Uss Liberty survivor tells his story of being attacked by Israel and watching them slaughter his friends
— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) October 27, 2024
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I would like to know Israel’s connection with 9/11.
Can we get public information on which representatives has signed a loyalty oath to Israel
The most comprehensive work on Israel’s connection in my opinion is the work by Christopher Bollyn. His work is online, his books are tremendous.
How about those in Congress that often visit the country or have dual citizenship? Just a thought
Read the book: SOLVING 9/11. It will give you a lot of food for thought.
Actually I posed the question to get people to think and contribute to the conversation AND THEN MOVE TO ACTION! What is action? calling your representative and ask them about the dual citizenship, American Israeli group that has EACH representative cell phone number and there is a pledge which the Israeli lobbyist asks each representative to sign. Has your representative signed it? Why?
My two senators here in the Gem State are bought-and-paid-for RINOS. The jury is still out on my congressman. Sad.
Its a rat bastard demonic nation with rat bastards in our government lying and deceiving the American people and this all goes back to Pearl Harbor as well with the rat bastard Roosevelt pulling the same lying stunt to get us into WW2 and he knew the attack was going to occur and he let it happen. He is in hades right now along with the rest of the other rat bastards waiting to be judged by Chorist and his Father.
WTH? I swear the whole region is all about death. The next time you hear a politician talking about sending money/arms to Ukraine or Israel or Iran call them out on it. Because next they come for our sons and daughters. No more American lives for foreign wars!!
If the point is Israel is not perfect, who is? Do we ever move past it? When has the United States ever been perfect? Is there ever to be forgiveness, and do we ever move on? Or do we stay locked in time always harboring this resentment? “United states “Civil war comes to mind.
In Babylon, world wide Babylon i see no perfect Tribe, shall we kill each other to cure the disease?
Yes, I am concerned with the trajectory. Then they came for the jews ?
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
—Martin Niemöller
So where are we now, and are YOU of they? Something is very wrong, and we who are few should know it and recognize it!
David, i remember when you seemed to understand this.
Sorry, what is your point, sir?
You might want to research Martin Niemöller and find out he was a noted Nazi, that after prison “redeemed” his antisemite actions with a post war poem.
He did NOTHING to defend those going to the camps in his life as a German.
Israel isn’t holy. God is Holy and has destroyed the chosen ones for sins several times in the bible. Restoring them ONLY After they repented.
And as even YOU HAVE SAID God uses evil humans to do His work. Babylon wasn’t exactly what I’d call “Holy”.
Maybe it’s time AGAIN for Israel to repent and seek Gods face and being the stubborn folks they are they require a national humbling again.
Matthew chapter 3 …8Produce fruit, then, in keeping with repentance. 9And do not presume to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 10The axe lies ready at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.…
My thought. Reconciliation takes place when true humility occurs.
In his letters Paul speaks of the lawless people, the scoffers, the indolent and the perverse and he says “have nothing to do with these”.
Individuals or nations? What nation does not contain those Paul mentioned?
Scripture says a tree is known by its fruit.
Please point out the “blessings and fruit ” of Israel.
Looking forward to your reply.
In knowing you are only setting me up, I suggest looking into this for yourself. Also check the same of Israel’s adversaries.
Wow the stanch defender of ….
Nothing it seems.
Or you know the answer doesn’t support your world view.
(((We))) are not your allies. (((We)))will attack your spy ships ,you goy fools cannot be trusted with information. So give (((us ))) all of your money and remember, (((we))) spy on you , not the other way around. Hoping you don’t forget the message from ’67
Makes ya wonder if all these misguided people are prepared to give back all (((they))) have taken since their countries beginnings. Many make fun of the left while acting just as deranged!
i pray for all even though i am angry.
But, but, but, but, but… the Jooooooos, weep-weep, sniff, sniff are our bestest of BFF’s in the entire world. (that money can buy that is). And without the Jooooooos, there would be no second temple (weep-weep, sniff--sniff) on the temple mount (where none ever existed before as we are again being duped by them). And without the Joooooooos there would be no war between Gog and Magog (a fiction of someone’s imagination two millennia ago).
Anyone get the picture now?
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