Ukraine Update: Truth Coming Out

It’s clear that there is an ongoing internal revolt in Europe by the last remaining sane faction against the hardliners pushing WWIII. This is evident by the fact that this entire pressure wave of ‘leaks’ suddenly coincided together from a variety of directions, which included Scholz himself outing British involvement in the war:

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

I was thinking the same thing… palace intrigue and infighting? The very damaging nature of the leaks says something… but why would the rags publish it?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

To know one in particular, just some thoughts i have as i see the many fronts that we are being attacked on.
Time will tell. i do not believe we can stop it. Yet we are supposed to speak up and reveal the deceit.
So many things coalescing on many different fronts. i cannot think all these things coming together at once are simply random or coincidence.
Figure out the why and what we have missed along the way and your view of this world and perhaps the next, can begin to clear.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

This is just one example. we see what the world is pushing with the c-lie-mate agenda. Some of us know that many of these people also know the Truth of the matter and what is really going on. Yet they are simply serving and planning for them selves. They are their own gods within the true temple of their selves , their hearts and their minds revolve around self! This to is an abomination!
This is what Creation and the cycle our Father provided for us.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago

This article here: Still bothered by, yet all is Good!
Perhaps now is the time to ask the Jewish question again. Let’s put it this way: The Jews wrote a book that says God chose the Jews. Should we take their word for it? Should we take this book as the word of God, or as the word of the Jews?
i disagree with the questions and the answers. Why?
Because i believe in the Bible and His Word. i have been led to see what the world has become and how this has happened. The Bible did not tell us that the Jews were the only ones chosen. The Bible did not give the Jews pardon to do what ever they saw fit, nor any one else! man did these things! man and His false interpretations may have caused these things. men who were not Baptised by His Holy Spirit! The world did what it did in 1948 causing a target to be put on that one spot! Holy land? Land is not Holy! You do not bow your head to a wall and stick notes in it to reach the Son, You can reach Him at any spot you are. These false thoughts and temples have spread throughout this world, once again! People have allowed themselves to be led astray for generations. i believe His Word i believe and Trust Mashiak only First and Foremost. Yes men have used and manipulated scripture for their own gain since He created them. They published the Bible yet there is Truth within it through Him! They (mankind) have changed, manipulated, added too, taken from, watered down, changed and manuevered for their gain words and punctuation of this Book. Yet the Truth remains, for those given to ‘Truly’ repent and be blessed by His Holy Spirit. Satan does not win. Never has,Never will. His ‘Yaweh ‘ (Pronounced Yahuah! His Word, His promise is not made up nor manufactured for one group to win, nor loose. Those who think all of Israel is evil is wrong, those who think they are special and or perfect are also wrong, those who think any one tribe should be or must be erradicated is wrong. Yet these things will of course happen!
i could go on yet i may already have went to far?

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Bing Videos What the war in Israel is telling us.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Roth- “So I ask this. If God is not the author of confusion, and the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, why is there so much confusion in Christianity?”
First of all Believe me i too do not have all the answers yet i will try.
The Bible is chalked full of these answers, and warnings that this is what would take place. He is not the author of this yet he warns us of all of this and that it will take place.
i feel i have been gifted with His Spirit yet i in no way would think nor say i am a saint. i do believe that leads to more problems.
Roth” The fact that there are so many interpretations proves it’s not.”
This proves what He said about stumbling stones being contained within scripture was True.
Roth- “Malachi 3:6 says, “I am the Lord, I change not.” 
Yes i see this a lot and the world uses it to their advantage. They take this as absolute and in no way does He change ‘anything.” Yet we know He has changed many things and ways in His guidance. He sent His Son, that was quite a change. He renewed the covenant for all men that would get it. And yes many do not get it, for what ever reason.
The Sermon on the mount is a great example of Him making some changes, needed changes.
i do appreciate your last paragraph and have seen you and others say this. Yet the extremist are out there and will be very difficult reaching them depending on how all this deciet is revealed through us and others. Our words do matter contrary to what some may think. His Word matters.
He gives us a choice all along the way, this is freedom. The Freedom He gives us is more important than the freedom this world and the worldly in it will ever have to offer.
The Bible clearly says we are to worship Him in Spirit. Much of the world still do not seem to grasp this in my opinion.
Thanks for talking to me and helping me also say these things, you help bring this out of me. His Glory not mine!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
11 months ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

i do see the confusion. His opposite is the one who brings confusion if we allow it. He warned us consistently of these things to put us on guard.
Absolute- He never changes in that He loves us. Just as a Father does! Did your earthly father ever change his ways with you to get you to see something more clearly?


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