Van Jones Is Now Attacking Virginia Foxx

Rebuild the Dream

From Rebuild the Dream:

I don’t think I could be any more outraged right now: Congresswoman Virginia Foxx told a radio interviewer last week that she has “very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debt or even $80,000 of debt, because there’s no reason for that.”1

Oh really? So it’s my fault if I have student debt?

But Foxx isn’t just any member of Congress. She’s the CHAIR of the Higher Education & Workforce Training Subcommittee in the House. That’s right, she controls policy on the issue of student debt, and she thinks you’re a loser and a whiner if you have student loans.

Someone with Foxx’s extreme views has no business setting education policy. Speaker Boehner and the rest of Congress need to publicly denounce her remarks.

Click here to tell Speaker Boehner and members of Congress to denounce Rep. Foxx for her absurd remarks.

Foxx went on to say: “I went through school, I worked my way through, it took me seven years, I never borrowed a dime of money.” This was in 1968 at UNC Chapel Hill, when seven years of college cost about $46,100 TOTAL (adjusted for inflation). How much would her education cost now? $141,820. An in-state student at UNC Chapel Hill now pays triple what it cost when Foxx went to school. And, by the way, the minimum wage was 38% higher in 1968 than it is now, in inflation-adjusted dollars.2

What’s even worse is that Foxx sponsored the “Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act,” a bill to strip away federal regulation of for-profit colleges — colleges that notoriously prey on lower-income students, have disturbingly low graduation rates, and leave their students with higher-than-average levels of debt.3 And no wonder: Foxx’s top campaign contributors are the for-profit colleges themselves.4 Foxx needs to be put in check.

If you think that Rep. Foxx shouldn’t get away with her absurd remarks, add your name here.

We can’t let elected officials go scot-free with such ridiculous, out-of-touch views.

Be well,
Molly and the Rebuild the Dream team


National Center for Education Statistics: Average undergraduate tuition and fees, 1964-2007
National Bureau of Economic Research: The For-Profit Postsecondary School Sector
OpenSecrets: Virginia Foxx’s Top 20 Campaign Contributors

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Frank Livingston
Frank Livingston
12 years ago

Where in the Constitution Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-18 is it listed taxpayer dollars can be spent for student loans, grants, giveaways or whatever?
Van Jones is an admitted COMMUNIST and is a member of the Democratic Party and you know what makes up the Party don’t you?
The Democratic Party is filled with Radicals/Islamists/Communists/Socialists/Maxrists/Progressives/Liberals/Leftists/ Nazis/Fascist all bonded together by a single cause and that is to destroy capitalism and America. They are being supported by those in the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, media, CAIR and other radicals that support the destruction of America.
It’s all about spending money and we must never forget the new RINO Party, the Republican Party that is almost as bad as the Demos because “compromise” has us $15.4 trillion dollars in debt! When we have RINOs like Rep. Ellmers we will never get out of debt.

mariann christ
mariann christ
12 years ago

Obviously Ms Foxx was not a single parent with two kids in college and herself in graduate school. Some people have to borrow for school or they just don’t get to go!!! Both of my children and myself worked through college bit still needed student loans. With the poor job market, all three of us are struggling to pay back those loans now!!