War Is Our Only Option

From a comment on NCRenegade:

Name one country that has achieved peace and harmony after a civil war.

Let us define the term civil war:

a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country

I will name one country: the united States of America. I used the proper spelling as was written in the Declaration of Independence. The founding fathers understood the problems of a strong central federal government (federacy) vs. the power of the people organized into strong states’ overseeing the central government (confederacy). This is why they used “u” instead of “U” in the Declaration of Independence.

We have three options to consider “remediating” tyranny in the United States:

  1. Alien invasion.
  2. Earth shifting on its axis.
  3. War

I am a practical man so obviously options 1 and 2 will not be discussed further. Option 3 is either a civil war or a world war. The traitors who overthrew the Republic are pushing a world war. We can only speculate why they want a scorched earth option of our country. Civil war or world war both require blood and treasure. In the case of a civil war, there will be more blood than treasure (not that there is much treasure left to our bankrupt country).

I am not trying to marginalize the comment. I do not want to fight. I did not buy my first firearm until I was 53 years old. Now I am a registered NRA instructor with a firing range at the community center. The peace that we all seek will only come at the barrel of a gun because Communists rule the country.

People can discuss our options at great length or on a keyboard BUT we all know what is coming (or already here). Apathy, propaganda and greed allowed our Liberty to be stolen. George Washington was in a meeting before the Revolutionary War where the principals were deciding on whether to petition King George again for redress of grievances. He replied “The time for petitions is over”. We do not even petition our usurpers in Washington, D.C. in our surrender.

I wrote an article in 2012 asking why we were not out in the streets. At that time, our national debt was $15.5 trillion or half of what it currently is ($32.69 trillion). I cannot quantify our loss in Liberty since 2012 as we no longer have a Republic. I will not provide a list of grievances or any options to petition traitors.

I will make a statement that will offend many people (something that I seem to do regularly). There is no option to restore Liberty that does not include bloodshed. The amount of patriot blood that will be shed is much more than what would have been shed in 2012. Unfortunately, the evil that we must fight may be insurmountable at this time. Blood shed will not necessarily restore Liberty. It may restore some of our nation’s Sacred Honor but if we lose, that will be a pyrrhic victory.

I do not think it is a breach of operational security to tell those of us who have honor and a firm reliance on Divine Providence that we have no choice other than to fight evil.

David DeGerolamo

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

I too believe you are correct.
The peaceful solutions are being removed as options. Those in charge will not cede power willingly; they’ll hang for what they’ve done.
I will abide until the time for me is right. I understand your frustration, I’m sorry I don’t have any advice for you and your situation.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Agree 100%, it is way past time to petition the communist regime, we have run out of options in my opinion. I did not answer the person who was asking this to me in my comments, it would have been non gratis.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

As to option 2, it would be a life ending disaster, the ground worldwide would be liquefied.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

“petition the communist regime”, seriously?
You don’t petition Communists, you Kill them. And you kill their children and grandchildren as a matter of principal.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Vail

I agree with you.

1 year ago

Here is a speech from Winston Churchill that describes our current situation.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate, you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

1 year ago
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

i believe we are and have always been in a war. Fighting evil has always been the call. The discussion i was having , you have taken out of context and made it something it was not.
Making it hot as the only possible option is what evil desires.
The civil war did not bring peace and harmony. The war with Britain did not bring any long lasting peace and harmony.
i do not believe the Master promised us a bed of roses while on this earth. He tells us and shows us the direction this world is heading. Bloodshed will not guarantee any of you freedom and or liberty. Only His bloodshed has secured this for those willing to understand.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

‘One’ way is what i take exception with. Most of us understand there are many facets of war, many ways to wage war, many fronts to war. This constant onslaught of one way (the barrel of a gun) is a little to communist in itself.
i do not deny the gun will be used, and has been used in correct ways. i see it coming also, yet it is not the only way.
Until then we still stand up and wage war on evil in many other Worthwhile ways!
we are to fight evil each and every day, (many ways.) Not one way.
Sin is evil, perhaps if we fight sin every day we too are fighting evil?
This is what i was trying to get across.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Full Content of only one comment, from a longer discussion.
“Name one country that has achieved peace and harmony after a civil war.
You keep side stepping the conversation at hand.
Your ‘one’ solution for the collective is what i take issue with. There are many ways to wage war, not just one.”
In addition:
There are many ways to wage war, not just one
There are many ways to wage war, not just one.
“There are many ways to wage war, not just one.”

Recruiting tactics need refined: This onslaught irks me to no end. And both sides use it.
Here are your choices and i am the one telling you what your choices are:
You are a coward if you are not….
How do you look at yourself in the mirror if you do not….
Do not let your children burry a cowards bones……
Coercive tactics do not set well with me….

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Also , i do thank you and all others for their efforts. we do need a place to air these things out and possibly connect with each other.
Hope you all have a good and productive day.

