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- Sgt Schulz on Constitutional Carry Act
- Phil1350 on ICE Raids
- Phil1350 on ICE Raids
- 49%mfer on How Many More Are Like This Detailee?
- Thexrayboy on How Many More Are Like This Detailee?
We must Need More SuppreSSion, More Tyranny, More ProgreSSive Prodding. Please may We have More?
I just want to see the Righteous Indignation Ignite, otherwise it seems We will just Slumber into Oblivion.
It is clear to me that the current global political environment it an attack on Americans. Not would be Americans, not WOKE Americans, but traditional patriotic Americans who have way too long assumed that they would never lose their rights and their country. But here it is. I count myself among those patriotic Americans. Every policy and regulation instated is against this country and its people. The freeing of criminals foreign and domestic, disarming the American people, the orchestrated invasion of illegal immigrants by the thousands who are likely ill with COVID, the shortages of food and supplies, the mask mandates, threatened additional lockdowns, perhaps even digital money to replace the dollar…There’s almost too much evidence to mention. It’s clear and if we don’t see we don’t want to. If we do see we feel pressure to act but don’t know exactly what or how. We are the enemy my friends. We are labelled and targeted not the actual enemies of state. That group has taken over virtually EVERYTHING that otherwise might have been useful in our own defense. The Left communists/socialists etc are winning. We only have a handful of trustworthy leaders on the side of our Constitution and the “rule of law.” They have the weapons and have adjusted our founding documents to use in their own quest. Is there NO defense force for the USA and its identity as a free country. Yesterday I spend about an hour listening to Arpaio’s team revealing more evidence that Obama’s birth certificate is a FRAUD. We’ve duped for eons. And we bought it all in the name of going along to get along. We’re WAY beyond that now. We have been dumbed down and so have American children making them “equal” to immigrant children who do not even know the language. . Our culture is being completely destroyed. Sex, Cuomo and so many other distractions have side tracked our critical thinking abilities. I think upcoming elections are too little too late and cannot really be trusted. I pray there is some sort of low profile resistance but powerful and patriotic defenders doing much more than it seems. We need to be on OFFENSE not DEFENSE. God help us.
There is no place beyond the reach of determined men.
Hell shall be visited upon them, private islands or no.