I read a small piece concerning the 2024 elections where the premise was that more people have to vote to cancel the number of fraudulent votes. Where should I start?
- Voter fraud has been a successful means to sequentially steal elections since the second Obama election. The Kennedy administration was a fraudulent election but that is another story which will never be released. Trump won in 2016 because they underestimated the number of fraudulent votes necessary to cancel his landslide
- Why have we accepted voter fraud as a necessary evil in our elections? The consequences would be a trickle down of all federal agencies that would jeopardize our freedom, culture, religion, economy, justice system and national security. As we all know, “consequences” in the previous statement should be replaced with “validation of voter fraud”.
- If we accept the premise that voter fraud is now an integral part of our elections, why vote?
- If our “elected” officials were not part of this fraud, they would fix the system to ensure the security and sanctity of our elections.
- Our right to free and fair elections went out the window when the January 6th protesters became political prisoners of the current illegal presidential administration.
George Washington was asked why he fought against his government. He responded that he paid taxes to England but had no voice in how he was governed. Since he paid taxes with his labor (time) without any compensation, that time represented how much he was enslaved every day. Any part of your life that was enslaved, meant that he was still a slave. And he would fight for his Liberty and freedom against England.
How did we get to the point where people who work, pay over 50% of their wages (time) in taxes and regulatory fees to have their vote cancelled by our overlords? How did we get to the point where the national debt has enslaved our children and grandchildren? These questions have simple answers and we know what must be done. And we know that any acceptance of voter fraud is the same as acceptance of slavery: we have no representation and are vilified for speaking out against the evil which usurped the Republic.
David DeGerolamo
One of your best.
Thank you.
Questions of a critical nature, now. Answers exist, but I fear will not easily be obtained of our masters.
The road ahead is going to be difficult, as will our choices.
God bless.
Brilliant. These are points I have trying to drive home with “conservatives” until I’m blue in the face. They just don’t get it. Especially these jokers that call themselves conservative radio hosts. “ we have to turn out in such numbers that we overcome the margin of cheating”. If you admit that then you must admit the current system is irreparable.
The first order error is to ignore the fact that the system itself is not neutral. To assume the system exists to serve the people by providing a neutral forum for which their concerns can aggregate, be sorted, prioritized, and implemented.
The second order error is to assume that the factions within the system are rational actors who will prioritize their self interest in ways that can produce mutual benefits; that there is a cooperate-cooperate strategy in this prisoners dilemma. When in fact the factions repeatedly demonstrate that defect-defect is the equilibrium.
But again, to the first order, the system gets a “vote” too. Which is always to usurp the factions,, to propagate the legitimacy and power toward the purpose of the system which is to serve itself, the few who rise within it to harvest its stolen fruits.
To participate is to accrue validity to the system, to affirm its moral standing, to affirm the subordination of a factions self-interest to that of the sanctity of the System, and to attempt to “cooperate” in a defect-defect paradigm. Which of course lands that faction in jail. In current year, literally in some cases.
Yes, again TINVOWOOT there is not a political solution to this tyranny, to just keep doing what we are doing and hope for a different outcome is insanity. May God Almighty forgive us for our cowardice and apathy.
And people look at me like I’m the one who is nuts when I say I’d be willing to kill those who comprise govt, and remind them that it’s just made up of “people” who have bigger concerns than you and who can be broken.
People have been convinced that it is we the citizens who serve the government. Fedgov is leviathan, is bigger than life itself, so we have been told…
That is one of the roadblocks we face to overthrow this tyranny. The masses, the bulk of the population in fact, has been convinced we exist to serve them, instead of the other-way round. The concept of revolt is non-existent, never mind the will.
Hey noway2 give me a call
I think what he’s saying is Its shoowtin time!!!!
Reposting with proper credits.
I choose #4. Still vote: render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.
Seriously? Why pay taxes to an illegal regime which overthrew the Republic. How can people continue to pay high taxes when they cannot afford food and shelter? When the government takes your money and time for no representation, it is slavery. We sought divine Providence for our freedom in 1776. They would not render unto Caesar as slaves.