Tell us something sapient Americans do not already know. Tell when you will do your job and hold them accountable.
David DeGerolamo
Tell us something sapient Americans do not already know. Tell when you will do your job and hold them accountable.
David DeGerolamo
Talk is Cheap
True, the only time Republicans actually do something is when they side with the Democrats on such issues as restricting our Right to be armed.
US Attorney General Barr Is A Joke Another TOTAL Waste of Tax Payers Money! Obama’s Administration, Hillary,Clapper,Brennan,Holder,Kerry,Comey,Mueller,Lynch,ETC. Are All GUILTY of HIGH Crimes And Treason! They Should All Be Put in “GITMO”! The Bottom Line NOTHING,NOTHING Will Happen To Any of Them And If,If It would The First Democrat President to get Into Office Would Pardon Them All!