Unanswered Questions

It’s been eleven days since I posted that, and no one’s answered it.
Not one single swinging Richard out there has even made even the lamest attempt.
Pussies as far as the eye can see.

Then comes the soopergenius corollary:
“Nobody in my state is dead. Let the healthy people go back to work!”
So riddle me the answer to this follow-up:

C’mon, now, I keep seeing metric fucktons of people yammering that this evil, fascist lockdown must end, because reasons.

Name them.
If you can answer either question above, you can show your work on how and why we should end the lockdowns.

How many people are you willing to kill?
Where’s the line in the sand where we finally hit too many dead?
Is it one?
Or shall we just leap straight to mass murder?
(Why should abortionists have all the fun, amirite?)
We’ve already equaled flu deaths for an average flu season and a half, in six weeks.
We did the deaths in an average flu season in just the last week.

So, do we admit re-opening without widespread testing is a major fuck-up at 50K dead?

New York was driving the bus on the last peak, and they’re the ones that ignored this until it bit their asses off.
So we should do 10, or 49, or 100 more peaks now, because people are getting antsy?

There’s no question jackholes have abused and exceeded both lawful authority and common sense, but is it okay to throw out not just the baby with the bathwater, but thousands to tens of thousands – or more – of grandmas and grandpas too? What about the people under 60 you’ll kill too? They don’t count either?

And who’s going to step up and say, “Hey, you had a good run, but I’ve got to be getting back to work, so fuck off and die.”?

Where in the Constitution is that power enumerated?
To whom?
“He shall, from time to time, write off vast swaths of the population, because their continued existence is inconvenient for their children and grandchildren…” appears in which Article?

My Declaration of Independence reads that the reason for any government is to secure the rights to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness“.
When did we make that first part optional, purely at the whim of the whiny?

When you’re willing to push people into the crematorium, where does that slippery slope end?
How did that work out with Madame Guillotine?

Are we just going to start calling these “240th trimester abortions”?

Asking for 5-10M friends and neighbors.

Personally, I think the tsunami of ass-headedness is going to guarantee this explodes again (and again, and again), and kills a metric fuckton more people, and the “End the lockdowns now!” crowd still won’t give a f**k.

Sociopathy is like that.

Time will tell if I’ve got that right too, but a wise man once said “It isn’t possible to underestimate the average intelligence of Americans.

Change my mind.


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4 years ago

More Aesop? Nah, he left the building during the Virginia Lobby Day fiasco and I don’t want him back. He’s one of those “hero” health care workers and he doesn’t want to lose that status. I refuse to read anything he writes these days.


a follower
a follower
4 years ago

i think Aesop may have went over the edge. He buys it all. What by the way is his answer? What does the great mind and all knowing Aesop think is the all around fix?
He cant see what the other hand is doing, He cant see the “cure is worse than the disease, he fails evidently to remember we were told every one will get this, regardless!
Does he believe the WHO? i just watched all of that collectivist show boating garbage from last night and guess what the WHO is Promising?
Dr. Tedros WHO
” We will not be defeated, we will ‘ensure’ This Never Happens Again!”
i call B.S> they do not even see how ridiculous they sound!
What about HIV, AIDS,EBOLA, Bird flu pig Flu,The common Flu (every known variation), Cancer,?
Have they ever ‘cured anything?
These people all sound maddddddd……

4 years ago

Aesop has left the building. Is he now allowing comments to his posts? A Democrat politician is far more deadly than any virus. This whole ordeal was meant to hurt the economy and thus hurt Trump. I believe the virus is bad, but mainly for people with pre-existing health problems and that is most of the older generation. America is quickly going full Commie and that is a death sentence.

4 years ago

Change your mind? I doubt anyone can … however, consider this:

Sweden Says Battling Coronavirus Without Destroying Economy Is Proving Effective as Numbers Stabilize … By Jim Hoft

Sweden did not shut down its economy as the coronavirus pandemic reached their shores.

Sweden says their approach to the pandemic starting to yield results.
They are actually seeing their numbers stabilize in the country.

Bloomberg reported:

Anders Tegnell, the architect behind Sweden’s relatively relaxed response to Covid-19, told local media the latest figures on infection rates and fatalities indicate the situation is starting to stabilize.

“We’re on a sort of plateau,” Tegnell told Swedish news agency TT.

Sweden has left its schools, gyms, cafes, bars and restaurants open throughout the spread of the pandemic. Instead, the government has urged citizens to act responsibly and follow social distancing guidelines.

Dr. Fauci was wrong every step of the way.
And America will pay for his garbage models and flawed predictions for years to come.


4 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Sweden increased their confirmed infected by 4% yesterday. They currently have a 10.7% CFR. The Swedish propaganda is one step below China.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Like I said above, I doubt any evidence will change the message of despair that you are so gleefully invested in.

Consider also this from the Times of Israel:

A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst and former general claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days and declines to almost zero after 70 days — no matter where it strikes, and no matter what measures governments impose to try to thwart it.


This evidence is clearly visible in the John Hopkins’ data for new infections as currently presented in log-normalized graph format by the Financial Times of London.

Scroll down to the graph titled “Several countries have turned the corner, with number of new cases now in decline”. Look at the 40 day and 70 day points on the x axis.


It’s the governments that have tyrannically locked down their population which will experience “rebound” re-infections once their people are released and begin to mingle again.

Sorry I visited and disturbed your narrative of doom.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Me too.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Per million How is Sweden doing compared of per million to the US?
Apples to apples?
Oh wait! More Guestimates by “Experts”
s there a way to calculate the true number of cases in Sweden?

It’s impossible to do an exact calculation, due to a limit on how many tests can be done in Sweden, and the fact that this is a new virus so scientists don’t know everything about how it acts yet.

That said, experts can make an estimate of how many cases there are in Sweden based on the data we do have, and randomised testing that has been carried out in Sweden.

Beaver 67,
i do not believe any of this will hurt Trumps re election, This has been his gig from the very beginning, he can not be touched. He will come out of this smoking,

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

Aesop comes off as nutty as the left, don’t ya think?
People who want and need to go back to work are compared to who?
Aesop continues his tirade & blows off about the constitution, never mind that Fema has now been turned on and so many of the Authoritarians admittedly have no clue what the Bill of Rights nor the constitution is even about!

And thank you David, for a place where some of us can at least blow off some steam and possibly convey some of our views and Truth as we have been given.