War Is Their Only Objective

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Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
7 months ago

“…NATO will fight Russia until it is totally defeated!”

Which will be totally defeated, NATO or Russia?

Roth Harbard
7 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

NATO. No question. Can’t come soon enough.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
7 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

The absolute arrogance of this silly woman is astounding. NATO will be defeated because it is a piss-poor alliance of unserious countries who lack the stocks of weaponry needed for a major war (they frittered away much of what they did have already on the Ukie disaster) and personnel (since the US was always going to be the major supplier of troops, and their recruitment is in the toilet these days) to fight such an engagement. Even with an attempt -- which will undoubtedly be made -- at resorting to conscription, the US will be found to be a big talker with little actual juice to back up it’s threats.

As for Estonia and it’s little miss sassy pants PM, they will be crushed if they foolishly decide to go head to head with Russia. They are a gnat on a horses hind side due to their small size and population, and will be easily made an example of, being directly adjacent to Russia.

The Estonian PM is clearly counting on the FUSA to do the heavy lifting and have their back, which is grotesquely stupid as things stand now, because the FUSA can no longer be trusted to deliver on such commitments. It will cut and run ala Afghanistan when it finally realizes -- far too late, of course -- that it is going to be wrecked by it’s unchecked hubris.

The damage both in loss of life, and in public perception, will be many times worse than what caused the appetite for continuing in Vietnam to be lost, and the outcome will be similar, but much worse. Bit players like Estonia who postured and ran their mouths off expecting “Mister Big Shot America” to cover their butts will be left twisting in the wind.

It is truly remarkable (and not in a good way) to witness this history being written in real time. How the western powers collectively, all of which have succumbed to stupid social degeneracy, while destroying their own industrial base capacity and the willingness of it’s citizenry to go to war on it’s behalf, expect to pull this off would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. They really think they’ve got this, but anyone being honest about the state of things can see they don’t, and in fact can’t.

Alan Brown
Alan Brown
7 months ago

NATO wants to fight Russia? Y’all go right ahead. Let us know when you’re finished. We’ll be waiting right here.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
7 months ago
Reply to  Alan Brown

AB-Not enough of us died with the Covid-Bio Weapon and the World Pop is waking up and the WEF-Chinese-Bankers grow impatient so they must sacrifice the Future which means our children via conscription! Look at the European Countries now talking draft…do you think the US is far behind? They plan of killing the Europeans through Russia, the Americans via Isra-Hell & Middle East and the remaining US pop via Sleeper Illegals here at home! So we cant have a younger pop fighting on the home front so they must draft them for export…this way the Chinese & Sleeper Cells have carte blanche at home!

7 months ago

Makes perfect sense

7 months ago

Well Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia, black-mailable Fool Tool and beholden and owned by the diabolical Ruling Class families and their constant need for blood sacrifice rituals, constant murders and burnt offerings and non-stop horrors, trauma, creating constant fear and terror as they sit at the round-table conjuring up nightmares and everything UN-Holy, pack YOURSELF up and MARCH YOURSELF to the FRONT of the BATTLE and BEGIN FiGHTING, KAJA KALLAS. YOU, KAJA KALLAS ARE GIVEN ORDERS to show up physically, now, and begin fighting…..remember, Kaja Kallas, your speech for cheerleading more war…Walk YOUR Talk!

kal kal
kal kal
7 months ago

Idiot NATO, vassal clowns to the US, don’t think they (EU) realize in order to maintain USD homogeny, they will be the cannon fodder for this useless and unwinnable war against Russia. First the US hamstrung Germany’s industry by destroying the Nordstream, now we will bury the economies with small tactical nuclear waste and the loss of a couple generations. Meanwhile the american administration assists the WEF with its plans for global domination.

Last edited 7 months ago by kal kal