1 year ago

This is a response to the “there is only one way” thesis.
Before retiring from an international industry, I was involved in a conference that included a speaker from France during that dark period a few years ago when Americans developed a hatred for the French and changed the name of a popular food from French Fries to Freedom Fries. I’m sure you remember that period. During his short trip over for the conference, we ended up escorting our friend around because of threatening behavior toward him due to his heavy French accent. How ignorant was that??!! I would never have believed Americans would act that way if I hadn’t seen it first hand.
We would do better to study how the French people conducted their war of attrition behind the scenes during WWII and start applying some of those tactics. America seems to be ‘occupied’ by the Deep State in much the same way as France was occupied by the Germans -- less overt perhaps, at least so far. It certainly seems like the situation is getting worse.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

If you read the Bible, throughout it’s history his chosen people had to fight evil, today is no different. As David stated, before the communist coup no other country enjoyed what the founding of this country has by grace from God almighty.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Did our Savior and the disciples wage war on evil?
Seems to me The chosen people as a rule did not follow as directed, and were under constant correction.

1 year ago

There are a few other tactics the .0001% are itching to deploy:
5G Network #1 -- Activate injected nano-tech inside of everyone (remember, the C19 injections are contagious. See Dr. Ana Mihalcae’s work on Substack.com and the documentary on Rumble.com called “Died Suddenly”) for hive mind control or death from hydrogel blocked veins and arteries.
5G Network #2 -- Do a Wuhan. Blast the 5G transmitters at 60GigaHertz and stop the ability of mammalian red blood cells to uptake oxygen molecules… terminal hypoxia will cause a massive reduction in the population in minutes.
5G Network #3 -- After 3 months and multiple blog requests -- no one has debunked the Dept of Homeland Security Zombie Preparedness Training info. Pulse the 5G transmitters at 18 GigaHertz three times, one minute apart. This is supposed to activate an injected (or contaminated?) nano-device inside our bodies. This activation will then remove the 1P36 Gene throughout the body, ultimately causing a prion (brain) disease type meltdown of the frontal cortex… leaving the person insane with a propensity to bite.
From my “Summary of Injection Ingredients & Possible Remedies:”

  • The 5G Activated Zombie Component – This comes from attorney Todd Callender (The Prather Point podcast). It is supported by a leaked recording of a Department of Homeland Security Zombie Hazard Command meeting on past zombie outbreaks and how future ones will be handled. You have to decide how much credence to give this. Mr. Callender is stating that the injection’s lipid hydrogel structures that are currently in the C19 injections contain dormant “chimeric” (many combined into one) pathogens created by modified eColi-Marburg, Ebola-Staphylococcus, Brewers Yeast, etc.

When activated by 5G frequency 18 Gigahertz pulsed three times for 1 minute, these structures open, and release the nano-pathogen that will cause people’s frontal brain lobes to be destroyed and to be compelled to bite. The execution of this activation also includes a genetic deletion called The “1P36 deletion” which guarantees that the injected and pulsed will turn into zombies.
For background on this heinous US DoD & DHS military action against the people of the world:
“ConPlan 8888” Stratcom (2011) describes five types of zombies; FEMA has broadcast Zombie commercials (I don’t have a TV so I’ve never seen one, and every level of government has completed their Zombie Apocalypse training. CDC has had it’s Zombie Apocalypse preparedness website up for about five years now and has reduced it to a cartoon presentation (I archived this in 2020). Amazon website contract (AWS) Article 41-43 indemnifies Amazon under a Zombie Apocalypse; Pfizer’s #1 Serious Adverse Event is the “1P36 Gene deletion” which eliminates the frontal cortex and leaves the person with a compulsion to bite (this I need to see; the Adverse Event lists in the court-ordered monthly FDA data dumps include over 1,300 types of physical harms and no one has mentioned this yet. Originally this “zombie” disease was a congenital condition, so how is it suddenly an adverse event from a ‘vaccine’?
The Virus (I don’t personally believe in Germ Theory or Viruses) – The “Zombie Hazard Command” meeting lists a virus that has been identified and named Crypto Neurop Vulgaris (CNV); funny how the genus is the same as the immortal freshwater organism “Hydra Vulgaris” found by Dr. Carrie Madej in the C19 injections in 2021. CNV has been identified as a retrovirus and there is no cure. Prions are involved in the “infections process” and yes, prions have been found in the C19 injections too… The only person the Zombie Hazard Command has to study is the scientist involved in the research who is expected to die. I want someone to tell me that all of this is a crock of shit and totally not real and for them to be right.

Note: If this has any truth to it, more ammunition and a long knife will probably be must have’s. I find the whole thing depressing. We could survive almost anything if our local law enforcement and national guard will coordinate with us and protect us. But this? All bets are off and it would be disgusting on top of that.
The minute we the people resort to violence -- it is going to be game on for the satanists. Do the folks here who believe we are not going to win without violence, understand that this is just a tiny short list of the possible technology that is waiting to annihilate us if we give them an excuse?
Not to mention the organized crime groups who have already staked out what areas they want to control when the government tanks.
The Active Denial System (ADS) alone could stop thousands from moving forward across it’s broadcast area.
I hope whoever is pushing for an open fight, is ready for the technology they will be facing…
What I want is phone trees and folks with guns who will get moving FAST when called -- to stop people from being taken from their homes and put in the Readiness Exercise 1984 Concentration Camp network. That is something I am afraid we are going to need. Go to Archive.org and watch The Globalist Purge -- 3 part series…

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Do you think various scans are, or might become weaponized such as mammograms for women, etc.? Covid-19 was reportedly triggered in many women after receiving a mammogram during the pandemic. What might be the activating mechanism?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

It’s related because it involves radiation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Z-la if your invoking radiation and feminism you might want to get off your cellphone and computer keyboard.

