical weapons sites and artillery rocket units.
The strategic intelligence firm Stratfor, in a military analysis of Syria options, said the Pentagon could use U.S.-based strategic bombers and B-1 bombers based at the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar for strikes.

“In such an operation, the United States would be able to carry out standoff attacks beyond the range of Syrian air defenses, while B-2 bombers could stealthily penetrate the Syrian integrated air defense network to drop bunker-busting bombs with minimal risk,” the analysis states.


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fed up
fed up
11 years ago

Why? and where is the declaration of war approved by congress? This could end very badly for the navy.