Far more yearly accumulated radiation from them than even a quarterly mammogram.

Where do you keep that cellphone when you’re not using it? Hip pocket next to your ovary’s or tucked in the bra as many I see locally doing.

Using square root reduction of radiation hazard math anywhere closer than a foot of your body is a radiation threat. If you’re fussing about that.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Name calling: That is your go too.
Good job, you are very consistent.

1 year ago

Follower why did you post this? Did someone hijack your normally thoughtful screenname?

Disapointing as it creates nothing but shitkicking among the folks here.

Satan and the 3 letter agencies would be proud of creating even more discord.

I’d be interested in your supporting scriptures for this behavior.

Mine is Ephesians 5:4Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving.

1 year ago

Who voted for this?
Who told Joe to do this?
I am not voting.

“A report by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) notes that the Biden administration has given $2.35 billion to Afghanistan over the past two years, despite the fact that it is now ruled by the Taliban again following the disastrous U.S. withdrawal in 2021.”

Keep shopping America!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Who in the biden cabal authorized the billions in debt bucks to the Afghanis/Taliban ? Stop with the generalizations i.e., “…the biden administration has given $2.5 billion…..” Name names. There are hundreds upon hundreds ot Amerikan traitors just in the White House alone.

Stop with the non-identification of WHO specifically is the culprit(s). The generic “administration” is crap. Who signed the check ?

Name names !

1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3two

Hope you are able to read who in this detailed report. All you had to do was look it up. You want to be fed pablum. Look and research.

1 year ago
Reply to  Delta3two

Learn to research
John F. Sopko was sworn in as Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on October 2, 2012. SIGAR is headquartered in Arlington, VA; has an office in Kabul, Afghanistan; and has a field presence in multiple locations throughout Afghanistan

bob t
bob t
1 year ago

… But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security..
.This is an excerpt from We The People’s Declaration of Independence ..this was written by men far the more blessed with wisdom and education than all the 435 criminals combined. I guess you could sort out a short bus out of herd .What we have here is a failure to call to account those who are involved in this cabal of evil , who have already drawn 1st blood .Words are many and key boards clack , we stand between eternities long road which doesn’t seem so long now .for ours lies at the door . It is time to decide whether one will knell down lick the boots of our oppressors or stand and answers Liberties call . We are the sons of the King and will bow no knee but to our King Jesus . We are Duty bound by sacred Oath to defend this Republic ..Decide whom this day you serve and step into Eternity .

1 year ago

The War of 1860 was NOT a Civil War by definition -- 2 or more factions fighting over the same territory. The South wanted to part ways with the North, so more of a failed War of Southern Independence.
What most call the Revolutionary War was a true Civil War. Loyalists and Colonials fighting over the same territory. Neighbors versus neighbors. Ben Franklin’s own son was a Loyalist. After the war, many of the Loyalists moved to the various British islands or Canada.

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
1 year ago

I agree 100% but will we do when the deep state ‘takes out’ Donald Trump? You and I know it is coming if they cannot o[pout him in jail.

1 year ago

No normal sane rational person wants war as a solution to the problems being created by the left. And the left COUNTS ON THAT FACT. They believe that given the choice between the horrors of war and the loss of freedom most people will do ANYTHING to avoid war…including allowing them the criminals in power to ascend to absolute power. And so far the left has been correct about that assumption. And the ugly reality is we truly only have two choice. Surrender or massive horrific violence on a scale not seen on this continent since the 1860’s…if then.

1 year ago

“There is no option to restore Liberty that does not include bloodshed.” TRUE.

1 year ago

We are not the same people as in the time of our founding fathers. We are not even the same people who some (including me) still called The Greatest Generation.
The entire west is not the same.
We are now the people who will gladly give up our liberty and personal responsibility for government enslavement and control. A people who let fear run their thinking and who have forgotten who they are.
Been a long slide down to get where we are today.
Changing the mindset of a people who have been conditioned and programed to believe in the almightly state to keep them safe and healthy and to tell them what to do, believe and think will take time.
Courage to take a stand takes time. In the last few years not many in the professions that could actually do something took a stand. For what ever reasons they cowered and still cower today.
Don’t believe it will be in my lifetime.
Think it will have to get incredibly bad for the generations to come for men to become strong men again and women to become strong and support their men again.
My apologies, I am no writer.Thank you both for your writings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guest

True. Excellent points.


[…] my article on war being our only […]

1 year ago

I totally and sadly agree. There’s no other way that I can see to even have a chance, be it slim, at restoring or recreating our country as it was initially intended.